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Ken Siprell edited this page Jul 11, 2015 · 8 revisions

Version 1.1.1, 11 July 2015

  • Fixed issue #9.

  • Tested with Grails 2.5.0.

Version 1.1.0, 17 May 2015

  • Changed default DroolsRule property from “rule” to “ruleText” because rule is a reserved word in SQL Server. However, you should not have to change your application. DroolsService will work with both.

  • Added two methods to the DroolsService that allow using text as rules.

    • executeFromText(String text, List facts)
    • fireFromText(String text, List facts)
  • If you start your app with grails -reloading run-app, changes to the following files will be reloaded.

    • src/resources/${grails.plugin.drools.drlFileLocation}/**/*.drl
    • src/resources/${grails.plugin.drools.drlFileLocation}/**/*.rule

Version 1.0.1, 19 April 2015

Version 1.0.0, 3 April 2015

  • Breaking Changes:

    • Rule files and subdirectories must be located under src/resources/
    • drlFileLocation must be a single directory name and not a path
    • Load rule files on classpath using ‘/‘ instead of ‘.'
    • Rule files must have a "drl" or "rule” suffix
  • No longer linked to Burt Beckwith's fork in order to use local issues and pull requests

  • Update Drools to 6.2.0.Final

  • Fix issue where KieSession beans cannot access their KieBase rule packages

  • kiePostProcessor bean now created in plugin's doWithSpring closure instead of from grails-app/conf/drools-context.xml

  • Built with Grails 2.4.5

Version 0.9.3, 6 February 2015

Version 0.9.2, 27 January 2015

  • Change issue management URL

Version 0.9.1, 27 January 2015

  • Initial release
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