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113 lines (68 loc) · 3.31 KB

File metadata and controls

113 lines (68 loc) · 3.31 KB

This project adds CoffeeScript support to the vim editor. Currently, it supports almost all of CoffeeScript's syntax and indentation style.


Installing and Using

  1. Install tpope's pathogen into ~/.vim/autoload/ and add the following line to your ~/.vimrc:

     call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()

    Be aware that it must be added before any filetype plugin indent on lines according to the install page:

    Note that you need to invoke the pathogen functions before invoking "filetype plugin indent on" if you want it to load ftdetect files. On Debian (and probably other distros), the system vimrc does this early on, so you actually need to "filetype off" before "filetype plugin indent on" to force reloading.

  1. Create, and change into, the ~/.vim/bundle/ directory:

     $ mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
     $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
  2. Make a clone of the vim-coffee-script repository:

     $ git clone git://
     $ ls

That's it. Pathogen should handle the rest. Opening a file with a .coffee extension or a Cakefile will load everything.


  1. Change into the ~/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/ directory:

     $ cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script
  2. Pull in the latest changes:

     $ git pull

Everything will then be brought up to date.

Compiling a CoffeeScript Snippet

The CoffeeCompile command can be used to peek at how the current file or a snippet of CoffeeScript would be compiled to JavaScript. Calling CoffeeCompile without a range compiles the entire file:


and shows an output like:


Calling CoffeeCompile with a range, like in visual mode, compiles the selected snippet of CoffeeScript:

CoffeeCompile Snippet

and shows an output like:

Compiled Snippet

The command can also be mapped to a visual mode key for convenience:

vmap KEY :CoffeeCompile<CR>


These customizations can be enabled or disabled by adding the relevant let statement to your ~/.vimrc.

Compile the current file on save

To compile the current file at each save, set:

let coffee_compile_on_save = 1

This just calls coffee -c on the file, so make sure coffee is in your $PATH. Currently, no compiler output or errors are shown.

Disable trailing whitespace error

Trailing whitespace is highlighted as an error by default. This can be disabled with:

let coffee_no_trailing_space_error = 1

Disable trailing semicolon error

Trailing semicolons are also considered an error. This can be disabled with:

let coffee_no_trailing_semicolon_error = 1

Disable reserved words error

Reserved words such as function and var are highlighted an error in contexts disallowed by CoffeeScript. This can be disabled with:

let coffee_no_reserved_words_error = 1