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[Go]modoro is a CLI application for those interested in the Pomodoro technique. The application can be used to run Pomodoros from customized lengths (defaults to 25m), allowing also to assign a category and subcategory to each pomodoro session.


  • Uses SQLite for storing the local Pomodoro sessions.
  • Support backup of local database via Google Drive integration.
  • Support synchronization via Cassandra database (powered by DataStax).
  • Configuration file config.yaml and SQLite database gomodoro.db are stored at ~/gomodoro.
  • Current version supports Linux and Darwin.


  • Windows support.
  • Support for deletion of sessions from remote Cassandra database.
  • Change the visual alert for the Pomodoro conclusion to another graphical library.


  1. If you have a go development environment setup, run:
sudo make install

The gomodoro binary will be added automatically to the /usr/local/bin/ location, so you can run gomodoro command straightaway.

  1. If you do not have a development environment:

a. Download the binary related to your architecture from the releases page and move it into any desired location.

b. From the root of the repository, run sudo ./ to initialize the app folder structure.

c. You are ready to run the gomodoro command.


gomodoro -h
Gomodoro - The ultimate productivity tool. Keep [Go]ing

  gomodoro [command]

Available Commands:
  backup      Backup the [Go]modoro database into Google Drive
  delete      Delete a [Go]modoro from the database
  help        Help about any command
  list        List [Go]modoro sessions
  run         Run a [Go]modoro
  sync        Synchronize [Go]modoros from local/remote
  totals      Query information about [Go]modoro usage totals
  version     Display [Go]modoro version

Running a Gomodoro

gomodoro run --category coding
Gomodoro Started: 06-01-2021 21:13:45
▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆                                   %33.3


gomodoro totals
[Go]modoros today:  2
[Go]modoros yesterday:  3
[Go]modoros this month:  18
[Go]modoros last month:  99
[Go]modoros all-time:  207

Listing Gomodoros

gomodoro list
ID: 207  2021-01-06 14:53:34     Category: coding        SubCategory: gomodoro feature x
ID: 206  2021-01-06 10:56:26     Category: coding
ID: 203  2021-01-06 08:33:04     Category: coding
ID: 202  2021-01-05 15:27:15     Category: coding        SubCategory: gomodoro feature y
ID: 201  2021-01-05 14:41:28     Category: coding
ID: 200  2021-01-05 11:37:45     Category: coding

Remote Synchronization (DataStax Cassandra)

The Gomodoro application supports remote synchronization with the gomodoro sync command. The sync functionality allows you to keep your Gomodoro progress across different workstations. The functionality will:

  1. Push all local finished gomodoros into your remote Cassandra database
  2. Pull all remote gomodoros into local

Synchronization Requirements

  1. Create your Cassandra database (powered by DataStax) here. The free tier supports up to 5GB of data, which is enough as the Gomodoro sync functionality consumes small bandwidth footprint.

  2. Update the Gomodoro app config.yaml located at ~/gomodoro/config.yaml with the information from your Cassandra database, more specifically the following fields:

    cluster_id: ""
    cluster_region: ""
    keyspace: ""
    token: ""
  1. You are ready to sync with gomodoro sync
gomodoro sync
2021/01/06 20:57:03 [INFO] cassandra token retrieved successfuly
2021/01/06 20:57:03 [INFO] cassandra table synced successfully. DSE response: {"success":true}
2021/01/06 20:57:16 [INFO] local [Go]modoros pushed to remote successfully
2021/01/06 20:57:16 [INFO] [Go]modoro already synchronized, no remote changes were pulled.


Backup of the local SQLite database is supported via Google Drive integration.

At the first backup execution, a link for integration will be displayed on the console.

gomodoro backup
[INFO] initiating Gomodoro database backup
[INFO] backup folder gomodoro_backup found, re-using it.
[INFO] [Go]modoro database 'gomodoro.db' successfully saved at 'gomodoro_backup' directory

The backup will be stored at the root of your Google Drive filesystem at the /gomodoro_backup location.


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