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ASP.NET Core & Vue.js Starter and Signal R

Starter Template for ASP.NET Core and Vue.JS (Vue) - with Webpack (with HMR), Web API, Vuex state manangement and other best-practices baked in!


  • ASP.NET Core 2.2
    • Web API
  • VueJS 2
    • Vuex (State Store)
  • Webpack
    • HMR (Hot Module Replacement/Reloading)
  • Bootstrap 4



clone the project

// Make sure you install the dependencies npm install

Now you can open the project via Visual Studio or VSCode, press F5 to run the application!

## Start the application:
You have two choices when it come at how your preffer to run it. You can either use the command line or the build-in run command.

### 1. Using the command line
Run the application using `dotnet run` or `npm run dev`
- note `dotnet run` should be run in `Development` environment for hot reloading. This setting can be set either within the command line or via the `launchSettings.json` available in the `Properties` folder.

### 2. Using the built-in run command
Run the application in VSCode or Visual Studio 2017 by hitting `F5`.

## View your application running
When running the app using debug menu or `F5` VS open auto the app in the browser;


# Demo of Application Running