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Cisco Catalyst Center Templates

Keith Baldwin edited this page Jan 22, 2024 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Cisco Catalyst Center Templates wiki. This repository is set up to help companies adopt better automation practices with Cisco Catalyst Center and to help them evolve toward an environment that balances business demand with device configuration. During the past 5 years, we have built several tutorials around how specific functionality may be adopted. Over the past few years, we have augmented those sections to include functionality from Plug-and-Play to Embedded Event Manager and everything in between.

The lab sections may be used in Cisco's DCLOUD environment or within an on-premise lab and are completely customizable to help you achieve your network engineer or architect goals. They start with Plug-and-Play and move towards templating advanced topics, culminating with Rest-API usage.

In the previous months ahead, we added LAB 09, which allowed for the use and testing of a set of publicly shared Postman Collections that allow the use of CSV files to work in conjunction with Postman and program the Cisco Catalyst Center. This robust playbook will allow you, the network engineer and architect, to determine best how to utilize Rest-API and programmability to augment your automation and orchestration goals.

In the next few months, we will add more collections to LAB 09 for additional real-world use cases.

Additionally, we are working on the following additions to the LAB and tutorial sections. We will be adding the following labs:

  1. LAB 10 - Wireless Automation
  2. LAB 11 - Python and Ansible Orchestration of Cisco Catalyst Center
  3. LAB 12 - CICD Pipeline and Cisco Catalyst Center

Please stay tuned to this space for more announcements.