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Tam. Nguyen Duc edited this page May 31, 2014 · 2 revisions

Connection pool

To use connection pool, a Pool should be created when application startup. The Dial() method of the pool should be called to make initial connection to the redis server. If Dial() fail, it is up to the application to decide to fail fast, or wait and connect again later.

pool := &gore.Pool{
      InitialConn: 5,  // Initial number of connections to open
      MaximumConn: 10, // Maximum number of connections to open
err := pool.Dial("localhost:6379")
if err != nil {

In each goroutine, a connection from the pool can be get by Acquire() method. Release() method should always be called later to return the connection to the pool, even in error situation.

// Inside a goroutine
conn, err := pool.Acquire()
if err != nil {
      // Error can happens when goroutine try to acquire a conn
      // from the pool. Application should fail fast here.
defer pool.Release(conn)
if conn == nil {
      // This happens when the pool was closed. Application should
      // fail here.
// Do every thing with the conn, exclusively.

To gracefully close the pool, call Close() method anywhere in your program.

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