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Simplified k8 API client for Node.js.


Install via npm:

npm i kubernetes-client --save


kubernetes-client generates a Kubernetes API client at runtime based on a Swagger / OpenAPI specification. You can generate a client using the cluster's kubeconfig file and that cluster's API specification.

To create the config required to make a client, you can either:

let kubernetes-client configure automatically by trying the KUBECONFIG environment variable first, then ~/.kube/config, then an in-cluster service account, and lastly settling on a default proxy configuration:

const client = new Client({ version: "1.13" })

provide your own path to a file:

const { KubeConfig } = require("kubernetes-client")
const kubeconfig = new KubeConfig()
const Request = require("kubernetes-client/backends/request")

const backend = new Request({ kubeconfig })
const client = new Client({ backend, version: "1.13" })

provide a configuration object from memory:

// Should match the kubeconfig file format exactly
const config = {
  apiVersion: "v1",
  clusters: [],
  contexts: [],
  "current-context": "",
  kind: "Config",
  users: []
const { KubeConfig } = require("kubernetes-client")
const kubeconfig = new KubeConfig()

const Request = require("kubernetes-client/backends/request")
const backend = new Request({ kubeconfig })
const client = new Client({ backend, version: "1.13" })

and you can also specify the context by setting it in the kubeconfig object:

