A text-adventure RPG using structured outputs from LLMs as the backend to simulate the decline of humanity, the outcome of global catastrophes, and your quest to rebuild civilization.
Presentation Notebook (with some teaching)
poetry install --with api-server
cd webui
poetry run python tools/pydantic2ts.py --module webui/api-server/dtos.py --output webui/apps/website/lib/dtos.ts --json2ts-cmd ./webui/node_modules/.bin/json2ts
cd webui/storage
docker-compose up -d
cd webui/api-server
poetry run fastapi dev main.py --reload --port 8080
cd webui/apps/website
yarn install
yarn dev
at that point, the DB, api server, and web FE are all running, and you can make code changes and they will hot-reload
Copyright © 2024 James Dominguez