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Konicai edited this page Jan 8, 2023 · 16 revisions

The main configuration file. Possible values:

# Sets the root command
root-command: <platform dependent>
# Allows new commands to be registered with the REGISTER method after server startup, during a config reload.
# Even with this disabled, the platform, permission, and actions of existing commands can still be updated.
unsafe-command-registration: false
# Toggle debug logging
enable-debug: false

Different command types

All command types share a common method key in common, defining what type of command it is. If a permission is not specified, all players may use the command.


Registers a command with the server. Tab completion will work.
New commands can only be registered during a reload if unsafe-command-registration is enabled (may vary depending on the platform).
Required values: method, command

<command identifier>:
  method: register
  command: <literal command, no slash included>
  platform: Platform
  permission: <permission node>

If permission is not defined, then it will be crossplatforms.shortcut.<command identifier>. On BungeeCord or Velocity, the permission prefix will be different. See Commands and Permissions for more info.

Intercept Pass:

Intercepts commands run by the player, before actual command handling is performed. The command is not cancelled. If a real command on the server doesn't exist with the same syntax, tab completion will not exist.
Required values:

  • method
  • Only one of exact or pattern. Placeholders not supported.
  method: intercept_pass
  exact: <A string that the executed command must equal exactly>
  pattern: <A Regex expression that the executed command must match>
  platform: Platform
  permission: <permission node>
If a player does not have permission for the command, the command will simply not be intercepted. The player will not receive a message.

Intercept Cancel

The same as Intercept Pass, but the command is cancelled. The method value is method: intercept_cancel