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How to create your own vector search engine in Elixir

    {:bumblebee, "~> 0.3.0"},
    {:scidata, "~> 0.1.9"},
    {:explorer, "~> 0.5.0"},
    {:exla, ">= 0.0.0"},
    {:ex_faiss, github: "elixir-nx/ex_faiss"}
  config: [nx: [default_backend: EXLA.Backend]],
  system_env: %{"USE_LLVM_BREW" => "true"}


Along with the emerging LLMs, vector search engines have become increasingly important nowadays. We will demonstrate how to create a DIY vector search engine to gain detailed knowledge about the technology.


dataset =
  |> Scidata.Squad.to_columns()
  |> Map.get("context")
  |> Enum.shuffle()
  |> Enum.take(100)
["Many insects possess very sensitive and, or specialized organs of perception. Some insects such as bees can perceive ultraviolet wavelengths, or detect polarized light, while the antennae of male moths can detect the pheromones of female moths over distances of many kilometers. The yellow paper wasp (Polistes versicolor) is known for its wagging movements as a form of communication within the colony; it can waggle with a frequency of 10.6±2.1 Hz (n=190). These wagging movements can signal the arrival of new material into the nest and aggression between workers can be used to stimulate others to increase foraging expeditions. There is a pronounced tendency for there to be a trade-off between visual acuity and chemical or tactile acuity, such that most insects with well-developed eyes have reduced or simple antennae, and vice versa. There are a variety of different mechanisms by which insects perceive sound, while the patterns are not universal, insects can generally hear sound if they can produce it. Different insect species can have varying hearing, though most insects can hear only a narrow range of frequencies related to the frequency of the sounds they can produce. Mosquitoes have been found to hear up to 2 kHz., and some grasshoppers can hear up to 50 kHz. Certain predatory and parasitic insects can detect the characteristic sounds made by their prey or hosts, respectively. For instance, some nocturnal moths can perceive the ultrasonic emissions of bats, which helps them avoid predation.:87–94 Insects that feed on blood have special sensory structures that can detect infrared emissions, and use them to home in on their hosts.",
 "Delhi Metro is being built and operated by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC), a state-owned company with equal equity participation from Government of India and Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi. However, the organisation is under administrative control of Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. Besides construction and operation of Delhi metro, DMRC is also involved in the planning and implementation of metro rail, monorail and high-speed rail projects in India and providing consultancy services to other metro projects in the country as well as abroad. The Delhi Metro project was spearheaded by Padma Vibhushan E. Sreedharan, the Managing Director of DMRC and popularly known as the \"Metro Man\" of India. He famously resigned from DMRC, taking moral responsibility for a metro bridge collapse which took five lives. Sreedharan was awarded with the prestigious Legion of Honour by the French Government for his contribution to Delhi Metro.",
 "Despite their usurpation of imperial authority, the Fujiwara presided over a period of cultural and artistic flowering at the imperial court and among the aristocracy. There was great interest in graceful poetry and vernacular literature. Two types of phonetic Japanese script: katakana, a simplified script that was developed by using parts of Chinese characters, was abbreviated to hiragana, a cursive syllabary with a distinct writing method that was uniquely Japanese. Hiragana gave written expression to the spoken word and, with it, to the rise in Japan's famous vernacular literature, much of it written by court women who had not been trained in Chinese as had their male counterparts. Three late tenth century and early eleventh century women presented their views of life and romance at the Heian court in Kagerō Nikki by \"the mother of Fujiwara Michitsuna\", The Pillow Book by Sei Shōnagon and The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu. Indigenous art also flourished under the Fujiwara after centuries of imitating Chinese forms. Vividly colored yamato-e, Japanese style paintings of court life and stories about temples and shrines became common in the mid- and late Heian periods, setting patterns for Japanese art to this day.",
 "Artspace on Orange Street is one of several contemporary art galleries around the city, showcasing the work of local, national, and international artists. Others include City Gallery and A. Leaf Gallery in the downtown area. Westville galleries include Kehler Liddell, Jennifer Jane Gallery, and The Hungry Eye. The Erector Square complex in the Fair Haven neighborhood houses the Parachute Factory gallery along with numerous artist studios, and the complex serves as an active destination during City-Wide Open Studios held yearly in October.",
 "Model plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana are used for studying the molecular biology of plant cells and the chloroplast. Ideally, these organisms have small genomes that are well known or completely sequenced, small stature and short generation times. Corn has been used to study mechanisms of photosynthesis and phloem loading of sugar in C4 plants. The single celled green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, while not an embryophyte itself, contains a green-pigmented chloroplast related to that of land plants, making it useful for study. A red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae has also been used to study some basic chloroplast functions. Spinach, peas, soybeans and a moss Physcomitrella patens are commonly used to study plant cell biology.",
 "Unicode has the explicit aim of transcending the limitations of traditional character encodings, such as those defined by the ISO 8859 standard, which find wide usage in various countries of the world but remain largely incompatible with each other. Many traditional character encodings share a common problem in that they allow bilingual computer processing (usually using Latin characters and the local script), but not multilingual computer processing (computer processing of arbitrary scripts mixed with each other).",
 "The Sustainable Development Goals are ambitious, and they will require enormous efforts across countries, continents, industries and disciplines - but they are achievable. UNFPA is working with governments, partners and other UN agencies to directly tackle many of these goals - in particular Goal 3 on health, Goal 4 on education and Goal 5 on gender equality - and contributes in a variety of ways to achieving many of the rest. ",
 "Uranium is used as a colorant in uranium glass producing orange-red to lemon yellow hues. It was also used for tinting and shading in early photography. The 1789 discovery of uranium in the mineral pitchblende is credited to Martin Heinrich Klaproth, who named the new element after the planet Uranus. Eugène-Melchior Péligot was the first person to isolate the metal and its radioactive properties were discovered in 1896 by Henri Becquerel. Research by Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, Enrico Fermi and others, such as J. Robert Oppenheimer starting in 1934 led to its use as a fuel in the nuclear power industry and in Little Boy, the first nuclear weapon used in war. An ensuing arms race during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union produced tens of thousands of nuclear weapons that used uranium metal and uranium-derived plutonium-239. The security of those weapons and their fissile material following the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 is an ongoing concern for public health and safety. See Nuclear proliferation.",
 "The politics of Zhejiang is structured in a dual party-government system like all other governing institutions in Mainland China. The Governor of Zhejiang is the highest-ranking official in the People's Government of Zhejiang. However, in the province's dual party-government governing system, the Governor is subordinate to the Zhejiang Communist Party of China (CPC) Provincial Committee Secretary, colloquially termed the \"Zhejiang CPC Party Chief\".",
 "In China, a call to boycott French hypermart Carrefour from May 1 began spreading through mobile text messaging and online chat rooms amongst the Chinese over the weekend from April 12, accusing the company's major shareholder, the LVMH Group, of donating funds to the Dalai Lama. There were also calls to extend the boycott to include French luxury goods and cosmetic products. Chinese protesters organized boycotts of the French-owned retail chain Carrefour in major Chinese cities including Kunming, Hefei and Wuhan, accusing the French nation of pro-secessionist conspiracy and anti-Chinese racism. Some burned French flags, some added Swastika (due to its conotaions with Nazism) to the French flag, and spread short online messages calling for large protests in front of French consulates and embassy. Some shoppers who insisted on entering one of the Carrefour stores in Kunming were blocked by boycotters wielding large Chinese flags and hit by water bottles. Hundreds of people joined Anti-French rallies in Beijing, Wuhan, Hefei, Kunming and Qingdao, which quickly spread to other cities like Xi'an, Harbin and Jinan. Carrefour denied any support or involvement in the Tibetan issue, and had its staff in its Chinese stores wear uniforms emblazoned with the Chinese national flag and caps with Olympic insignia and as well as the words \"Beijing 2008\" to show its support for the games. The effort had to be ceased when the BOCOG deemed the use of official Olympic insignia as illegal and a violation of copyright.",
 "Conflict with Arius and Arianism as well as successive Roman emperors shaped Athanasius's career. In 325, at the age of 27, Athanasius began his leading role against the Arians as his bishop's assistant during the First Council of Nicaea. Roman emperor Constantine the Great had convened the council in May–August 325 to address the Arian position that the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth, is of a distinct substance from the Father. Three years after that council, Athanasius succeeded his mentor as archbishop of Alexandria. In addition to the conflict with the Arians (including powerful and influential Arian churchmen led by Eusebius of Nicomedia), he struggled against the Emperors Constantine, Constantius II, Julian the Apostate and Valens. He was known as \"Athanasius Contra Mundum\" (Latin for Athanasius Against the World).",
 "Following filming in Mexico, and during a scheduled break, Craig was flown to New York to undergo minor surgery to fix his knee injury. It was reported that filming was not affected and he had returned to filming at Pinewood Studios as planned on 22 April.",
 "Strasbourg's historic city centre, the Grande Île (Grand Island), was classified a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1988, the first time such an honour was placed on an entire city centre. Strasbourg is immersed in the Franco-German culture and although violently disputed throughout history, has been a bridge of unity between France and Germany for centuries, especially through the University of Strasbourg, currently the second largest in France, and the coexistence of Catholic and Protestant culture. The largest Islamic place of worship in France, the Strasbourg Grand Mosque, was inaugurated by French Interior Minister Manuel Valls on 27 September 2012.",
 "Alexis de Tocqueville described the French Revolution as the inevitable result of the radical opposition created in the 18th century between the monarchy and the men of letters of the Enlightenment. These men of letters constituted a sort of \"substitute aristocracy that was both all-powerful and without real power\". This illusory power came from the rise of \"public opinion\", born when absolutist centralization removed the nobility and the bourgeoisie from the political sphere. The \"literary politics\" that resulted promoted a discourse of equality and was hence in fundamental opposition to the monarchical regime. De Tocqueville \"clearly designates ... the cultural effects of transformation in the forms of the exercise of power\". Nevertheless, it took another century before cultural approach became central to the historiography, as typified by Robert Darnton, The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie, 1775–1800 (1979).",
 "In addition to all of the above, the brain and spinal cord contain extensive circuitry to control the autonomic nervous system, which works by secreting hormones and by modulating the \"smooth\" muscles of the gut. The autonomic nervous system affects heart rate, digestion, respiration rate, salivation, perspiration, urination, and sexual arousal, and several other processes. Most of its functions are not under direct voluntary control.",
 "The league held its first season in 1992–93 and was originally composed of 22 clubs. The first ever Premier League goal was scored by Brian Deane of Sheffield United in a 2–1 win against Manchester United. The 22 inaugural members of the new Premier League were Arsenal, Aston Villa, Blackburn Rovers, Chelsea, Coventry City, Crystal Palace, Everton, Ipswich Town, Leeds United, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Middlesbrough, Norwich City, Nottingham Forest, Oldham Athletic, Queens Park Rangers, Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, Southampton, Tottenham Hotspur, and Wimbledon. Luton Town, Notts County and West Ham United were the three teams relegated from the old first division at the end of the 1991–92 season, and did not take part in the inaugural Premier League season.",
 "Players may only be transferred during transfer windows that are set by the Football Association. The two transfer windows run from the last day of the season to 31 August and from 31 December to 31 January. Player registrations cannot be exchanged outside these windows except under specific licence from the FA, usually on an emergency basis. As of the 2010–11 season, the Premier League introduced new rules mandating that each club must register a maximum 25-man squad of players aged over 21, with the squad list only allowed to be changed in transfer windows or in exceptional circumstances. This was to enable the 'home grown' rule to be enacted, whereby the League would also from 2010 require at least 8 of the named 25 man squad to be made up of 'home-grown players'.",
 "After the lengthy Iraq disarmament crisis culminated with an American demand that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein leave Iraq, which was refused, a coalition led by the United States and the United Kingdom fought the Iraqi army in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Approximately 250,000 United States troops, with support from 45,000 British, 2,000 Australian and 200 Polish combat forces, entered Iraq primarily through their staging area in Kuwait. (Turkey had refused to permit its territory to be used for an invasion from the north.) Coalition forces also supported Iraqi Kurdish militia, estimated to number upwards of 50,000. After approximately three weeks of fighting, Hussein and the Ba'ath Party were forcibly removed, followed by 9 years of military presence by the United States and the coalition fighting alongside the newly elected Iraqi government against various insurgent groups.",
 "The continuing decline influenced further changes for season 14, including the loss of Coca-Cola as the show's major sponsor, and a decision to only broadcast one, two-hour show per week during the top 12 rounds (with results from the previous week integrated into the performance show, rather than having a separate results show). On May 11, 2015, prior to the fourteenth season finale, Fox announced that the fifteenth season of American Idol would be its last. Despite these changes, the show's ratings would decline more sharply. The fourteenth season finale was the lowest-rated finale ever, with an average of only 8.03 million viewers watching the finale.",
 "Robots.txt is used as part of the Robots Exclusion Standard, a voluntary protocol the Internet Archive respects that disallows bots from indexing certain pages delineated by its creator as off-limits. As a result, the Internet Archive has rendered unavailable a number of web sites that now are inaccessible through the Wayback Machine. Currently, the Internet Archive applies robots.txt rules retroactively; if a site blocks the Internet Archive, such as Healthcare Advocates, any previously archived pages from the domain are rendered unavailable as well. In cases of blocked sites, only the robots.txt file is archived.",
 "The majority of studies indicate antibiotics do interfere with contraceptive pills, such as clinical studies that suggest the failure rate of contraceptive pills caused by antibiotics is very low (about 1%). In cases where antibacterials have been suggested to affect the efficiency of birth control pills, such as for the broad-spectrum antibacterial rifampicin, these cases may be due to an increase in the activities of hepatic liver enzymes' causing increased breakdown of the pill's active ingredients. Effects on the intestinal flora, which might result in reduced absorption of estrogens in the colon, have also been suggested, but such suggestions have been inconclusive and controversial. Clinicians have recommended that extra contraceptive measures be applied during therapies using antibacterials that are suspected to interact with oral contraceptives.",
 "Another aspect of anti-aircraft defence was the use of barrage balloons to act as physical obstacle initially to bomber aircraft over cities and later for ground attack aircraft over the Normandy invasion fleets. The balloon, a simple blimp tethered to the ground, worked in two ways. Firstly, it and the steel cable were a danger to any aircraft that tried to fly among them. Secondly, to avoid the balloons, bombers had to fly at a higher altitude, which was more favorable for the guns. Barrage balloons were limited in application, and had minimal success at bringing down aircraft, being largely immobile and passive defences.",
 "40°48′47″N 73°57′27″W\uFEFF / \uFEFF40.813°N 73.9575°W\uFEFF / 40.813; -73.9575 La Salle Street is a street in West Harlem that runs just two blocks between Amsterdam Avenue and Claremont Avenue. West of Convent Avenue, 125th Street was re-routed onto the old Manhattan Avenue. The original 125th Street west of Convent Avenue was swallowed up to make the super-blocks where the low income housing projects now exist. La Salle Street is the only vestige of the original routing.",
 "It is believed that Nanjing was the largest city in the world from 1358 to 1425 with a population of 487,000 in 1400. Nanjing remained the capital of the Ming Empire until 1421, when the third emperor of the Ming dynasty, the Yongle Emperor, relocated the capital to Beijing.",
 "On 26 February 2015, the FCC ruled in favor of net neutrality by adopting Title II (common carrier) of the Communications Act of 1934 and Section 706 in the Telecommunications act of 1996 to the Internet. The FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler, commented, \"This is no more a plan to regulate the Internet than the First Amendment is a plan to regulate free speech. They both stand for the same concept.\"",
 "There are strict limits to how efficiently heat can be converted into work in a cyclic process, e.g. in a heat engine, as described by Carnot's theorem and the second law of thermodynamics. However, some energy transformations can be quite efficient. The direction of transformations in energy (what kind of energy is transformed to what other kind) is often determined by entropy (equal energy spread among all available degrees of freedom) considerations. In practice all energy transformations are permitted on a small scale, but certain larger transformations are not permitted because it is statistically unlikely that energy or matter will randomly move into more concentrated forms or smaller spaces.",
 "After the American Revolutionary War, the number and proportion of free people of color increased markedly in the North and the South as slaves were freed. Most northern states abolished slavery, sometimes, like New York, in programs of gradual emancipation that took more than two decades to be completed. The last slaves in New York were not freed until 1827. In connection with the Second Great Awakening, Quaker and Methodist preachers in the South urged slaveholders to free their slaves. Revolutionary ideals led many men to free their slaves, some by deed and others by will, so that from 1782 to 1810, the percentage of free people of color rose from less than one percent to nearly 10 percent of blacks in the South.",
 "In principle, comprehensive schools were conceived as \"neighbourhood\" schools for all students in a specified catchment area. Current education reforms with Academies Programme, Free Schools and University Technical Colleges will no doubt have some impact on the comprehensive ideal but it is too early to say to what degree.",
 "In September 2003, China intended to join the European Galileo positioning system project and was to invest €230 million (USD296 million, GBP160 million) in Galileo over the next few years. At the time, it was believed that China's \"BeiDou\" navigation system would then only be used by its armed forces. In October 2004, China officially joined the Galileo project by signing the Agreement on the Cooperation in the Galileo Program between the \"Galileo Joint Undertaking\" (GJU) and the \"National Remote Sensing Centre of China\" (NRSCC). Based on the Sino-European Cooperation Agreement on Galileo program, China Galileo Industries (CGI), the prime contractor of the China’s involvement in Galileo programs, was founded in December 2004. By April 2006, eleven cooperation projects within the Galileo framework had been signed between China and EU. However, the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported in January 2008 that China was unsatisfied with its role in the Galileo project and was to compete with Galileo in the Asian market.",
 "Victoria's youngest son, Leopold, was affected by the blood-clotting disease haemophilia B and two of her five daughters, Alice and Beatrice, were carriers. Royal haemophiliacs descended from Victoria included her great-grandsons, Tsarevich Alexei of Russia, Alfonso, Prince of Asturias, and Infante Gonzalo of Spain. The presence of the disease in Victoria's descendants, but not in her ancestors, led to modern speculation that her true father was not the Duke of Kent but a haemophiliac. There is no documentary evidence of a haemophiliac in connection with Victoria's mother, and as male carriers always suffer the disease, even if such a man had existed he would have been seriously ill. It is more likely that the mutation arose spontaneously because Victoria's father was over 50 at the time of her conception and haemophilia arises more frequently in the children of older fathers. Spontaneous mutations account for about a third of cases.",
 "The vast majority of devices containing LEDs are \"safe under all conditions of normal use\", and so are classified as \"Class 1 LED product\"/\"LED Klasse 1\". At present, only a few LEDs—extremely bright LEDs that also have a tightly focused viewing angle of 8° or less—could, in theory, cause temporary blindness, and so are classified as \"Class 2\". The opinion of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) of 2010, on the health issues concerning LEDs, suggested banning public use of lamps which were in the moderate Risk Group 2, especially those with a high blue component in places frequented by children. In general, laser safety regulations—and the \"Class 1\", \"Class 2\", etc. system—also apply to LEDs.",
 "Many adaptations of the instrument have been done to cater to the special needs of Indian Carnatic music. In Indian classical music and Indian light music, the mandolin, which bears little resemblance to the European mandolin, is usually tuned E-B-E-B. As there is no concept of absolute pitch in Indian classical music, any convenient tuning maintaining these relative pitch intervals between the strings can be used. Another prevalent tuning with these intervals is C-G-C-G, which corresponds to Sa-Pa-Sa-Pa in the Indian carnatic classical music style. This tuning corresponds to the way violins are tuned for carnatic classical music. This type of mandolin is also used in Bhangra, dance music popular in Punjabi culture.",
 "Although the city lost the status of state capital to Columbia in 1786, Charleston became even more prosperous in the plantation-dominated economy of the post-Revolutionary years. The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 revolutionized the processing of this crop, making short-staple cotton profitable. It was more easily grown in the upland areas, and cotton quickly became South Carolina's major export commodity. The Piedmont region was developed into cotton plantations, to which the sea islands and Lowcountry were already devoted. Slaves were also the primary labor force within the city, working as domestics, artisans, market workers, and laborers.",
 "West's fourth studio album, 808s & Heartbreak (2008), marked an even more radical departure from his previous releases, largely abandoning rap and hip hop stylings in favor of a stark electropop sound composed of virtual synthesis, the Roland TR-808 drum machine, and explicitly auto-tuned vocal tracks. Drawing inspiration from artists such as Gary Numan, TJ Swan and Boy George, and maintaining a \"minimal but functional\" approach towards the album's studio production, West explored the electronic feel produced by Auto-Tune and utilized the sounds created by the 808, manipulating its pitch to produce a distorted, electronic sound; he then sought to juxtapose mechanical sounds with the traditional sounds of taiko drums and choir monks. The album's music features austere production and elements such as dense drums, lengthy strings, droning synthesizers, and somber piano, and drew comparisons to the work of 1980s post-punk and new wave groups, with West himself later confessing an affinity with British post-punk group Joy Division. Rolling Stone journalist Matthew Trammell asserted that the record was ahead of its time and wrote in a 2012 article, \"Now that popular music has finally caught up to it, 808s & Heartbreak has revealed itself to be Kanye’s most vulnerable work, and perhaps his most brilliant.\"",
 "Secondary education in the United States did not emerge until 1910, with the rise of large corporations and advancing technology in factories, which required skilled workers. In order to meet this new job demand, high schools were created, with a curriculum focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue collar work. This proved beneficial for both employers and employees, since the improved human capital lowered costs for the employer, while skilled employees received a higher wages.",
 "Comcast sold Comcast Cellular to SBC Communications in 1999 for $400 million, releasing them from $1.27 billion in debt. Comcast acquired Greater Philadelphia Cablevision in 1999. In March 1999, Comcast offered to buy MediaOne for $60 billion. However, MediaOne decided to accept AT&T Corporation's offer of $62 billion instead. Comcast University started in 1999 as well as Comcast Interactive Capital Group to make technology and Internet related investments taking its first investment in VeriSign.",
 "The international borders of the RSFSR touched Poland on the west; Norway and Finland on the northwest; and to its southeast were the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Mongolian People's Republic, and the People's Republic of China. Within the Soviet Union, the RSFSR bordered the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian SSRs to its west and Azerbaijan, Georgian and Kazakh SSRs to the south.",
 "In July 2009, Dell apologized after drawing the ire of the Taiwanese Consumer Protection Commission for twice refusing to honour a flood of orders against unusually low prices offered on its Taiwanese website. In the first instance, Dell offered a 19\" LCD panel for $15. In the second instance, Dell offered its Latitude E4300 notebook at NT$18,558 (US$580), 70% lower than usual price of NT$60,900 (US$1900). Concerning the E4300, rather than honour the discount taking a significant loss, the firm withdrew orders and offered a voucher of up to NT$20,000 (US$625) a customer in compensation. The consumer rights authorities in Taiwan fined Dell NT$1 million (US$31250) for customer rights infringements. Many consumers sued the firm for the unfair compensation. A court in southern Taiwan ordered the firm to deliver 18 laptops and 76 flat-panel monitors to 31 consumers for NT$490,000 (US$15,120), less than a third of the normal price. The court said the event could hardly be regarded as mistakes, as the prestigious firm said the company mispriced its products twice in Taiwanese website within 3 weeks.",
 "Red clothing was a sign of status and wealth. It was worn not only by cardinals and princes, but also by merchants, artisans and townpeople, particularly on holidays or special occasions. Red dye for the clothing of ordinary people was made from the roots of the rubia tinctorum, the madder plant. This color leaned toward brick-red, and faded easily in the sun or during washing. The wealthy and aristocrats wore scarlet clothing dyed with kermes, or carmine, made from the carminic acid in tiny female scale insects, which lived on the leaves of oak trees in Eastern Europe and around the Mediterranean. The insects were gathered, dried, crushed, and boiled with different ingredients in a long and complicated process, which produced a brilliant scarlet.",
 "In 2014, the city had an estimated population density of 27,858 people per square mile (10,756/km²), rendering it the most densely populated of all municipalities housing over 100,000 residents in the United States; however, several small cities (of fewer than 100,000) in adjacent Hudson County, New Jersey are more dense overall, as per the 2000 Census. Geographically co-extensive with New York County, the borough of Manhattan's population density of 71,672 people per square mile (27,673/km²) makes it the highest of any county in the United States and higher than the density of any individual American city.",
 "In 2003 a congressional committee called the FBI's organized crime informant program \"one of the greatest failures in the history of federal law enforcement.\" The FBI allowed four innocent men to be convicted of the March 1965 gangland murder of Edward \"Teddy\" Deegan in order to protect Vincent Flemmi, an FBI informant. Three of the men were sentenced to death (which was later reduced to life in prison), and the fourth defendant was sentenced to life in prison. Two of the four men died in prison after serving almost 30 years, and two others were released after serving 32 and 36 years. In July 2007, U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner in Boston found the bureau helped convict the four men using false witness account by mobster Joseph Barboza. The U.S. Government was ordered to pay $100 million in damages to the four defendants.",
 "As of 2011, 235–330 million people worldwide are affected by asthma, and approximately 250,000–345,000 people die per year from the disease. Rates vary between countries with prevalences between 1 and 18%. It is more common in developed than developing countries. One thus sees lower rates in Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. Within developed countries it is more common in those who are economically disadvantaged while in contrast in developing countries it is more common in the affluent. The reason for these differences is not well known. Low and middle income countries make up more than 80% of the mortality.",
 "The first Armenian churches were built between the 4th and 7th century, beginning when Armenia converted to Christianity, and ending with the Arab invasion of Armenia. The early churches were mostly simple basilicas, but some with side apses. By the fifth century the typical cupola cone in the center had become widely used. By the seventh century, centrally planned churches had been built and a more complicated niched buttress and radiating Hrip'simé style had formed. By the time of the Arab invasion, most of what we now know as classical Armenian architecture had formed.",
 "Josip Broz was born to a Croat father and Slovene mother in the village of Kumrovec, Croatia. Drafted into military service, he distinguished himself, becoming the youngest Sergeant Major in the Austro-Hungarian Army of that time. After being seriously wounded and captured by the Imperial Russians during World War I, Josip was sent to a work camp in the Ural Mountains. He participated in the October Revolution, and later joined a Red Guard unit in Omsk. Upon his return home, Broz found himself in the newly established Kingdom of Yugoslavia, where he joined the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ).",
 "The names for the nation of Greece and the Greek people differ from the names used in other languages, locations and cultures. Although the Greeks call the country Hellas or Ellada (Greek: Ἑλλάς or Ελλάδα) and its official name is the Hellenic Republic, in English it is referred to as Greece, which comes from the Latin term Graecia as used by the Romans, which literally means 'the land of the Greeks', and derives from the Greek name Γραικός. However, the name Hellas is sometimes used in English as well.",
 "A new device for granting assent was created during the reign of King Henry VIII. In 1542, Henry sought to execute his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, whom he accused of committing adultery; the execution was to be authorised not after a trial but by a bill of attainder, to which he would have to personally assent after listening to the entire text. Henry decided that \"the repetition of so grievous a Story and the recital of so infamous a crime\" in his presence \"might reopen a Wound already closing in the Royal Bosom\". Therefore, parliament inserted a clause into the Act of Attainder, providing that assent granted by Commissioners \"is and ever was and ever shall be, as good\" as assent granted by the sovereign personally. The procedure was used only five times during the 16th century, but more often during the 17th and 18th centuries, especially when George III's health began to deteriorate. Queen Victoria became the last monarch to personally grant assent in 1854.",
 "Queen's popularity was stimulated in North America when \"Bohemian Rhapsody\" was featured in the 1992 comedy film Wayne's World. Its inclusion helped the song reach number two on the Billboard Hot 100 for five weeks in 1992 (it remained in the Hot 100 for over 40 weeks), and won the band an MTV Award at the 1992 MTV Video Music Awards. The compilation album Classic Queen also reached number four on the Billboard 200, and is certified three times platinum in the US. Wayne's World footage was used to make a new music video for \"Bohemian Rhapsody\", with which the band and management were delighted.",
 "The theories developed in the 1930s and 1940s to integrate molecular genetics with Darwinian evolution are called the modern evolutionary synthesis, a term introduced by Julian Huxley. Evolutionary biologists subsequently refined this concept, such as George C. Williams' gene-centric view of evolution. He proposed an evolutionary concept of the gene as a unit of natural selection with the definition: \"that which segregates and recombines with appreciable frequency.\":24 In this view, the molecular gene transcribes as a unit, and the evolutionary gene inherits as a unit. Related ideas emphasizing the centrality of genes in evolution were popularized by Richard Dawkins.",
 "A number of studies have reported associations between pathogen load in an area and human behavior. Higher pathogen load is associated with decreased size of ethnic and religious groups in an area. This may be due high pathogen load favoring avoidance of other groups, which may reduce pathogen transmission, or a high pathogen load preventing the creation of large settlements and armies that enforce a common culture. Higher pathogen load is also associated with more restricted sexual behavior, which may reduce pathogen transmission. It also associated with higher preferences for health and attractiveness in mates. Higher fertility rates and shorter or less parental care per child is another association that may be a compensation for the higher mortality rate. There is also an association with polygyny which may be due to higher pathogen load, making selecting males with a high genetic resistance increasingly important. Higher pathogen load is also associated with more collectivism and less individualism, which may limit contacts with outside groups and infections. There are alternative explanations for at least some of the associations although some of these explanations may in turn ultimately be due to pathogen load. Thus, polygny may also be due to a lower male:female ratio in these areas but this may ultimately be due to male infants having increased mortality from infectious diseases. Another example is that poor socioeconomic factors may ultimately in part be due to high pathogen load preventing economic development.",
 "While on tour Madonna participated in the Raising Malawi initiative by partially funding an orphanage in and traveling to that country. While there, she decided to adopt a boy named David Banda in October 2006. The adoption raised strong public reaction, because Malawian law requires would-be parents to reside in Malawi for one year before adopting, which Madonna did not do. She addressed this on The Oprah Winfrey Show, saying that there were no written adoption laws in Malawi that regulated foreign adoption. She described how Banda had been suffering from pneumonia after surviving malaria and tuberculosis when she first met him. Banda's biological father, Yohane, commented, \"These so-called human rights activists are harassing me every day, threatening me that I am not aware of what I am doing..... They want me to support their court case, a thing I cannot do for I know what I agreed with Madonna and her husband.\" The adoption was finalized in May 2008.",


{:ok, tokenizer} = Bumblebee.load_tokenizer({:hf, "bert-base-uncased"})
|=============================================================| 100% (466.06 KB)
   tokenizer: #Tokenizers.Tokenizer<[
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inputs = Bumblebee.apply_tokenizer(tokenizer, dataset)
  "attention_mask" => #Nx.Tensor<
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  "input_ids" => #Nx.Tensor<
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  "token_type_ids" => #Nx.Tensor<
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{:ok, %{model: model, params: params, spec: spec}} =
  Bumblebee.load_model({:hf, "bert-base-uncased"}, architecture: :base)
|=============================================================| 100% (440.47 MB)
   model: #Axon<
     inputs: %{"attention_head_mask" => {12, 12}, "attention_mask" => {nil, nil}, "input_ids" => {nil, nil}, "position_ids" => {nil, nil}, "token_type_ids" => {nil, nil}}
     outputs: "container_37"
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     "encoder.blocks.10.self_attention.query" => %{
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       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
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     "encoder.blocks.1.output_norm" => %{
       "beta" => #Nx.Tensor<
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     "encoder.blocks.1.self_attention_norm" => %{
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       "gamma" => #Nx.Tensor<
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     "encoder.blocks.1.ffn.output" => %{
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     "encoder.blocks.5.self_attention.query" => %{
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       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
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     "encoder.blocks.9.output_norm" => %{
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     "encoder.blocks.3.ffn.output" => %{
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       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
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     "encoder.blocks.0.self_attention.query" => %{
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       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.6646>
           [-0.05421263724565506, 0.0221117977052927, -0.026741720736026764, 0.03672202676534653, -0.0239962600171566, -0.003326697973534465, -0.03531109169125557, -0.008213147521018982, -0.04174574464559555, 0.020161878317594528, -0.0044104005210101604, ...],
     "encoder.blocks.7.self_attention.output" => %{
       "bias" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.836>
         [0.0034977232571691275, -0.05831751227378845, -0.05940840020775795, -0.034218695014715195, 0.029659178107976913, -0.013882651925086975, -0.03417065739631653, 0.03661227971315384, -0.0163356252014637, -0.0420999713242054, 0.00438122870400548, ...]
       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.6620>
           [-0.05496111884713173, 0.010069680400192738, 0.022065307945013046, -0.01873115636408329, 0.02149118110537529, -7.41133582778275e-4, -0.02678833156824112, -0.010398521088063717, -0.021929537877440453, 0.03697759285569191, ...],
     "encoder.blocks.0.self_attention.output" => %{
       "bias" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.948>
         [0.00511062890291214, -0.01666249893605709, 0.02812938392162323, -0.011660613119602203, 0.019426273182034492, -0.0431647002696991, -0.016972234472632408, 0.00857613980770111, -0.013620353303849697, 0.013163551688194275, ...]
       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.6651>
           [0.0058194915764033794, 0.03170148283243179, -0.06135742366313934, -0.017061078920960426, -0.007590452674776316, -4.293644451536238e-4, 0.024036230519413948, -0.033113811165094376, -0.0066995276138186455, ...],
     "encoder.blocks.8.self_attention.value" => %{
       "bias" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.822>
         [0.028928348794579506, 0.006425009109079838, -0.036087118089199066, 0.0026426883414387703, -0.024519795551896095, 0.008710646070539951, -0.005226265173405409, -0.022135987877845764, 0.034373439848423004, ...]
       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.6612>
           [-0.0073605612851679325, -0.01795213297009468, 0.0010457637254148722, -3.4653424518182874e-4, 0.03190543130040169, 0.06332997977733612, -0.042365990579128265, -0.07994803786277771, ...],
     "encoder.blocks.11.self_attention_norm" => %{
       "beta" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.770>
         [-0.031344108283519745, 0.012079569511115551, -0.046363964676856995, -0.030130455270409584, 0.07944280654191971, 0.050981152802705765, 0.011908331885933876, -0.020651761442422867, ...]
       "gamma" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.771>
         [0.8520376682281494, 0.8020145297050476, 0.8554236888885498, 0.8150476813316345, 0.844181478023529, 0.8226725459098816, 0.8562560677528381, ...]
     "encoder.blocks.11.self_attention.value" => %{
       "bias" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.774>
         [0.01502306293696165, -0.005309417378157377, 2.3571934434585273e-4, 0.0020521762780845165, -0.005780358798801899, 0.008198251016438007, -0.011096320115029812, ...]
       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.6611>
           [0.03520972654223442, -0.0067807831801474094, -0.028835834935307503, -0.01011514663696289, 0.04519828036427498, -0.019792258739471436, ...],
     "encoder.blocks.6.output_norm" => %{
       "beta" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.844>
         [-0.011712896637618542, -0.03209403529763222, -0.08646043390035629, 0.037603408098220825, -0.13841423392295837, -0.02181410603225231, ...]
       "gamma" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.845>
         [0.8674175143241882, 0.8657013773918152, 0.815186083316803, 0.8230130672454834, 0.8305736780166626, ...]
     "encoder.blocks.11.self_attention.output" => %{
       "bias" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.772>
         [0.02566087245941162, 0.0028437951114028692, -0.004756780806928873, 0.021494582295417786, -0.01755186729133129, ...]
       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.6632>
           [0.0236141886562109, 0.031127072870731354, -6.303054979071021e-4, 0.04209773242473602, ...],
     "encoder.blocks.0.ffn.output" => %{
       "bias" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.942>
         [-0.04801027104258537, 0.19766567647457123, 0.02154853567481041, 0.028806662186980247, ...]
       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.6627>
           [-0.037101708352565765, 0.0648793950676918, 0.007585656363517046, ...],
     "encoder.blocks.5.ffn.output" => %{
       "bias" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.862>
         [-7.217047386802733e-4, 0.06006297469139099, 0.001659500994719565, ...]
       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.6644>
           [0.06420720368623734, -0.017387816682457924, ...],
     "encoder.blocks.2.self_attention_norm" => %{
       "beta" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.914>
         [0.14908090233802795, 0.12386955320835114, ...]
       "gamma" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.915>
         [0.8983343243598938, ...]
     "encoder.blocks.2.self_attention.output" => %{
       "bias" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.916>
         [0.01754024811089039, ...]
       "kernel" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.6610>
     "encoder.blocks.10.ffn.output" => %{
       "bias" => #Nx.Tensor<
         EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471769.782>
     "encoder.blocks.5.self_attention.output" => %{...},
   spec: %Bumblebee.Text.Bert{
     architecture: :base,
     vocab_size: 30522,
     max_positions: 512,
     max_token_types: 2,
     hidden_size: 768,
     num_blocks: 12,
     num_attention_heads: 12,
     intermediate_size: 3072,
     activation: :gelu,
     dropout_rate: 0.1,
     attention_dropout_rate: 0.1,
     classifier_dropout_rate: nil,
     layer_norm_epsilon: 1.0e-12,
     initializer_scale: 0.02,
     output_hidden_states: false,
     output_attentions: false,
     num_labels: 2,
     id_to_label: %{},
     use_cross_attention: false
outputs = Axon.predict(model, params, inputs)
  attentions: #Axon.None<...>,
  cache: #Axon.None<...>,
  cross_attentions: #Axon.None<...>,
  hidden_state: #Nx.Tensor<
    EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.7583>
        [0.02306555211544037, 0.27987852692604065, -0.5821921825408936, 0.15646660327911377, -0.7642057538032532, 0.08109083026647568, 0.6034767031669617, 0.6981108784675598, 0.17459923028945923, -0.5154337286949158, -0.1388493776321411, 0.3053648769855499, -0.8652370572090149, 0.346966415643692, -0.3492024540901184, 0.7621715664863586, 0.34022057056427, 0.6368584632873535, -0.4842233955860138, -0.020799679681658745, 0.016227975487709045, 0.01865740492939949, 0.5061497688293457, 0.00825021043419838, 0.14969784021377563, -0.09435573220252991, -0.18175578117370605, -0.07499709725379944, 0.32417377829551697, 0.14316564798355103, -0.48582080006599426, 0.6477674245834351, -0.11082305014133453, -0.2658424377441406, 0.18369223177433014, -0.05119384452700615, 0.22305458784103394, -0.7854350209236145, 0.551970899105072, 0.31367456912994385, -0.46749910712242126, 0.13662196695804596, 0.49281734228134155, 0.012343421578407288, -0.5728007555007935, 0.6122802495956421, ...],
  hidden_states: #Axon.None<...>,
  pooled_state: #Nx.Tensor<
    EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.7593>
      [-0.6920626759529114, -0.4951450228691101, -0.918341875076294, 0.3033045530319214, 0.8470627069473267, -0.42799657583236694, -0.37166282534599304, 0.2389794886112213, -0.8144425749778748, -0.9999234676361084, -0.6120824813842773, 0.9601942300796509, 0.957851231098175, 0.2598589062690735, 0.2575243413448334, -0.448203444480896, 0.2000911384820938, -0.2843877971172333, 0.19119302928447723, 0.9229782223701477, 0.28124818205833435, 0.9999988079071045, -0.4028152823448181, 0.3763923943042755, 0.43432414531707764, 0.9686545729637146, -0.650077223777771, 0.672424852848053, 0.8544331789016724, 0.7023547291755676, -0.04225948452949524, 0.26161259412765503, -0.9883249402046204, -0.11783881485462189, -0.9139403700828552, -0.9727874398231506, 0.4447881877422333, -0.40317589044570923, -0.03370293974876404, -0.14774364233016968, -0.5401602983474731, 0.4801855981349945, 0.999985933303833, -0.454772025346756, ...],

In the code below, we calcurate means for columns of hidden states, which represent sentence vectors.

outputs.hidden_state[0] |> Nx.mean(axes: [0])
  EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.7600>
  [0.028660736978054047, 0.22521309554576874, -0.0074338726699352264, -0.055327873677015305, 0.12735405564308167, 0.14565414190292358, 0.2755005955696106, 0.30681225657463074, 0.0308088231831789, -0.29954540729522705, 0.06806526333093643, -0.2312745898962021, -0.2887386679649353, 0.07220371067523956, -0.2123124748468399, 0.43974369764328003, 0.08146654814481735, 0.21243049204349518, -0.30771589279174805, 0.3655758202075958, 0.21143752336502075, 0.21276289224624634, 0.08965978026390076, 0.299153596162796, 0.41706153750419617, -0.09850914776325226, 0.04525218531489372, 0.16348539292812347, 0.029008975252509117, -0.18413814902305603, 0.32039156556129456, 0.20418639481067657, -0.0028485930524766445, -0.08874375373125076, -0.06845348328351974, 0.05725181847810745, -0.10295362025499344, -0.4169207215309143, 0.18893051147460938, -0.021385297179222107, -0.38942813873291016, -0.1602327525615692, -0.16687016189098358, -0.05575847998261452, -0.3649350702762604, 0.010401593521237373, 0.18231527507305145, -0.0013132854364812374, -0.12517322599887848, 0.11196190118789673, ...]

Vector Store

We use ex_faiss which is a wrapper library of Faiss similarity search engine.

index =, "Flat")
%ExFaiss.Index{dim: 768, ref: #Reference<0.2215748881.973471745.260759>, device: :host}
{count, _, _} = outputs.hidden_state |> Nx.shape()

index =
  0..(count - 1)
  |> Enum.reduce(index, fn i, acc ->
    acc |> ExFaiss.Index.add(outputs.hidden_state[i] |> Nx.mean(axes: [0]))
%ExFaiss.Index{dim: 768, ref: #Reference<0.2215748881.973471745.260759>, device: :host}

In the code below, we send a query to the vector search engine. The query is converted into an embedding using the same method above.

query = "In the gene-centric view of evolution, how does the evolutionary gene function?"

query_input =
  |> Bumblebee.apply_tokenizer(query)

query_output = Axon.predict(model, params, query_input)
query_vector = query_output.hidden_state[0] |> Nx.mean(axes: [0])
  EXLA.Backend<host:0, 0.2215748881.973471764.17205>
  [-0.2065352499485016, 0.08167853206396103, -0.48367953300476074, -0.21306577324867249, 0.29633402824401855, -0.06238754093647003, 0.3048556447029114, 0.5878140330314636, 0.27764636278152466, -0.411770761013031, 0.3951338231563568, -0.1816340535879135, -0.4386100172996521, 0.45537257194519043, -0.4510400593280792, 0.5182425379753113, 0.23498043417930603, 0.12432961910963058, -0.04090441018342972, 0.11020141839981079, -0.04371020197868347, 0.3927648663520813, -0.4285042881965637, 0.848774254322052, 0.42529621720314026, 0.02912973426282406, -0.02175907790660858, 0.2004636526107788, 0.27059948444366455, -0.014417693950235844, 0.16121222078800201, 0.3851833641529083, -0.3335954248905182, -0.30186542868614197, -0.6783165335655212, 0.24532894790172577, -0.07054624706506729, -0.08112826943397522, -0.2395838499069214, 0.6473484039306641, -0.8936739563941956, -0.43751847743988037, -0.3485804498195648, 0.5109588503837585, -0.37819626927375793, -0.5433847308158875, 0.02253582514822483, -0.011751922778785229, 0.09641613811254501, -0.655897319316864, ...]
doc_ids =
  |>, 5)
  |> Map.get(:labels)
  |> Nx.to_list()
  |> List.flatten()
[47, 65, 92, 48, 0]
|> i ->
  dataset |>
["The theories developed in the 1930s and 1940s to integrate molecular genetics with Darwinian evolution are called the modern evolutionary synthesis, a term introduced by Julian Huxley. Evolutionary biologists subsequently refined this concept, such as George C. Williams' gene-centric view of evolution. He proposed an evolutionary concept of the gene as a unit of natural selection with the definition: \"that which segregates and recombines with appreciable frequency.\":24 In this view, the molecular gene transcribes as a unit, and the evolutionary gene inherits as a unit. Related ideas emphasizing the centrality of genes in evolution were popularized by Richard Dawkins.",
 "Midway through the 19th century, the focus of geology shifted from description and classification to attempts to understand how the surface of the Earth had changed. The first comprehensive theories of mountain building were proposed during this period, as were the first modern theories of earthquakes and volcanoes. Louis Agassiz and others established the reality of continent-covering ice ages, and \"fluvialists\" like Andrew Crombie Ramsay argued that river valleys were formed, over millions of years by the rivers that flow through them. After the discovery of radioactivity, radiometric dating methods were developed, starting in the 20th century. Alfred Wegener's theory of \"continental drift\" was widely dismissed when he proposed it in the 1910s, but new data gathered in the 1950s and 1960s led to the theory of plate tectonics, which provided a plausible mechanism for it. Plate tectonics also provided a unified explanation for a wide range of seemingly unrelated geological phenomena. Since 1970 it has served as the unifying principle in geology.",
 "While medieval pageants and festivals such as Corpus Christi were church-sanctioned, Carnival was also a manifestation of medieval folk culture. Many local Carnival customs are claimed to derive from local pre-Christian rituals, such as elaborate rites involving masked figures in the Swabian–Alemannic Fastnacht. However, evidence is insufficient to establish a direct origin from Saturnalia or other ancient festivals. No complete accounts of Saturnalia survive and the shared features of feasting, role reversals, temporary social equality, masks and permitted rule-breaking do not necessarily constitute a coherent festival or link these festivals. These similarities may represent a reservoir of cultural resources that can embody multiple meanings and functions. For example, Easter begins with the resurrection of Jesus, followed by a liminal period and ends with rebirth. Carnival reverses this as King Carnival comes to life, a liminal period follows before his death. Both feasts are calculated by the lunar calendar. Both Jesus and King Carnival may be seen as expiatory figures who make a gift to the people with their deaths. In the case of Jesus, the gift is eternal life in heaven and in the case of King Carnival, the acknowledgement that death is a necessary part of the cycle of life. Besides Christian anti-Judaism, the commonalities between church and Carnival rituals and imagery suggest a common root. Christ's passion is itself grotesque: Since early Christianity Christ is figured as the victim of summary judgement, is tortured and executed by Romans before a Jewish mob (\"His blood is on us and on our children!\" Matthew 27:24–25). Holy Week processions in Spain include crowds who vociferously insult the figure of Jesus. Irreverence, parody, degradation and laughter at a tragicomic effigy God can be seen as intensifications of the sacred order. In 1466, the Catholic Church under Pope Paul II revieved customs of the Saturnalia carnival: Jews were forced to race naked through the streets of the city of Rome. “Before they were to run, the Jews were richly fed, so as to make the race more difficult for them and at the same time more amusing for spectators. They ran… amid Rome’s taunting shrieks and peals of laughter, while the Holy Father stood upon a richly ornamented balcony and laughed heartily”, an eyewitness reports.",
 "A number of studies have reported associations between pathogen load in an area and human behavior. Higher pathogen load is associated with decreased size of ethnic and religious groups in an area. This may be due high pathogen load favoring avoidance of other groups, which may reduce pathogen transmission, or a high pathogen load preventing the creation of large settlements and armies that enforce a common culture. Higher pathogen load is also associated with more restricted sexual behavior, which may reduce pathogen transmission. It also associated with higher preferences for health and attractiveness in mates. Higher fertility rates and shorter or less parental care per child is another association that may be a compensation for the higher mortality rate. There is also an association with polygyny which may be due to higher pathogen load, making selecting males with a high genetic resistance increasingly important. Higher pathogen load is also associated with more collectivism and less individualism, which may limit contacts with outside groups and infections. There are alternative explanations for at least some of the associations although some of these explanations may in turn ultimately be due to pathogen load. Thus, polygny may also be due to a lower male:female ratio in these areas but this may ultimately be due to male infants having increased mortality from infectious diseases. Another example is that poor socioeconomic factors may ultimately in part be due to high pathogen load preventing economic development.",
 "Many insects possess very sensitive and, or specialized organs of perception. Some insects such as bees can perceive ultraviolet wavelengths, or detect polarized light, while the antennae of male moths can detect the pheromones of female moths over distances of many kilometers. The yellow paper wasp (Polistes versicolor) is known for its wagging movements as a form of communication within the colony; it can waggle with a frequency of 10.6±2.1 Hz (n=190). These wagging movements can signal the arrival of new material into the nest and aggression between workers can be used to stimulate others to increase foraging expeditions. There is a pronounced tendency for there to be a trade-off between visual acuity and chemical or tactile acuity, such that most insects with well-developed eyes have reduced or simple antennae, and vice versa. There are a variety of different mechanisms by which insects perceive sound, while the patterns are not universal, insects can generally hear sound if they can produce it. Different insect species can have varying hearing, though most insects can hear only a narrow range of frequencies related to the frequency of the sounds they can produce. Mosquitoes have been found to hear up to 2 kHz., and some grasshoppers can hear up to 50 kHz. Certain predatory and parasitic insects can detect the characteristic sounds made by their prey or hosts, respectively. For instance, some nocturnal moths can perceive the ultrasonic emissions of bats, which helps them avoid predation.:87–94 Insects that feed on blood have special sensory structures that can detect infrared emissions, and use them to home in on their hosts."]

Calculate cosign similarity by our own

{count, _, _} = outputs.hidden_state |> Nx.shape()

doc_ids =
  0..(count - 1)
  |> i ->
    doc_vector = outputs.hidden_state[i] |> Nx.mean(axes: [0])
    dot_product =, Nx.transpose(query_vector))

    doc_norm = Nx.LinAlg.norm(doc_vector)
    query_norm = Nx.LinAlg.norm(query_vector)

    {i, Nx.divide(dot_product, Nx.outer(doc_norm, query_norm))}
  |> Enum.sort(fn a, b ->
    {_, a_tensor} = a
    {_, b_tensor} = b

    a_value = a_tensor |> Nx.to_list() |> |>
    b_value = b_tensor |> Nx.to_list() |> |>

    b_value >= a_value
  |> Enum.reverse()
  |> data ->
    {i, _} = data
  |> Enum.take(5)
[47, 65, 92, 48, 0]
|> i ->
  dataset |>
["The theories developed in the 1930s and 1940s to integrate molecular genetics with Darwinian evolution are called the modern evolutionary synthesis, a term introduced by Julian Huxley. Evolutionary biologists subsequently refined this concept, such as George C. Williams' gene-centric view of evolution. He proposed an evolutionary concept of the gene as a unit of natural selection with the definition: \"that which segregates and recombines with appreciable frequency.\":24 In this view, the molecular gene transcribes as a unit, and the evolutionary gene inherits as a unit. Related ideas emphasizing the centrality of genes in evolution were popularized by Richard Dawkins.",
 "Midway through the 19th century, the focus of geology shifted from description and classification to attempts to understand how the surface of the Earth had changed. The first comprehensive theories of mountain building were proposed during this period, as were the first modern theories of earthquakes and volcanoes. Louis Agassiz and others established the reality of continent-covering ice ages, and \"fluvialists\" like Andrew Crombie Ramsay argued that river valleys were formed, over millions of years by the rivers that flow through them. After the discovery of radioactivity, radiometric dating methods were developed, starting in the 20th century. Alfred Wegener's theory of \"continental drift\" was widely dismissed when he proposed it in the 1910s, but new data gathered in the 1950s and 1960s led to the theory of plate tectonics, which provided a plausible mechanism for it. Plate tectonics also provided a unified explanation for a wide range of seemingly unrelated geological phenomena. Since 1970 it has served as the unifying principle in geology.",
 "While medieval pageants and festivals such as Corpus Christi were church-sanctioned, Carnival was also a manifestation of medieval folk culture. Many local Carnival customs are claimed to derive from local pre-Christian rituals, such as elaborate rites involving masked figures in the Swabian–Alemannic Fastnacht. However, evidence is insufficient to establish a direct origin from Saturnalia or other ancient festivals. No complete accounts of Saturnalia survive and the shared features of feasting, role reversals, temporary social equality, masks and permitted rule-breaking do not necessarily constitute a coherent festival or link these festivals. These similarities may represent a reservoir of cultural resources that can embody multiple meanings and functions. For example, Easter begins with the resurrection of Jesus, followed by a liminal period and ends with rebirth. Carnival reverses this as King Carnival comes to life, a liminal period follows before his death. Both feasts are calculated by the lunar calendar. Both Jesus and King Carnival may be seen as expiatory figures who make a gift to the people with their deaths. In the case of Jesus, the gift is eternal life in heaven and in the case of King Carnival, the acknowledgement that death is a necessary part of the cycle of life. Besides Christian anti-Judaism, the commonalities between church and Carnival rituals and imagery suggest a common root. Christ's passion is itself grotesque: Since early Christianity Christ is figured as the victim of summary judgement, is tortured and executed by Romans before a Jewish mob (\"His blood is on us and on our children!\" Matthew 27:24–25). Holy Week processions in Spain include crowds who vociferously insult the figure of Jesus. Irreverence, parody, degradation and laughter at a tragicomic effigy God can be seen as intensifications of the sacred order. In 1466, the Catholic Church under Pope Paul II revieved customs of the Saturnalia carnival: Jews were forced to race naked through the streets of the city of Rome. “Before they were to run, the Jews were richly fed, so as to make the race more difficult for them and at the same time more amusing for spectators. They ran… amid Rome’s taunting shrieks and peals of laughter, while the Holy Father stood upon a richly ornamented balcony and laughed heartily”, an eyewitness reports.",
 "A number of studies have reported associations between pathogen load in an area and human behavior. Higher pathogen load is associated with decreased size of ethnic and religious groups in an area. This may be due high pathogen load favoring avoidance of other groups, which may reduce pathogen transmission, or a high pathogen load preventing the creation of large settlements and armies that enforce a common culture. Higher pathogen load is also associated with more restricted sexual behavior, which may reduce pathogen transmission. It also associated with higher preferences for health and attractiveness in mates. Higher fertility rates and shorter or less parental care per child is another association that may be a compensation for the higher mortality rate. There is also an association with polygyny which may be due to higher pathogen load, making selecting males with a high genetic resistance increasingly important. Higher pathogen load is also associated with more collectivism and less individualism, which may limit contacts with outside groups and infections. There are alternative explanations for at least some of the associations although some of these explanations may in turn ultimately be due to pathogen load. Thus, polygny may also be due to a lower male:female ratio in these areas but this may ultimately be due to male infants having increased mortality from infectious diseases. Another example is that poor socioeconomic factors may ultimately in part be due to high pathogen load preventing economic development.",
 "Many insects possess very sensitive and, or specialized organs of perception. Some insects such as bees can perceive ultraviolet wavelengths, or detect polarized light, while the antennae of male moths can detect the pheromones of female moths over distances of many kilometers. The yellow paper wasp (Polistes versicolor) is known for its wagging movements as a form of communication within the colony; it can waggle with a frequency of 10.6±2.1 Hz (n=190). These wagging movements can signal the arrival of new material into the nest and aggression between workers can be used to stimulate others to increase foraging expeditions. There is a pronounced tendency for there to be a trade-off between visual acuity and chemical or tactile acuity, such that most insects with well-developed eyes have reduced or simple antennae, and vice versa. There are a variety of different mechanisms by which insects perceive sound, while the patterns are not universal, insects can generally hear sound if they can produce it. Different insect species can have varying hearing, though most insects can hear only a narrow range of frequencies related to the frequency of the sounds they can produce. Mosquitoes have been found to hear up to 2 kHz., and some grasshoppers can hear up to 50 kHz. Certain predatory and parasitic insects can detect the characteristic sounds made by their prey or hosts, respectively. For instance, some nocturnal moths can perceive the ultrasonic emissions of bats, which helps them avoid predation.:87–94 Insects that feed on blood have special sensory structures that can detect infrared emissions, and use them to home in on their hosts."]