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kd8bxp committed Apr 10, 2014
1 parent a899b6c commit 8874fec
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Showing 12 changed files with 6,147 additions and 0 deletions.
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions aprs.php
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@


//APRS script Version 13b modified Mar 30, 2014
require ('functions.php');
include ('tmhOAuth.php');

echo "Script Start: " . date("D M d, Y @ h:i a") . "\n";

$icheck = pingDomain("");
if ($icheck == '-1') {echo "$linebreak - Error - Probably NO or VERY SLOW internet connection\n\n"; exit();}

include ('variablesetup.php');

if ($debug == '1') {echo "Current Script: aprs.php $linebreak";}

echo "$linebreak You have " . $count . " call signs listed $linebreak";
echo "Working....";

$locationarr = getaprs($locapi);
$locationsub1 = $locationarr['entries'];
$locationcount = count($locationsub1);

if ($debug == '1') {echo "locationarr = "; print_r($locationarr); echo "locationsub1 = "; print_r($locationsub1); echo "locationcount = $locationcount=\n";}

for ($counter1=0; $counter1<=($locationcount)-1; $counter1+=1) {

$loc[$counter1]['name'] = $locationsub1[$counter1]['name'];
$loc[$counter1]['lat'] = $locationsub1[$counter1]['lat'];
$loc[$counter1]['lng'] = $locationsub1[$counter1]['lng'];
$loc[$counter1]['comment'] = $locationsub1[$counter1]['comment'];

if (array_key_exists('speed', $locationsub1[$counter1])) {$loc[$counter1]['speed'] = $locationsub1[$counter1]['speed'];}
else {$loc[$counter1]['speed'] = '0';}

if (array_key_exists('altitude', $locationsub1[$counter1])) {$loc[$counter1]['altitude'] = $locationsub1[$counter1]['altitude'];}
else {$loc[$counter1]['altitude'] = '0';}

$loc[$counter1]['lasttime'] = $locationsub1[$counter1]['lasttime'];

if ($dispurl == '1') {$aprsloc = '' . urlencode($locationsub1[$counter1]['name']); $urldisp = file_get_contents
else {$urldisp = ' ';}

$loc[$counter1]['url'] = $urldisp;


if ($debug == '1') {echo "*Debug: loc from line 43"; print_r($loc);}

echo "Grabbed APRS Locations Data....";

echo "You have $locationcount sources total. $linebreak";
echo "Working....";

for ($counter1=0; $counter1<=($locationcount)-1; $counter1+=1) {
if ($loc[$counter1]['lasttime'] > $check1) {$big = $counter1; $check1 = $loc[$counter1]['lasttime'];}

if ($big === NULL) {echo "Already Updated via APRS sources$linebreak"; include ('end.php'); exit();}

echo "Using APRS....".$linebreak."Working....";
$counter1 = $big;
$source = strtoupper($loc[$counter1]['name']);
$timecheck = date ("M d", $timedate);
$comment = $loc[$counter1]['comment'];

if ($debug == '1') {echo "Variables if APRS is being updated\ncounter1 = $counter1, source = $source, lat = $lat, lon = $lon, speed = $speed, timedate = $timedate, timecheck = $timecheck, comment = $comment \n";}

$lookup = 'select * from geo.placefinder where text="'.$lat.','.$lon.'" and gflags="R"';
$json = file_get_contents(''.urlencode($lookup).'&format=json');
if ($debug == '1') {echo "$json \n";echo "url =".urlencode($lookup)."&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=place\n";}
$add = json_decode($json, TRUE);
if ($debug == '1') {print_r($add);}
$addy = $add['query']['results']['Result'];
$street = $addy['line1'];
$zipcode = $addy['postal'];
$city = $addy['city'];
$state = $addy['statecode'];
$status = $street . ' ' . $city . ', ' . $state . ' ' . $zipcode;
if ($debug == '1') {echo "Yahoo Address: Line 145: $status $linebreak";}

$fields = "$lat,$lon&limit=1&v=20130101";
$url= $fsapi . 'venues/search?ll=' . $fields . '&oauth_token=' . $fstoken;
$venue = getfoursq($url);
$names = $venue['response']['venues']['0']['name'];
$locations = $venue['response']['venues']['0']['location'];

$city = $locations['city'];
$state = $locations['state'];

$status = "$names, $city, $state";

if ($speed <= '8') {$status = 'Near ' . $status; include ('foursquare.php');} else {$status = 'Passing ' . $status; $xxl = comment($comment);}

echo "Working.....";

if ($debug == '1') {echo "Variable Dump for Disptemp of script: zipcode = $zipcode, checksum2 = $checksum2 $linebreak";}

if ($usunits == '1') {
$speed= $speed*.621371192 . ' MPH';
else { $speed=$speed . ' KPH'; }

$distance = mb_substr($distance, 0, strpos($distance, '.')+4);
$distance = round($distance,1 );
$speed = round($speed, 2);

if ($usunits == '1') {
$distance = $distance . ' Miles';
$speed = $speed . 'mph';
else {
$distance = $distance . ' Km';
$speed = $speed . 'kph';

if ($debug == '1') {echo "*Debug: After Convertion to U.S. units Distance= $distance, Speed = $speed $linebreak";}

echo "$linebreak Building Status Updates......";
echo "Working....";

$urldisp = $loc[$counter1]['url'];

echo "Almost Done....$linebreak";

$geostatus = "&long=" . $lon . "&lat=" . $lat;

//if ($currentdate == $timecheck) {
echo "$linebreak Sending Data to networks.... $linebreak";
echo "$status $linebreak $linebreak";

//Think this is where $status should be checked for 140ch or more

$status = "$source $status $urldisp #APRS $version";

echo "\n\n$status";

if ($debug == '1') {echo "Variable dump after The Almost Done part of script: urldisp = $urldisp, geostatus = $geostatus, currentdate = $currentdate, timecheck = $timecheck, status = $status $linebreak";}

$tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array(
'consumer_key' => $twitterapikey,
'consumer_secret' => $twitterapisecret,
'token' => $twitteraccesstoken,
'secret' => $twitteraccesssecret,

echo "\n\ntwitterapikey = $twitterapikey\ntwitterapisecret = $twitterapisecret\ntwitteraccesstoken = $twitteraccesstoken\ntwitteraccesssecret = $twitteraccesssecret\n\n";

$xml = $tmhOAuth->request('POST', $tmhOAuth->url('1.1/statuses/update'), array('status' => $status,
'long' => $lon,
'lat' => $lat

echo "$xml \n\n";

//$xml1 = json_decode($xml, TRUE);

if ($debug == '1') {echo "*Debug: variable dump after update to twitter XML = $xml, Decode = $decode $linebreak";}

$flagprofile = '1';


include ('end.php');

124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions arn2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
//Repeater Database from APRS -> Provided by repeater Database <-
//limitations - Jun 22, 2010 - No way to remove closed repeaters as of yet & IRLP & Echolink nodes not yet sent. Still very much a work in progress
//Script Version 8.01 APRS2Twitter Script v10.00b

if ($debug == '1') {echo "Current Script: ARN2.PHP $linebreak";}

if ($arnband2 == '1') {$band = $band . '144%2C';}
if ($arnband4 == '1') {$band = $band . '440%2C';}

if ($arradius2 <=9) {$arradius2 = '10';}

$arndistance = distance($dlat, $dlon, $lat, $lon);

if ($usunits == '1') {$arndistance = $arndistance * .621371192;}
if ($arndistance <= $arnradius) {echo "Not out of radius $linebreak"; $checks4 = $line4[0].','.$line4[1]; return;}

$chklat = $line4[0];
$chklon = $line4[1];

if ($chklat == NULL) {$chklat = '0';}
if ($chklon == NULL) {$chklon = '0';}

$arndistance = distance($chklat, $chklon, $lat, $lon);

if ($usunits == '1') {$arndistance = $arndistance * .621371192;}
if ($arndistance <= $arradius2) {
echo "Not out of radius $linebreak"; $checks4 = $chklat.','.$chklon;

$xy = convertdegrees ($lat, $lon, 1);
$dmslat = $xy[0];
$dmslon = $xy[1];

if (mb_substr($dmslat,0,1) == '-') {$arnlat = mb_substr($dmslat, 0, 8);} else {$arnlat = mb_substr($dmslat, 0, 7);}
if (mb_substr($dmslon,0,1) == '-') {$arnlon = mb_substr($dmslon, 0, 8);} else {$arnlon = mb_substr($dmslon, 0, 7);}
$arnlat=str_replace('.', '', $arnlat);
$arnlon=str_replace('.', '', $arnlon);
if ($arnlat < 0) {$tarnlat = str_replace('-', '', $arnlat); $arnlat=$tarnlat . 'S';} else {$arnlat = $arnlat . 'N';}
if ($arnlon < 0) {$tarnlon = str_replace('-', '', $arnlon); $arnlon=$tarnlon . 'W';} else {$arnlat = $arnlat . 'E';}

$buffer1 = getarn($arnurl, $post);

$buffer3 = mb_strcut($buffer2, mb_strpos($buffer2, 'Source')+6);
$buffer4 = mb_strcut($buffer3, 0, mb_strpos($buffer3, 'Websearch'));

if ($buffer4 == NULL) {echo "Possable error - no repeaters found. $linebreak"; $checks4=$chklat.','.$chklon; return;}

$lines1 = explode("\n", $buffer4);

foreach ($lines1 as $key => $value) {
if ($value == "") {

$lines = array_values($lines1);
$count = count($lines);

if ($lines == NULL) {echo "Error in location or No Repeater Data $linebreak"; $checks4=$chklat.','.$chklon; return;}

for ($counter1=0; $counter1 <= $count-1; $counter1 +=1)
$temp1 = $lines[$counter1];
$temp = explode("`", $temp1);

if ($temp[8] == "DSTAR") {$temp[4] = $temp[5];}

$temp[3] = rtrim(trim($temp[3], '0'), '.');
$temp[4] = rtrim(trim($temp[4], '0'), '.');
$repeater[$counter1] = array('city' => $temp[1], 'state' => $temp[2], 'freq' => $temp[3], 'pl' => $temp[4], 'call' => $temp[5], 'distance' => trim($temp[6]), 'notes' => $temp[8]);


foreach($repeater as $item) {
$output_array[$item['city']][] = array(
'freq' => $item['freq'],
'pl' => $item['pl']

foreach($output_array as $city => $freq_list) {
$freqs = array();
foreach($freq_list as $freq) {
$freq_str = $freq['freq'];
if($freq['pl']) $freq_str .= "/" . $freq['pl'];
$freqs[] = $freq_str;
$rpt[] = $city . " " . implode(", ", $freqs);

$count = count($rpt);

for ($counter1=0; $counter1 <= $count-1; $counter1 +=1)
{$msg = str_replace("/none", '', $rpt[$counter1]);
$strcount = mb_strlen($msg);

if ($strcount > 120) {$status1 = mb_strcut($msg,0, 120); $status2 = mb_substr($status1, 0, strripos($status1, ",")); $msg=$status2 . ' more';}

echo "$msg $linebreak";

if ($arnsms == '1') {
$temp = sms($msg);
echo "Sleeping.... $linebreak";


$msg = 'Repeaters provided by with many thanks';
if ($arnsms == '1') {
$temp = sms($msg);}
$msg = '----';
if ($arnsms == '1') {
$temp = sms($msg); }

$arnflag = '1';


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