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Count cloud-events, services and projects within a Keptn Installation


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Statistics Service

This service provides usage statistics about a Keptn installation.

Compatibilty Matrix

Keptn Version Statistics Service Kubernetes Versions
0.7.1 keptnsandbox/statistics-service:0.1.0 1.14 - 1.19
0.7.2 keptnsandbox/statistics-service:0.1.1 1.14 - 1.19
0.7.3 keptnsandbox/statistics-service:0.2.0 1.14 - 1.19

Deploy in your Kubernetes cluster

Please note that the installation of the statistics-service differs slightly, depending on your installed Keptn version. Depending on your installed Keptn version, please follow the instructions below.

For Keptn versions < 0.8.0

To deploy the current version of the statistics-service in your Keptn Kubernetes cluster, use the file deploy/service.yaml from this repository and apply it.

kubectl apply -f deploy/service.yaml -n keptn

For Keptn versions >= 0.8.0

To deploy the current version of the statistics-service in your Keptn Kubernetes cluster, use the file deploy/service_keptn_080.yaml from this repository and apply it.

kubectl apply -f deploy/service_keptn_080.yaml -n keptn

Delete in your Kubernetes cluster

To delete a deployed statistics-service, use deploy/service.yaml from this repository and delete the Kubernetes resources:

kubectl delete -f deploy/service.yaml -n keptn

Generate Swagger doc from source

First, the following go modules have to be installed:

go get -u
go get -u
go get -u

If the swagger.yaml should be updated with new endpoints or models, generate the new source by executing:

swag init

How to use the service

Once the service is deployed in your cluster, you can access it using port-forward:

kubectl port-forward -n keptn svc/statistics-service 8080

You can then browse the API docs at by opening the Swagger docs in your browser.

To retrieve usage statistics for a certain time frame, you need to provide the Unix timestamps for the start and end of the time frame. E.g.:


cURL Example:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/v1/statistics?from=1600656105&to=1600696105" -H "accept: application/json"

Note: You can generate timestamps using

Configuring the service

By default, the service aggregates data with a granularity of 30 minutes. Whenever this period has passed, the service will create a new entry in the Keptn-MongoDB within the Keptn cluster. If you would like to change how often statistics are stored, you can set the variable AGGREGATION_INTERVAL_SECONDS to your desired value.

Using the CLI

The keptn-usage-stats CLI allows to aggregate a set of files containing response payloads from the statistics-service and present those in a user friendly manner.

  • To build the CLI locally:
go build -o keptn-usage-stats
  • How to use the tool:
keptn-usage-stats --help
Generates an overview of Keptn usage statistics, based on a set of input files provided to the command. Example:


  keptn-usage-stats [flags]

      --excludeProjects string   List of project names that are excluded from the Summary
      --export string            The format to export the statistics, supported are [json, csv] (default "json")
  -f, --folder string            The folder containing the JSON files exported from the statistics-service
  -g, --granularity string       The level of details, list of [overall, project, service], default is 'overall' (default "overall")
  -h, --help                     help for keptn-usage-stats
      --includeEvents string     List of events that define an automation unit, default is 'all' (default "all")
      --includeServices string   List of Services that define an automation unit, default is 'all' (default "all")
      --includeTriggers string   List of sequence triggers: [configuration-change,, evaluation-started] - supported with Keptn >0.8 (default "all")
  -o, --output string            The name of the output file (default "stats")
  -p, --period string            The period under consideration, one option of: [separated, aggregated] (default "separated")
      --separator string         The separator used for the CSV exporter, allowed values are ',' or ';' (default ",")

Note: The --includeTriggers flag is not supported yet, but will be implemented with Keptn 0.8.


Example A

The following command will create a single CSV file with a row for each statistics files located in the directory ./example_payloads:

$ keptn-usage-stats --folder=./example_payloads --granularity=service --export=csv --period=separated

Timeframe: 2020-09-21 02:41:45 +0000 UTC - 2020-09-23 14:02:42 +0000 UTC

Overall: stats1.json > Keptn
- Executions: 3
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered
- helm-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished

Project: Keptn > sockshop
- Executions: 3
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered
- helm-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished

Service: Keptn > sockshop > carts
- Executions: 3
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered
- helm-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished

Timeframe: 2020-06-21 02:41:45 +0000 UTC - 2020-06-23 14:02:42 +0000 UTC

Overall: stats2.json > Keptn
- Executions: 3
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered
- argo-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished

Project: Keptn > my-project
- Executions: 3
- argo-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered

Service: Keptn > my-project > users
- Executions: 3
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered
- argo-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished

The resulting CSV files will look as follows:


Timeframe,Overall: Keptn,gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.finished),helm-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),argo-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),Project: Keptn > sockshop,gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.finished),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered),helm-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),Service: Keptn > sockshop > carts,gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.finished),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered),helm-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),Project: Keptn > my-project,gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.finished),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered),argo-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),Service: Keptn > my-project > users,argo-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.finished),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered)
2020-09-21 02:41:45 +0000 UTC - 2020-09-23 14:02:42 +0000 UTC,3,1,1,1,,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,,,,,,,,
2020-06-21 02:41:45 +0000 UTC - 2020-06-23 14:02:42 +0000 UTC,3,1,1,,1,,,,,,,,,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,1

Example B

If both files should be combined into one row (of a CSV) the --period=aggregated flag can be used:

$ keptn-usage-stats --folder=./example_payloads --granularity=service --export=csv --period=aggregated

Timeframe: 2020-09-23 14:02:42 +0000 UTC - 2020-06-21 02:41:45 +0000 UTC

Overall: Keptn
- Executions: 6
- gatekeeper-service:            2       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            2       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered
- argo-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished
- helm-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished

Project: Keptn > my-project
- Executions: 3
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered
- argo-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished

Service: Keptn > my-project > users
- Executions: 3
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered
- argo-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished

Project: Keptn > sockshop
- Executions: 3
- helm-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered

Service: Keptn > sockshop > carts
- Executions: 3
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.finished
- gatekeeper-service:            1       sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered
- helm-service:                  1       sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished


Timeframe,Overall: Keptn,helm-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),argo-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.finished),Project: Keptn > sockshop,gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.finished),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered),helm-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),Service: Keptn > sockshop > carts,helm-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.finished),Project: Keptn > my-project,gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.finished),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered),argo-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished),Service: Keptn > my-project > users,gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.finished),gatekeeper-service (sh.keptn.event.approval.triggered),argo-service (sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished)
2020-06-21 02:41:45 +0000 UTC - 2020-09-23 14:02:42 +0000 UTC,6,1,1,2,2,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,1