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Quip Automation API Client for Java

This is a java client library to use Quip Automation API.

Steps to use API

  1. Download the latest jar in the release
  2. Import the jar to your project
  3. Get your personal access token from here
  4. Call QuipClient#setAccessToken in your code to set the access token you obtained above

Code Example

// Set your personal access token

// Get a list of documents recently updated
QuipThread[] threads = QuipThread.getRecentThreads();
for (QuipThread thread : threads) {
    System.out.println(thread.getId() + ": " + thread.getTitle() + ", " + thread.getLink());

// Create a new document
QuipThread thread = QuipThread.createDocument("Document1", "Let's start!", null, Format.HTML, Type.DOCUMENT);

// Insert an image
QuipBlob blob = thread.addBlob(new File(IMAGE_FILE_PATH));
thread.editDocument("Here is the image.", Format.HTML, null, null);
thread.editDocument("<img src='" + blob.getUrl() + "'>", Format.HTML, null, null);

// Add a table
thread.editDocument(QuipTable.createTableHtml(3, 2), QuipThread.Format.HTML, null, QuipThread.Location.APPEND);
QuipTable table = thread.getTableById(thread.getTableIds[0]);
table.updateCellValue(1, 1, "Update cell value");
