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bugfoo edited this page Nov 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

In order to build LAC, Java (1.8+) has been used and it also makes use of Maven to install all the dependencies. Thus, the first step to build LAC is to install Java JDK (1.8+) and Maven. Both steps are described in detail in Manual (Section 2.2). Once, both Java and Maven are successfully installed LAC could be built. In this sense, being in the path of the previously downloaded code (see How to download LAC), maven has to be run to download all the dependencies of LAC as follows.

 $ mvn install

When all the dependencies have been downloaded, JAR could be built. Maven is already configured to include all the dependencies on the JAR, in that way LAC is totally self-contained. In order to build the JAR of LAC, the following command has to be run. It will create a JAR file at target/lac-0.2.0.jar

 $ mvn package

No additional installation is required, as the JAR is totally self-contained. JAR could also be moved between computers without any compatibility issue.

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