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initialize date model (single date mode)

Keke edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 1 revision

This example shows on how to initialize date model in single date selection mode.

<div class="input-box-container">
  <input class="input-box" placeholder="Click to select a date" 
    angular-mydatepicker name="mydate" (click)="dp.toggleCalendar()" 
    [(ngModel)]="model" [options]="myDpOptions" 
import {IAngularMyDpOptions, IMyDateModel} from 'angular-mydatepicker';
// other imports are here...

export class MyTestApp {
  myDpOptions: IAngularMyDpOptions = {
    dateRange: false,
    dateFormat: ''
    // other options are here...

  myDateInit: boolean = true;
  model: IMyDateModel = null;

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {
    if (myDateInit) {
        // Initialize to specific date (14.05.2019) with IMyDate object
        this.model = {isRange: false, singleDate: {date: { 
                                                            year: 2019, 
                                                            month: 5, 
                                                            day: 14 
    else {
        // Initialize to today with javascript date object
        this.model = {isRange: false, singleDate: {jsDate: new Date()}};