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Joshua Roskos edited this page Mar 25, 2020 · 1 revision


First, it is strongly recommended that you delete these log files after downloading them. However, we also understand that we are all humans and things get missed. With that said, you can use the following Extension Attribute to determine the number of attachments for each computer record. In this case, we'll also configure a smart group to look for any devices with greater than 0 attachments.

Create the Extension Attribute

  1. In Jamf Pro, go to Settings > Computer Management > Extension Attributes
  2. Create the Extension Attribute
    • Click New
    • Enter a Display Name such as File Attachments
    • Enter a Description such as Reports on the number of file attachments attached to each device record
    • Select a Data Type of Integer
    • Select your preferred Inventory Display option
    • Select a Input Type of Script
    • Copy and paste the script from here
    • Update variables on Lines 3-5
    • Click Save
  3. Done!

Create Extension Attribute

Please note: This EA does require the use of the API and as we can not configure Encrypted Strings for EA's without also embedding those pieces in the EA, this example is in plain text. However you can checkout our FAQ section for also encrypting your variables using base64.

Smart Group Criteria

Now that we have our extension attribute setup. We'll need to give it time to run, but we can also get our Smart Group setup to identify computers that have attachments using the below criteria.

And/Or Criteria Operator Value
File Attachments more than 0

Pro Tip: Use email notifications for changes to smart group membership to know when a log file has been uploaded!

If you are an organization that uses attachments for other things, such as an acceptance policy, purchase orders, etc. you can increase the number here to remove those from reporting.

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