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Visualizing logistic regression results for non-technical audiences

Abby Kaplan and Keiko Cawley

Communicating the results of a logistic regression to a non-technical audience can be challenging because the parameters are on a log-odds scale. This repository contains several visualization options for presenting logistic regression results that are both interpretable and meaningful to your stakeholders who might not know what a log-odds or odds ratio is.

Project links

  • A vignette which describes the pros and cons of each visualization, and in which situations one might choose one visualization over the others. This vignette also contains the code for each of the visuals.

  • A copy of the slides we used during our presentation to the SLC R Users Group on September 20, 2022.

  • The link to watch our Salt Lake R Users Group presentation on YouTube.

  • A copy of the slides we used during our presentation at AIR Forum on June 2, 2023.

  • A copy of the slides we used during our presentation at RMAIR on October 17, 2023.


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