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A Flask framework to allow control of the arma3server via a HTTPS API.

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Kellerkompanie arma3server-interface

This is a flask framework that allows to control the arma3server via a HTTPS API, e.g., to be called from a website frontend.


Users wanting to install this should be familiar with basic concepts of Linux and Python.


  • Linux distribution (tested with Ubuntu 16.04)
  • Python 3.7 or higher (+packages: flask, werkzeug)

Create arma3server user

If not already present, create a user with disabled-login

sudo adduser --disabled-login arma3server

Clone repository

Go to the home directory of the new user and clone this repository

sudo su - arma3server
cd ~
git clone arma3server-interface

The upcoming steps assert a python virtual environment inside the cloned repo. If not already present install the virtualenv tools:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-venv

Switch to the freshly cloned repo and initialize a virtual environment:

cd /home/arma3server/arma3server-interface
python3 -m venv venv

To install the requirements we switch to the virtual environment and install the packages using pip:

source venv/bin/activate
pip install flask
pip install werkzeug
pip install pymysql
pip install requests
pip install bs4

SSL certificates

You can skip this step if you already have SSL certificates for that server.

If not already installed, install the Let's Encrypt certbot

# necessary for Ubuntu 16.04
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install certbot

Certbot needs to answer cryptographic challenges, so we need to open the ports on the firewall

sudo ufw allow 80
sudo ufw allow 443

Now, create the SSL certificates

sudo certbot certonly --standalone --preferred-challenges https -d

Follow the steps and if everything was successful the required files should be now visible

sudo ls /etc/letsencrypt/live/
cert.pem  chain.pem  fullchain.pem  privkey.pem  README

Create startscript

In order to start the interface we create a little runscript

sudo su - arma3server
cd ~

Now put the following content inside and save/exit using CTRL+X followed by y and ENTER

#!/usr/bin/env bash

cd /home/arma3server/arma3server-interface
git pull
source venv/bin/activate
python > /var/log/arma3server-interface.log 2>&1

Make the shell script executable:

chmod +x

Crate the log file and set permissions for arma3server-interface to be able to write:

sudo touch /var/log/arma3server-interface.log
sudo chown arma3server:arma3server /var/log/arma3server-interface.log

Now you can run the interface using



On initial startup the config file will be created, adjust it so that the webpage server IP is whitelisted:

nano /home/arma3server/arma3server-interface/config.json

Default config:

    "host": "",
    "ip_whitelist": [
        "<add webserver IPv4 here>",
        "<optionally add additional IPs, e.g., for debug computer>"
    "port": 5000,
    "ssl_context_fullchain": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/",
    "ssl_context_privkey": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"

Declaring as service

To have automatic start on machine boot, we add the script as systemd service:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/arma3server-interface.service

Then we add the following content:

Description=arma3server-interface Flask API



Finally we enable the service and register it to run on boot:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start arma3server-interface.service
sudo systemctl enable arma3server-interface.service

Whitelisting local IP

If you need to access the API from an external source, like your local computer, you will need to whitelist your ip not only in the config.json, but also add an ufw rule. Make sure it is inserted above the deny all rules (here at index 3):

ufw insert 3 allow from proto tcp to any port 5000

You can check the currently active rules using:

ufw status numbered


A Flask framework to allow control of the arma3server via a HTTPS API.






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