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Typescript: v2.0.0

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@lukasz-zimnoch lukasz-zimnoch released this 18 Oct 11:01
· 455 commits to main since this release

typescript/v2.0.0 is the next release of the TypeScript SDK library for interacting with tBTC v2 smart contracts on the Ethereum chains.

This release brings a massive refactoring of the library and a lot of changes around the public API. This release is not backward compatible with v1.x.x versions and requires significant adjustments during migration.

The NPM package is available on the NPM registry as @keep-network/tbtc-v2.ts@2.0.0.

Note: Starting from this release, chain configurations are embedded within the library. That means goerli and mainnet tags will be no longer published to NPM. From now on, the latest tag should be considered the latest stable version, and the development tag denotes the unstable version exposing recent features

The commit hash for clean builds is 52307fe6053768056fd7317d690e8b9ac4933a27.

Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verify these in the Keybase app):

  • @michalsmiarowski
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk7SMgAL 5NY1277Utw5mA8i 1L9QkD7NpCS6kJU UaLrqKt0dAx3dDi wLV8ynRqWmeONpe hrIQLn9JNfbKfGA z2leTsqBJ07b7Om lh1XT5ydxbrc3G9 tCMl4IHgBBCk01H DG6cXvOetooJMu3 dPeoUFhe76RL2aL fbsKw8qeMNqdIO9 QvP5jVSnkrTA10w Mb26z0SjzJK4Gpm YKaj4xLj7vQd32d . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

  • @lukasz-zimnoch
    BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk90sDpX wIX07Cfy2Yz31Xq 8mliRvTpoVIDeBV VZiP1JZd9aIA4cJ HGRXAm89w1CQiXi QPC4MOjolWqqCuV 9UOtEmuNGuCQpsr bNbU5OfMHQKnd9u Jdl3k3nlDDBY7HT rbctzIsbfGHiXW1 4pKQQdIpASvmTrS 6TfslEB98k2MiLS ybZULW18XblFrKe cpzCD0SjzJK4Gpm YKaj4xLj7vQd32d . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

The complete set of work for version 2.0.0 can be found in the corresponding typescript/v2.0.0 milestone.