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Trying to get rid of monstrous declarations on top of the file
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AlexDaniel committed Jun 13, 2015
1 parent 205c103 commit 5c09684
Showing 1 changed file with 107 additions and 110 deletions.
217 changes: 107 additions & 110 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,145 +38,142 @@ package OddMuse;
local $| = 1; # Do not buffer output (localized for mod_perl)

# Options:
our ($RssLicense, $RssCacheHours, @RcDays, $TempDir, $LockDir, $DataDir, $KeepDir, $PageDir, $RcOldFile, $IndexFile,
$BannedContent, $NoEditFile, $BannedHosts, $ConfigFile, $FullUrl, $SiteName, $HomePage, $LogoUrl, $RcDefault, $RssDir,
$IndentLimit, $RecentTop, $RecentLink, $EditAllowed, $UseDiff, $KeepDays, $KeepMajor, $EmbedWiki, $BracketText, $UseConfig,
$AdminPass, $EditPass, $PassHashFunction, $PassSalt, $NetworkFile, $BracketWiki, $FreeLinks, $WikiLinks, $SummaryHours,
$FreeLinkPattern, $RCName, $RunCGI, $ShowEdits, $LinkPattern, $RssExclude, $InterLinkPattern, $MaxPost, $UseGrep, $UrlPattern,
$UrlProtocols, $ImageExtensions, $InterSitePattern, $FS, $CookieName, $SiteBase, $StyleSheet, $NotFoundPg, $FooterNote, $NewText,
$EditNote, $UserGotoBar, $VisitorFile, $DeleteFile, $RcFile, %Smilies, %SpecialDays, $InterWikiMoniker, $SiteDescription, $RssImageUrl,
$ReadMe, $RssRights, $BannedCanRead, $SurgeProtection, $TopLinkBar, $TopSearchForm, $MatchingPages, $LanguageLimit,
$SurgeProtectionTime, $SurgeProtectionViews, $DeletedPage, %Languages, $InterMap, $ValidatorLink, %LockOnCreation,
$RssStyleSheet, %CookieParameters, @UserGotoBarPages, $NewComment, $HtmlHeaders, $StyleSheetPage, $ConfigPage, $ScriptName,
$CommentsPrefix, $CommentsPattern, @UploadTypes, $AllNetworkFiles, $UsePathInfo, $UploadAllowed, $LastUpdate, $PageCluster,
%PlainTextPages, $RssInterwikiTranslate, $UseCache, $Counter, $ModuleDir, $FullUrlPattern, $SummaryDefaultLength,
$FreeInterLinkPattern, %InvisibleCookieParameters, %AdminPages, $UseQuestionmark, $JournalLimit, $LockExpiration, $RssStrip,
%LockExpires, @IndexOptions, @Debugging, $DocumentHeader, %HtmlEnvironmentContainers, @MyAdminCode, @MyFooters,
@MyInitVariables, @MyMacros, @MyMaintenance, @MyRules, $PageNameLimit);
our ($RssLicense, $TempDir, $LockDir, $KeepDir, $PageDir, $RcOldFile, $IndexFile,
$NoEditFile, $ConfigFile, $FullUrl, $RssDir,
$FreeLinkPattern, $LinkPattern, $InterLinkPattern, $UrlPattern,
$UrlProtocols, $ImageExtensions, $InterSitePattern, $FS, $VisitorFile, $DeleteFile, $RcFile,
%PlainTextPages, $Counter, $ModuleDir, $FullUrlPattern,
$FreeInterLinkPattern, %AdminPages,
@Debugging, $DocumentHeader, %HtmlEnvironmentContainers, @MyAdminCode, @MyFooters,
@MyInitVariables, @MyMacros, @MyMaintenance);

# Internal variables:
our (%Page, %InterSite, %IndexHash, %Translate, %OldCookie, $FootnoteNumber, $OpenPageName, @IndexList, $Message, $q, $Now,
%RecentVisitors, @HtmlStack, @HtmlAttrStack, %MyInc, $CollectingJournal, $bol, $WikiDescription, $PrintedHeader,
%Locks, $Fragment, @Blocks, @Flags, $Today, @KnownLocks, $ModulesDescription, %Action, %RuleOrder, %Includes,
%Locks, $Fragment, @Blocks, @Flags, $Today, $ModulesDescription, %Includes,

# Can be set outside the script: $DataDir, $UseConfig, $ConfigFile, $ModuleDir,
# $ConfigPage, $AdminPass, $EditPass, $ScriptName, $FullUrl, $RunCGI.

# 1 = load config file in the data directory
$UseConfig //= 1;
our $UseConfig //= 1;

# Main wiki directory
$DataDir = $ENV{WikiDataDir} if $UseConfig and not $DataDir;
our $DataDir = $ENV{WikiDataDir} if $UseConfig and not $DataDir;
$DataDir ||= '/tmp/oddmuse'; # FIXME: /var/opt/oddmuse/wiki ?
$ConfigPage ||= ''; # config page
our $ConfigPage ||= ''; # config page

# 1 = Run script as CGI instead of loading as module
$RunCGI //= 1;
our $RunCGI //= 1;

# 1 = allow page views using
$UsePathInfo = 1;
our $UsePathInfo = 1;

# -1 = disabled, 0 = 10s; 1 = partial HTML cache; 2 = HTTP/1.1 caching
$UseCache = 2;

$SiteName = 'Wiki'; # Name of site (used for titles)
$HomePage = 'HomePage'; # Home page
$CookieName = 'Wiki'; # Name for this wiki (for multi-wiki sites)

$SiteBase = ''; # Full URL for <BASE> header
$MaxPost = 1024 * 210; # Maximum 210K posts (about 200K for pages)
$StyleSheet = ''; # URL for CSS stylesheet (like '/wiki.css')
$StyleSheetPage = ''; # Page for CSS sheet
$LogoUrl = ''; # URL for site logo ('' for no logo)
$NotFoundPg = ''; # Page for not-found links ('' for blank pg)

$NewText = T('This page is empty.') . "\n"; # New page text
$NewComment = T('Add your comment here:'); # New comment text

$EditAllowed = 1; # 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = comments pages only, 3 = comments only
$AdminPass //= ''; # Whitespace separated passwords.
$EditPass //= ''; # Whitespace separated passwords.
$PassHashFunction //= ''; # Name of the function to create hashes
$PassSalt //= ''; # Salt will be added to any password before hashing

$BannedHosts = 'BannedHosts'; # Page for banned hosts
$BannedCanRead = 1; # 1 = banned cannot edit, 0 = banned cannot read
$BannedContent = 'BannedContent'; # Page for banned content (usually for link-ban)
$WikiLinks = 1; # 1 = LinkPattern is a link
$FreeLinks = 1; # 1 = [[some text]] is a link
$UseQuestionmark = 1; # 1 = append questionmark to links to nonexisting pages
$BracketText = 1; # 1 = [URL desc] uses a description for the URL
$BracketWiki = 1; # 1 = [WikiLink desc] uses a desc for the local link
$NetworkFile = 1; # 1 = file: is a valid protocol for URLs
$AllNetworkFiles = 0; # 1 = file:///foo is allowed -- the default allows only file://foo
$InterMap = 'InterMap'; # name of the intermap page, '' = disable
$RssInterwikiTranslate = 'RssInterwikiTranslate'; # name of RSS interwiki translation page, '' = disable
our $UseCache = 2;

our $SiteName = 'Wiki'; # Name of site (used for titles)
our $HomePage = 'HomePage'; # Home page
our $CookieName = 'Wiki'; # Name for this wiki (for multi-wiki sites)

our $SiteBase = ''; # Full URL for <BASE> header
our $MaxPost = 1024 * 210; # Maximum 210K posts (about 200K for pages)
our $StyleSheet = ''; # URL for CSS stylesheet (like '/wiki.css')
our $StyleSheetPage = ''; # Page for CSS sheet
our $LogoUrl = ''; # URL for site logo ('' for no logo)
our $NotFoundPg = ''; # Page for not-found links ('' for blank pg)

our $NewText = T('This page is empty.') . "\n"; # New page text
our $NewComment = T('Add your comment here:'); # New comment text

our $EditAllowed = 1; # 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = comments pages only, 3 = comments only
our $AdminPass //= ''; # Whitespace separated passwords.
our $EditPass //= ''; # Whitespace separated passwords.
our $PassHashFunction //= ''; # Name of the function to create hashes
our $PassSalt //= ''; # Salt will be added to any password before hashing

our $BannedHosts = 'BannedHosts'; # Page for banned hosts
our $BannedCanRead = 1; # 1 = banned cannot edit, 0 = banned cannot read
our $BannedContent = 'BannedContent'; # Page for banned content (usually for link-ban)
our $WikiLinks = 1; # 1 = LinkPattern is a link
our $FreeLinks = 1; # 1 = [[some text]] is a link
our $UseQuestionmark = 1; # 1 = append questionmark to links to nonexisting pages
our $BracketText = 1; # 1 = [URL desc] uses a description for the URL
our $BracketWiki = 1; # 1 = [WikiLink desc] uses a desc for the local link
our $NetworkFile = 1; # 1 = file: is a valid protocol for URLs
our $AllNetworkFiles = 0; # 1 = file:///foo is allowed -- the default allows only file://foo
our $InterMap = 'InterMap'; # name of the intermap page, '' = disable
our $RssInterwikiTranslate = 'RssInterwikiTranslate'; # name of RSS interwiki translation page, '' = disable
$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; # Path used to find 'diff' and 'grep'
$UseDiff = 1; # 1 = use diff
$UseGrep = 1; # 1 = use grep to speed up searches
$SurgeProtection = 1; # 1 = protect against leeches
$SurgeProtectionTime = 20; # Size of the protected window in seconds
$SurgeProtectionViews = 20; # How many page views to allow in this window
$DeletedPage = 'DeletedPage'; # Pages starting with this can be deleted
$RCName = 'RecentChanges'; # Name of changes page
@RcDays = qw(1 3 7 30 90); # Days for links on RecentChanges
$RcDefault = 30; # Default number of RecentChanges days
$KeepDays = 14; # Days to keep old revisions
$KeepMajor = 1; # 1 = keep at least one major rev when expiring pages
$SummaryHours = 4; # Hours to offer the old subject when editing a page
$SummaryDefaultLength = 150; # Length of default text for summary (0 to disable)
$ShowEdits = 0; # 1 = major and show minor edits in recent changes
$RecentTop = 1; # 1 = most recent entries at the top of the list
$RecentLink = 1; # 1 = link to usernames
$PageCluster = ''; # name of cluster page, eg. 'Cluster' to enable
$InterWikiMoniker = ''; # InterWiki prefix for this wiki for RSS
$SiteDescription = ''; # RSS Description of this wiki
$RssStrip = '^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d_'; # Regexp to strip from feed item titles
$RssImageUrl = $LogoUrl; # URL to image to associate with your RSS feed
$RssRights = ''; # Copyright notice for RSS, usually an URL to the appropriate text
$RssExclude = 'RssExclude'; # name of the page that lists pages to be excluded from the feed
$RssCacheHours = 1; # How many hours to cache remote RSS files
$RssStyleSheet = ''; # External style sheet for RSS files
$UploadAllowed = 0; # 1 = yes, 0 = administrators only
@UploadTypes = ('image/jpeg', 'image/png'); # MIME types allowed, all allowed if empty list
$EmbedWiki = 0; # 1 = no headers/footers
$FooterNote = ''; # HTML for bottom of every page
$EditNote = ''; # HTML notice above buttons on edit page
$TopLinkBar = 1; # 0 = goto bar both at the top and bottom; 1 = top, 2 = bottom
$TopSearchForm = 1; # 0 = search form both at the top and bottom; 1 = top, 2 = bottom
$MatchingPages = 0; # 1 = search page content and page titles
@UserGotoBarPages = (); # List of pagenames
$UserGotoBar = ''; # HTML added to end of goto bar
$ValidatorLink = 0; # 1 = Link to the W3C HTML validator service
$CommentsPrefix = ''; # prefix for comment pages, eg. 'Comments_on_' to enable
$CommentsPattern = undef; # regex used to match comment pages
$HtmlHeaders = ''; # Additional stuff to put in the HTML <head> section
$IndentLimit = 20; # Maximum depth of nested lists
$LanguageLimit = 3; # Number of matches req. for each language
$JournalLimit = 200; # how many pages can be collected in one go?
$PageNameLimit = 120; # max length of page name in bytes
our $UseDiff = 1; # 1 = use diff
our $UseGrep = 1; # 1 = use grep to speed up searches
our $SurgeProtection = 1; # 1 = protect against leeches
our $SurgeProtectionTime = 20; # Size of the protected window in seconds
our $SurgeProtectionViews = 20; # How many page views to allow in this window
our $DeletedPage = 'DeletedPage'; # Pages starting with this can be deleted
our $RCName = 'RecentChanges'; # Name of changes page
our @RcDays = qw(1 3 7 30 90); # Days for links on RecentChanges
our $RcDefault = 30; # Default number of RecentChanges days
our $KeepDays = 14; # Days to keep old revisions
our $KeepMajor = 1; # 1 = keep at least one major rev when expiring pages
our $SummaryHours = 4; # Hours to offer the old subject when editing a page
our $SummaryDefaultLength = 150; # Length of default text for summary (0 to disable)
our $ShowEdits = 0; # 1 = major and show minor edits in recent changes
our $RecentTop = 1; # 1 = most recent entries at the top of the list
our $RecentLink = 1; # 1 = link to usernames
our $PageCluster = ''; # name of cluster page, eg. 'Cluster' to enable
our $InterWikiMoniker = ''; # InterWiki prefix for this wiki for RSS
our $SiteDescription = ''; # RSS Description of this wiki
our $RssStrip = '^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d_'; # Regexp to strip from feed item titles
our $RssImageUrl = $LogoUrl; # URL to image to associate with your RSS feed
our $RssRights = ''; # Copyright notice for RSS, usually an URL to the appropriate text
our $RssExclude = 'RssExclude'; # name of the page that lists pages to be excluded from the feed
our $RssCacheHours = 1; # How many hours to cache remote RSS files
our $RssStyleSheet = ''; # External style sheet for RSS files
our $UploadAllowed = 0; # 1 = yes, 0 = administrators only
our @UploadTypes = ('image/jpeg', 'image/png'); # MIME types allowed, all allowed if empty list
our $EmbedWiki = 0; # 1 = no headers/footers
our $FooterNote = ''; # HTML for bottom of every page
our $EditNote = ''; # HTML notice above buttons on edit page
our $TopLinkBar = 1; # 0 = goto bar both at the top and bottom; 1 = top, 2 = bottom
our $TopSearchForm = 1; # 0 = search form both at the top and bottom; 1 = top, 2 = bottom
our $MatchingPages = 0; # 1 = search page content and page titles
our @UserGotoBarPages = (); # List of pagenames
our $UserGotoBar = ''; # HTML added to end of goto bar
our $ValidatorLink = 0; # 1 = Link to the W3C HTML validator service
our $CommentsPrefix = ''; # prefix for comment pages, eg. 'Comments_on_' to enable
our $CommentsPattern = undef; # regex used to match comment pages
our $HtmlHeaders = ''; # Additional stuff to put in the HTML <head> section
our $IndentLimit = 20; # Maximum depth of nested lists
our $LanguageLimit = 3; # Number of matches req. for each language
our $JournalLimit = 200; # how many pages can be collected in one go?
our $PageNameLimit = 120; # max length of page name in bytes
$DocumentHeader = qq(<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN")
. qq( "">\n)
. qq(<html xmlns="">);
# Checkboxes at the end of the index.
@IndexOptions = ();
our @IndexOptions = ();
# Display short comments below the GotoBar for special days
# Example: %SpecialDays = ('1-1' => 'New Year', '1-2' => 'Next Day');
%SpecialDays = ();
our %SpecialDays = ();
# Replace regular expressions with inlined images
# Example: %Smilies = (":-?D(?=\\W)" => '/pics/grin.png');
%Smilies = ();
our %Smilies = ();
# Detect page languages when saving edits
# Example: %Languages = ('de' => '\b(der|die|das|und|oder)\b');
%Languages = ();
@KnownLocks = qw(main diff index merge visitors); # locks to remove
$LockExpiration = 60; # How long before expirable locks are expired
%LockExpires = (diff=>1, index=>1, merge=>1, visitors=>1); # locks to expire after some time
%CookieParameters = (username=>'', pwd=>'', homepage=>'', theme=>'', css=>'', msg=>'', lang=>'', embed=>$EmbedWiki,
our %Languages = ();
our @KnownLocks = qw(main diff index merge visitors); # locks to remove
our $LockExpiration = 60; # How long before expirable locks are expired
our %LockExpires = (diff=>1, index=>1, merge=>1, visitors=>1); # locks to expire after some time
our %CookieParameters = (username=>'', pwd=>'', homepage=>'', theme=>'', css=>'', msg=>'', lang=>'', embed=>$EmbedWiki,
toplinkbar=>$TopLinkBar, topsearchform=>$TopSearchForm, matchingpages=>$MatchingPages, );
%InvisibleCookieParameters = (msg=>1, pwd=>1,);
%Action = (rc => \&BrowseRc, rollback => \&DoRollback,
our %InvisibleCookieParameters = (msg=>1, pwd=>1,);
our %Action = (rc => \&BrowseRc, rollback => \&DoRollback,
browse => \&BrowseResolvedPage, maintain => \&DoMaintain,
random => \&DoRandom, pagelock => \&DoPageLock,
history => \&DoHistory, editlock => \&DoEditLock,
Expand All @@ -186,8 +183,8 @@ package OddMuse;
index => \&DoIndex, admin => \&DoAdminPage,
clear => \&DoClearCache, debug => \&DoDebug,
contrib => \&DoContributors, more => \&DoJournal);
@MyRules = (\&LinkRules, \&ListRule); # don't set this variable, add to it!
%RuleOrder = (\&LinkRules => 0, \&ListRule => 0);
our @MyRules = (\&LinkRules, \&ListRule); # don't set this variable, add to it!
our %RuleOrder = (\&LinkRules => 0, \&ListRule => 0);

# The 'main' program, called at the end of this script file (aka. as handler)
sub DoWikiRequest {
Expand Down

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