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Classification of User Star Ratings using Review Text from the Yelp Dataset Challenge

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Classification of User Star Ratings using Review Text from the Yelp Dataset Challenge


The field of text analytics has drawn much interest from academia and industry in recent years for its ability to offer insight for large sets of text data that is unreasonable to examine by a person. For our project we chose to analyze data from the Yelp Dataset Challenge.

Yelp, Inc. is a company that enables users to rate and review all kinds of businesses. In the area of restaurant and bar reviews, such reviews and ratings essentially function as crowed-sourced food (and drink) criticism. Yelp is the largest such user-supplied review web service, and as such has very large amounts of review data. The two main parts of a review are the text of the actual review and a star rating from one to five.

From these reviews we are interested in predicting the actual rating based on the review text alone. Through our analysis we hope to obtain reliable prediction and also understand what characteristics in a review contribute to low and high ratings. One can also expect that reliable prediction of user satisfaction from text alone can be of use to other data scientists and review sites and, perhaps most importantly, the restaurants themselves.


The Yelp dataset originally contains about two million reviews of many different business types (restaurants, hardware stores, etc.). To make our task more tractable, only restaurants (including bars, coffee shops, food trucks, etc.) were considered which brings our total dataset size to about 1.6 million reviews. The total count of unique words is over 300,000. The initial features provided are:

  • Text: The plain text of the review

  • Star Rating: The response variable, condensed into three categories

    • 1-2 stars: Category Bad

    • 3 stars: Category Neutral

    • 4-5 start: Category Good

We see from Figure 1 that we have unequal class frequencies, with over 65% of the reviews being Good. We’ll account for this imbalance through the choice of classifier, namely multinomial Naive Bayes.

The Yelp dataset also includes many additional features including: reviewer, location, date, and ambiance. These features could potentially improve the classifier, for instance we could incorporate user rating bias, however we elected to exclude them for this analysis and focus entirely on classification via text.

The Classifier

The classifier has two layers. The first layer is a Naive Bayes classifier that uses a bag-of-words model to assign probabilities regarding membership in each of the three possible groups to each of the reviews. These probabilities, along with other features, are then provided to a second layer. We split the original dataset into training, validation, and test dataset. We also utilized cross validation to tune our models. The validation dataset was used primarily for computational reasons, due to the size of the data the validation dataset was used to compare various models in the exploration phase.

Layer 1

The first layer uses the text portion of the review to assign a probability of membership in each of the possible outcome categories. The raw text of each review is first processed to remove punctuation and stop words. Even though the bag-of-words model commonly admits stemming / lemmatization, in this case we did not use them due to the abundance of data and the relative brevity of the documents (reviews) and their limited vocabulary. In fact, we found the classifier performed worse when stemming / lemmatization was added, likely due to the loss of information resulting from these methods.

To implement the bag-of-words model, the review texts - after preprocessing - were transformed using the term-frequency inverse-document-frequency (TF-IDF) transformation, and then provided to a multinomial Naive Bayes classifier. To address the issue of a feature (word) not appearing together with a category in the training data, a Laplace smoothing parameter was added and tuned to prevent zero frequencies affecting the products of conditional probabilities. The Naive Bayes classifier is a popular classifier for the bag-of-word model since it is fast, works well in high-dimensional space, and handles unbalanced multiclass classification seamlessly (when using a prior). In spite of its clearly naive assumption of word independence, it produces fairly accurate results in practice.

The Naive Bayes classifier outputs a probability for each category (Good, Neutral, Bad) for a given input review. Typically such a classifier would select the highest probability as the decision rule. However, our classifier merely treats these probabilities as features associated with an observed review in the next layer of classification.

As an extension to the typical TF-IDF transformation approach, we also considered n-grams which incorporate word ordering. In essence, we considering a sliding window of text containing n words. Including all such windows quickly becomes computational infeasible as the dimension of the data increases rapidly. As an alternative, we found all n-grams of length n = 4, 5, 6, 7 but kept only the most frequent 2,000 from the training set for each of those groups. Another similar approach is to include various length skipgrams, however we omitted such additions due to time constraints.

Layer 2

To develop a more effective classifier, new features were engineered from the existing review texts. Two new features are related to the length of the reviews: word and character counts. Other new features count the number of emotive punctuation, such as question marks and exclamation points, the logic being that Good and Bad categories will have more emotive punctuation as compared to Neutral reviews.

Yet other new features score the sentiment of the review. Known emotional words - both positive and negative - from two sources SentiWordNet and Hu and Liu’s lexicon are used to score the sentiment of reviews. For example one sentiment score is obtained by adding one (+1) for positive words and subtracting one (-1) for negative words, while the other sentiment score uses weights in [-1, 1] on a continuous scale. Yet another feature combines the length and sentiment of the review for a sentiment rate.

The average sentiment rate for the three categories Bad, Neutral, and Good is shown in Figure 2. There appears to be separation between the classes, with the expected result of Good having a higher sentiment rate and vice versa for the Bad. However looking at the histograms of these sentiment rates by category show a clear overlap, see Figure 3.

These features, combined with the probability scores for each category from layer one, are then used in the second layer of the classifier. Using cross validation, we tuned several classifiers including: Random Forest, AdaBoost, Gradient Boost, Linear SVM, and kNN. The SVM and kNN performed significantly worse and were discarded. The three Decision Tree based methods were retained, and combined using an ensemble classifier with majority vote. Based on the confusion matrices and test error metric, we recommend the Random Forest classifier as being preferred. Though the boosting

classifiers performed marginally better, the computation gain of parallel processing with Random Forests gives the largest advantage.

The two-layer classifiers described above, when tested on new data, produced over 80% accurate classification prediction over the three categories, see Table 1. We also compared the performance of layer one (TF-IDF only) against the performance of layer two. Our accuracy improved by around 2% using the sentiment analysis and additional features.

Word Embedding

As a second approach to improve our classifier and explore the data further, we implemented a word embedding algorithm called Doc2Vec. Word embedding essentially maps words to vectors, which allows us to perform typical vector operations like addition and subtraction, as well as distance calculations and clustering. We can then translate these vectors back to words and learn about the structure of the language in the corpus. Doc2Vec is built on Word2Vec, a neural network developed by Google for understanding the structure of words in language. As such, its performance improves with vast amount of data. As we will see, even our 1.6 million reviews is a small training set for this algorithm. Furthermore, we’ll offer insight and examples using Word2Vec for simplicity, however a natural extension exists for Doc2Vec by replacing individual words with documents (in our case a single review).

The typical first Word2Vec example is

Word2Vec uses unsupervised learning, where the distance between word vectors caries meaning. Each dimension of the word vector encodes a property of the word, and the magnitude of the word vector projected onto the dimension represents the relevance of that property to the word. Using the Yelp dataset, we can see which words are most similar to pizza where we define closeness in terms of cosine similarity:

Similar to the first example, we can find words that are most similar to:

Finally, we can detect dissimilarity among words, e.g. among waiter, napkin, server, and bartender, the algorithm finds napkin to be least like the other words.

Besides exploring the structure of the data, we can use the Doc2Vec model to make predictions. Similar to a k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) classifier, for each review in the test set we find the k most similar reviews (again using cosine similarity as the distance metric) and predict using majority vote. Using k = 25 we get the following confusion matrix and classification metrics:

Further Exploration

By performing residual analysis we discovered new approaches for further analysis. For example, many misclassifications were due to paired qualifiers e.g. ’not terrible’, ’not great’, etc. This motivates further analysis into text transformations that can capture this phenomenon as well as other obscurities that hinder prediction.

It would also be constructive to create low-dimensional projections of the text data. Our exploration of Doc2Vec leads to natural projections of reviews that can be readily interpreted for useful analysis and are likely to provide key insights.


Our analysis has utilizes two different approaches of text classification. The first method is a natural extension from the TF-IDF transformation by including n-grams, sentiment analysis, and a dual-layer classification algorithm (Naive Bayes and Random Forest, respectively). The second method instead used the more recent Doc2Vec framework, building off the success of the Word2Vec word transformation, to perform k-Nearest Neighbors. These methods performed similarly.

Though Doc2Vec and TF-IDF methods have similar accuracy scores, the Doc2Vec model has additional benefits in terms of interpretation and structure. This makes it preferable to TF-IDF, which does not capture the structure and similarity of reviews, but the time-complexity of TF-IDF is more favorable. Under the hood, Doc2Vec is trained by a neural net which requires a large amount of data to perform well which should also be in consideration.

From our residual analysis, we discovered many examples of data integrity issues. For example, there were several reviews that were strongly predicted as Good but were actually labeled Bad. Upon inspection of the review itself, it was clear that the prediction is clearly correct but the label is incorrect, most likely due to human error. This shows the classifier captures the underlying patterns of Good reviews and that our accuracy results should be larger. Furthermore, the performance may be close to the irreducible noise in our data.


Classification of User Star Ratings using Review Text from the Yelp Dataset Challenge







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