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SpatialView is a web browser-based interactive application to visualize 10x spatial trascriptomics data. (paper link: pending publication).

Demo Application

User Guide


Spatial Transciptomic (ST) data from 10x experiments can be visualized in SpatialView multiple ways.

From R

To run SpatialView from R environment you may use SpatialViewR package. Currently SpatialViewR supports Seurat and SpatialExperiment.

From Python

To run SpatialView from python environment you may use SpatialViewPy.

Code from GitHub

SpatialView application can be downloaded from GitHub, and can be run in local machine by following steps. Note that, application can run from any http server, however the following steps assume that Python is installed on the local machine and the application runs in Python htt.server. Download the file from here to your local system and Unzip the folder. Place your processed data in the data folder.

Each sample should have its own directory and may contain following files for a sample: Expression matrix:

Option 1 - Sparse matrix (preferred): compressed sparse column-oriented (CSC) format, barcodes.csv, genes.csv

Option 2 - Dense matrix: a csv file with barcodes as columns and genes name in an additional column

cluster_info.csv: columns are "cluster","color","name","genes"

metadata.csv: A csv file, each row represents a barcodes. A column containing cluster membership is expected

sample_info.csv: A csv file with sample level metadata information

scalefactors_json.json: Scale factor file from cellranger output

tissue_hires_image.png: High resolution H&E image from cellranger output

Using the terminal window go to the unzipped folder (use the cd command in the terminal window to change the folder) Then run the following command

python -m http.server 8000

Then, using your browser (Google Chrome is preferred), open http://localhost:8000


  1. Can I change the web port?

Yes. Port number 8878 is default port in the prepare10x_from_seurat and prepare10x_from_SpatialExperiment functions in SpatialViewR package. You can pass a different port number in these functions.

  1. Once a port is used, I get 'port in use' error on my next run.

Currently, SpatialViewR doesn't track the web process. To avoid the using the previously used port, you can provide a different port number in the prepare10x_from_seurat and prepare10x_from_SpatialExperiment functions. Alternative, you can kill the current process that uses the port. the following code may be helpful in Linux or MacOS

$ lsof -i :8878

#Python  55461      XXX    XX  XX.       XX      XX  TCP *:8878 (LISTEN)

$kill 55461