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Task Manager Application

This is a project for Omnia web development course to demonstrate newly learned skills .

Table of contents


The goal

Build a Node Express application with following features:

  • Dynamic content (database)
  • CRUD operations
  • Responsive layout
  • Mobile first design
  • Feedback form
  • User authentication
    • user registration
    • email verification
    • log in/out
    • password reset


Task Manager application features user registration with e-mail verification. Signed in user can create, delete, view and update tasks. Registered user can reset password. User can submit feedback.



  • Live Site URL: Running on Heroku Heroku terminated their free tier. Application will be migrated to AWS platform shortly.

My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Javascript ES6 syntax
  • AJAX with Fetch API
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Responsive layout
  • EJS - Embedded JS templating
  • Node.js - JS runtime
  • Express.js - Node web framework
  • Passport.js - Authentication middleware for Node/Express web apps
  • MySQL - Relational database management system

Deployed with

What I learned

During this project I have been able to develop new and existing core skills:

  • use of SQL database in Node/Express application
  • conceptual understanding of Express framework and middleware
  • better understanding of http protocol
  • user authentication foundations and flow in Express
  • user authentication with Passport.js local strategy with sessions

Continued development

In future projects I plan to dive deeper into REST API design conventions and patterns, get skilled on MERN stack and implement more complex user authentication strategies and features.

To do

Add 'remember me' functionality and corresponding checkbox to login page.

Useful resources

  • Coding Addict - Node Express fundamentals
  • freeCodeCamp - This thorough video tutorial helped me to understand Passport.js local strategy and the underlying logic and flow based on sessions and cookies.
