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Header only affordances for Windows sockets.

File descriptors are used for reading and writing files on a disk. A pipe is a file descriptor for reading and writing between two executables running on the same machine. Sockets are pipes where the executables can be running on different machines connected by a network. Leslie Lamport defined a distributed system as "one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable." This library makes it easy to get to the subtle and difficult to reason about problems involved in distributed computing. It provides training wheels for the pesky minutia involved with creating sockets and setting them up for reading and writing. The socket API is quite ancient and by necessity deals with the low level fiddling involved in shipping bits between two computers connected by a network.

The design philosophy is to allow use of all standard socket API functions and only provide simple wrappers for common patterns of using sockets that are type safe and leverage RAII best practices. This library will help you avoid making dumb mistakes. You can make smart mistakes in the rest of your code later.

Sockets and their associated structures are parameterized by address family and enumerations are defined using enum class so the C++ type system enforces compatible calls to the socket API. A buffer class is provided to isolate the mechanics of providing characters to the send and recv socket calls used to write and read data using a socket.

A client program to send and receive a message using the TCP protocol to server host listening on port looks like this:

tcp::client::socket s(host, port);  // connect to host on port
iobuffer msg("message"); // memory mapped anonymous buffer

The buffer now contains the response the server gave to the message unless something went haywire. It is possible the server was not listening or it recieved the message and did not send a response. It is also possible the server isn't even running so your socket will never connect. Well written socket code takes all possibilities into account.

A server program to echo messages sent using TCP back to the client looks like this:

// bind to port 2345 on this machine with AI_PASSIVE flag
tcp::server::socket<> s("localhost", "2345", AI::PASSIVE);
iobuffer buf; 

::listen(s, SOMAXCONN); // call listen with system recommended backlog

while (true) {
	socket<> c = s.accept(); // socket to any client that connected
	c.recv(buf); // read what client sent
	c.send(buf); // write it back to them
} // socket<> destructor calls ::closesocket(c)

Server sockets call ::bind. The tcp::server::socket<> constructor creates a TCP stream socket and calls bind with the specified flag. The call to ::listen uses the member function operator ::SOCKET() to return the underlying ::SOCKET. This enables a socket<> to be used in any socket API function. It also means I can write less code. Code not written never has bugs. The call to accept creates a new socket whenever a client connects on the bound port. The socket needs to be closed after using it and the C++ class for socket<> does that for you when it goes out of scope.

This implementation has an infinite loop. A better implementation would provide a means of breaking out of the loop and call ::shutdown on the client facing socket so it knows the server intends to close the socket. That way the client can infer the server didn't simply crash.


Buffers use buffer_views to return chunks of data appropriate for sending and receiving on sockets. It is a struct with members buf pointing to character data and len which is the int length of the data required by socket API functions.

The buffer class provides backing for the characters sent and received over sockets. The constructor takes a character pointer and the length of the data. The private member int off keeps track how much of the buffer has been used. The member function operator()(size_t n) returns a buffer_view having at most n characters starting from the offset and then increments the offset. If n is 0 (or omitted) then all available buffer capacity is used. When the end of data is reached it may return a view with len less than n. The offset is then set to 0 for reuse. You can do this manually by calling the member function reset() if necessary.

Buffers are designed to make this unnecessary when used in a loop:

while (buffer_view chunk = buf(n)) {
	// send or receive chunk of size at most n
// buf offset is now 0 and ready for reuse

Each chunk has length n until the penultimate chunk that gives a view on remaining data. The last chunk has size 0 and buffer_view::operator bool() const returns false to terminate the loop.

Full disclosure: buffers also have a size_t template parameter limiting the chunk size. The default value is 0x1000 which is the typical page size for memory on most operating systems. You can change that if you think you know what you are doing.

The derived class ibuffer is a buffer<const char> with an additional constructor from a const (&char)[N] so ibuffer b("abc") can be used. Input buffers are used for sending characters.

The derived class obuffer is a buffer<char> and is used for receiving characters into a preallocated buffer given its length.

The derived class cbuffer allocates characters for a given length. Be sure to construct the class and give it a name before using it. The send and recv functions take references to buffers so they need to be l-values. You are responsible for managing the lifetime of a cbuffer. There are specializations for icbuffer and ocbuffer using const char and char template parameters.

A buffer would not be a buffer if it did not do buffering. When receiving data it is not known how much data will eventually arrive. Instead of allocating memory and then reallocating when more than the expected amount of data arrives, we use memory mapped files and offload buffering to the operating system.

By default, the derived class iobuffer is a buffer<char> backed by an anonymous memory mapped file. It can be used to both send and receive characters. The constructor sets len to the maximum allowed size, which is 1GB by default. Don't worry, the operating system does not allocate that memory until you write to it. If you stick to buffer::operator()(int n) to return chunks of buffer views the OS will take care of the buffering and an exception will be thrown if you step out of bounds. You can alse construct them from handles returned by CreateFile if you want to (eventually) do disk I/O.

The buffer classes are completely independent of sockets but probably only useful when using those.


To use a socket you need to know its address.
The sockaddr<AF> class is a value type with sufficient room to hold addresses. It has a constructor that takes an IPv4 or IPv6 internet network address const char* string and an unsigned short port number then calls [inet_pton]( to parse the string into requisite bits and convert the port into appropriate byte order to send over a network. The operator&()member function andint len;member supply standard socket API functions access to the low level address bits they need. You should never need to touchlen` since that is determined by the address family.

If you know your party (IP address) and extension (port) there is no need to involve network calls to specify a socket address.


The function getaddrinfo is used to get information about addresses if you don't know the IP address.

It returns a list of potential socket addresses given a host, port, and hints. The host name string and hints are sent over the network to get a list of IP address. The port string can be the digits of the port or a 'well-known' port name such as "https" or "ping", where well-known means your local machine is set up to convert that into the actual unsigned short port number. The hints indicate the address family, socket type, protocol, and optional flags telling the host how the socket is intended to be used.

The socket member functions socket<>::bind and socket<>::connect supply the appropriate hints and traverse proffered addresses until finding one that the host deems acceptible. The addrinfo_iter class is used to walk through the list of addresses returned by getaddrinfo, but you don't need to know that.'


The socket<> class provides type safe member functions for basic socket functions: bind, accept, listen, connect, send, recv, sendto, and recvfrom. The winsock::socket<AF> class indicates the address family (AF) by the template parameter. The default is AF::INET for sockets using IPv4. The address family AF::INET6 creates a socket that uses IPv6. Other address families can be used, but they are rare. The constructor has two required arguments for the socket type (SOCK) and protocol (IPPROTO). The class implements operator ::SOCKET() so a socket can be used in any function having a Windows SOCKET argument.

The send(const ibuffer&, SND_MSG) and recv(obuffer&, RCV_MSG) member functions use the buffer classes to make character data available and set flags for the ::send and ::recv socket API function.

The member functions operator<<(std::istream&) and operator>>(std::ostream&) can also be used to send or receive stream data. The static member function socket<>::flags can be used to pass flags to streams.

For example, if s is a socket<> then s << flags(SND_MSG::OOB) << "Hello"; calls ::send(s, "Hello", 5, MSG_OOB). The flags stay in effect only for the duration of the statement, which is a feature.


This namespace contains classes for TCP stream sockets. The TCP protocol provide guarantees about delivery. If send or recv return 0 then the transmission was successful. There is a price to pay for this. Both ends of a TCP connection need to have a little chat in order to set up a socket and sent or received data use acknowledgements to guarantee delivery.


This class provides appropriate defaults for TCP clients. The constructor takes host and port strings that are used by getaddrinfo and calls connect. There is also a constructor that takes a socket address.


This class provides appropriate defaults for TCP servers. The constructor takes host and port strings that are used by getaddrinfo and calls bind. There is also a private constructor that takes a socket address. It does not call accept or listen.


This namespace contains classes for UDP datagram sockets. The UDP protocol provides no guarantees about delivery. The send and recv functions fire-and-forget. They give no indication whatsoever about whether delivery was successful. Since there is no need to go through the trouble of negotiating a network connection or waiting for acknowledgements they are much faster than TCP sockets.

udp::server::socket<> s(IADDR::ANY, 1234); // create and bind
while (0 < s.recv(sa, buf, len, MSG::WAITALL) {
	s.send<< flags(MSG::CONFIRM) << ios;

UDP client

int ret;
sockaddr<> sa(IADDR::ANY, 1234);
udp::client::socket<> s(sa);
s.send(buf, len, flags); // -> chars sent
s.recv(buf, len, flags); // -> chars received


Windows socket affordances






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