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File metadata and controls

122 lines (76 loc) · 5.08 KB


.. toctree::
  :maxdepth: 2

A minimal Jivago application is shown below :

.. literalinclude::
   :language: python

Notice that the example is made up of three separate parts:

  • A Resource class, which defines a route for our application;
  • The JivagoApplication object, which contains the application itself;
  • A __main__ function which runs our application in a debug environment, listening on port 4000.

Now, pointing a web browser to http://localhost:4000 should print our Hello World! message.

Component Auto-discovery

While defining our resource classes in our main file is definitely possible, it can become quite unwieldy. In fact, one of the key goals of the Jivago framework is to maintain loose-coupling of our components.

We will therefore move our resource classes into their own files, and use Jivago's built-in package discovery mechanism to automatically register our routes.

.. literalinclude::
   :language: python

.. literalinclude::
   :language: python

 └── resources

Note that, when creating the JivagoApplication object, a reference to the application's root package is passed as the first argument. The root package should contain all Jivago-annotated classes. (i.e. @Resource, @Component, etc.)

The app object ( should be outside of the explored package.

Warning : Since all python files are imported at run-time, any lines of code outside a class or a function will be executed before the application is started. It is therefore highly advised to avoid having any line of code outside a declarative block.

The Resource Class

The resource class is the fundamental way of declaring API routes. To define a route, simply declare the path inside the @Resource decorator on the class. Sub-paths can be defined on any of the class' methods using the @Path decorator. Allowed HTTP methods have to be explicitly defined for each routing function. Use @GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE, etc.

Unlike other Python web frameworks, method invocation relies heavily on type annotations, which resemble the static typing present in other languages like C++ and Java. Given missing parameters, a method will not be invoked and simply be rejected at the framework level. For instance, declaring a route receiving a dict as a parameter matches a JSON-encoded request body. Request and Response objects can be requested/returned, when having direct control over low-level HTTP elements is required.

To use query or path parameters, parameters should be declared using the QueryParam[T], OptionalQueryParam[T] or PathParam[T] typing generics. In this case, T should either be str, int or float.

A complex resource example

.. literalinclude::
   :language: python

While return type annotations are not strictly required, they are nonetheless recommended to increase readability and enforce stylistic consistency.

For manual route registration, see Manual Route Registration.


Jivago supports the definition of DTO classes, which can be directly serialized/deserialized. These classes explicitly define a JSON schema and attribute typing, negating the need to use an external schema validator. To define a DTO, use the @Serializable decorator :

.. literalinclude::
   :language: python

If a constructor is declared, it is used when deserializing. Otherwise, each attribute is set using __setattr__.

See Serialization for more details.

Dependency Injection

To allow for modularity and loose-coupling, dependency injection is built into the framework. Resource classes can therefore request dependencies from their constructor.

.. literalinclude::
   :language: python

@Component is a general-purpose annotation which registers a class to the internal service locator. Whenever a class requires dependencies from their constructor, those get recursively instantiated and injected. Note that the @Inject annotation is required.

See Dependency Injection for advanced configurations.

View Rendering

Jivago also supports rendered HTML views, using the Jinja2 templating engine.

.. literalinclude::
   :language: python


.. literalinclude:: template.html
   :language: html

By default, the framework looks for a views package directly underneath the root package.

 └── views
     └── my-template.html