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Releases: kefir500/apk-icon-editor

APK Icon Editor v2.2.0

18 Apr 07:25
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  • Added Android 9 Pie support.
  • Added Android Activities support.
  • Auto-selection of the most suitable signing tool.
  • Majorly improved icon addition.
  • Fixed jarsigner signing.
  • Fixed actions related to icons and banners.
  • Upgraded Apktool to v2.4.0.

APK Icon Editor v2.1.0

19 Jun 17:27
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  • Added ability to specify path to Apktool.
  • Added ability to cancel repacking process.
  • Fixed smali unpacking error.
  • More informative error messages.
  • GUI improvements and fixes.

APK Icon Editor v2.0.0

13 May 07:24
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  • Brand-new APK parsing algorithm.
  • Majorly improved resource handling.
  • Majorly improved Android 8 Oreo support.
  • Added ability to add icons.
  • Added ability to remove icons.
  • Upgraded Apktool to v2.3.3.
  • Dropped usage of ZIP mode.
  • Dropped usage of aapt.
  • Lots of internal refactoring.

APK Icon Editor v1.8.0

04 Mar 07:42
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  • Added Android 8 Oreo support.
  • Added Java 9 support.
  • Upgraded Apktool to v2.3.1.
  • New signing system.
  • Improved APK handling.
  • Minor GUI improvements.

APK Icon Editor v1.7.1

07 Mar 10:04
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  • Upgraded Apktool to v2.2.2.
  • Improved APK handling.

APK Icon Editor v1.7.0

10 Jan 10:40
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  • Upgraded Apktool to v2.2.1.
  • Added Android TV banner support.
  • Added support for high-DPI displays.
  • Added icons for recent files.
  • Added Italian translation.
  • Added Romanian translation.
  • Improved APK handling.
  • Reduced startup time.
  • Fixed translations on OS X.
  • First DEB release for Linux.
  • First truly portable package for Windows.
  • Improved Windows 8/10 support.
  • Major improvements and bug fixes.
  • Lots of internal refactoring.

APK Icon Editor v1.6.0

05 Nov 14:18
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  • Upgraded Apktool to v2.0.2.
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes.
  • First release for OS X (beta).

APK Icon Editor v1.5.0

09 Jul 20:27
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  • Improved APK handling.
  • Updated GUI icons.

APK Icon Editor v1.4.0

04 Jul 17:05
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  • Upgraded Apktool to v2.0.0.
  • Custom temporary paths.
  • Easy access to logs.
  • Added Hungarian translation.
  • Added Spanish translation.
  • Added Turkish translation.
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes.

APK Icon Editor v1.3.0

31 Mar 12:46
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  • Upgraded Apktool to RC4.
  • Added BlackBerry icon support.
  • Added Dutch translation.
  • Added Greek translation.
  • Added Portuguese (Brazil) translation.
  • Major improvements and bug fixes.