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Toolset for efficient development with MobX-State-Tree


npm install mobx mobx-state-tree mst-tools


For a detailed description of all helper functions and wrappers see API

import { types, effect } from "mst-tools"

const model = types.model('ModelName', {
    isLoaded: types.flag,
    isLoading: types.flag,
  .effects((self, { isLoading, isLoaded }) => ({
    load: effect(
      function* () {
        self.field = yield self.api.load();
      { isLoading, isLoaded }

const store = model.create({});

await store.load();


The toolkit adds additional code to implement new features. Welcome - if you are willing to pay for the speed of development time to create a model.

npm run benchmark


Test perf (model creation):
[mobx-state-tree] x 7,843 ops/sec ±0.28% (92 runs sampled)
[mst-tools] x 7,141 ops/sec ±0.31% (93 runs sampled)
# Fastest is [mobx-state-tree]


OS: Ubuntu 21.10 x86_64
DE: GNOME 40.5
Terminal: tilix
CPU: Intel i9-9900 (16) @ 5.000GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
Memory: 32019MiB


Click the tools names for complete docs. process