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Move TensorBoard callback to v2 -- still need to fix some tests.
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fchollet committed Mar 13, 2019
1 parent 7c5057b commit 995f1e7
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Showing 6 changed files with 908 additions and 662 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions keras/callbacks/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import

from .callbacks import Callback
from .callbacks import CallbackList
from .callbacks import BaseLogger
from .callbacks import TerminateOnNaN
from .callbacks import ProgbarLogger
from .callbacks import History
from .callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from .callbacks import EarlyStopping
from .callbacks import RemoteMonitor
from .callbacks import LearningRateScheduler
from .callbacks import ReduceLROnPlateau
from .callbacks import CSVLogger
from .callbacks import LambdaCallback

from .. import backend as K

if K.backend() == 'tensorflow' and not K.tensorflow_backend._is_tf_1():
from .tensorboard_v2 import TensorBoard
from .tensorboard_v1 import TensorBoard
350 changes: 3 additions & 347 deletions keras/ → keras/callbacks/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import Iterable
from collections import defaultdict
from .utils.generic_utils import Progbar
from . import backend as K
from .engine.training_utils import standardize_input_data
from ..utils.generic_utils import Progbar
from .. import backend as K
from ..engine.training_utils import standardize_input_data

import requests
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -939,350 +939,6 @@ def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
logs['lr'] = K.get_value(

class TensorBoard(Callback):
"""TensorBoard basic visualizations.
is a visualization tool provided with TensorFlow.
This callback writes a log for TensorBoard, which allows
you to visualize dynamic graphs of your training and test
metrics, as well as activation histograms for the different
layers in your model.
If you have installed TensorFlow with pip, you should be able
to launch TensorBoard from the command line:
tensorboard --logdir=/full_path_to_your_logs
When using a backend other than TensorFlow, TensorBoard will still work
(if you have TensorFlow installed), but the only feature available will
be the display of the losses and metrics plots.
# Arguments
log_dir: the path of the directory where to save the log
files to be parsed by TensorBoard.
histogram_freq: frequency (in epochs) at which to compute activation
and weight histograms for the layers of the model. If set to 0,
histograms won't be computed. Validation data (or split) must be
specified for histogram visualizations.
batch_size: size of batch of inputs to feed to the network
for histograms computation.
write_graph: whether to visualize the graph in TensorBoard.
The log file can become quite large when
write_graph is set to True.
write_grads: whether to visualize gradient histograms in TensorBoard.
`histogram_freq` must be greater than 0.
write_images: whether to write model weights to visualize as
image in TensorBoard.
embeddings_freq: frequency (in epochs) at which selected embedding
layers will be saved. If set to 0, embeddings won't be computed.
Data to be visualized in TensorBoard's Embedding tab must be passed
as `embeddings_data`.
embeddings_layer_names: a list of names of layers to keep eye on. If
None or empty list all the embedding layer will be watched.
embeddings_metadata: a dictionary which maps layer name to a file name
in which metadata for this embedding layer is saved. See the
about metadata files format. In case if the same metadata file is
used for all embedding layers, string can be passed.
embeddings_data: data to be embedded at layers specified in
`embeddings_layer_names`. Numpy array (if the model has a single
input) or list of Numpy arrays (if the model has multiple inputs).
Learn [more about embeddings](
update_freq: `'batch'` or `'epoch'` or integer. When using `'batch'`, writes
the losses and metrics to TensorBoard after each batch. The same
applies for `'epoch'`. If using an integer, let's say `10000`,
the callback will write the metrics and losses to TensorBoard every
10000 samples. Note that writing too frequently to TensorBoard
can slow down your training.

def __init__(self, log_dir='./logs',
super(TensorBoard, self).__init__()
global tf, projector
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.tensorboard.plugins import projector
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('You need the TensorFlow module installed to '
'use TensorBoard.')

if K.backend() != 'tensorflow':
if histogram_freq != 0:
warnings.warn('You are not using the TensorFlow backend. '
'histogram_freq was set to 0')
histogram_freq = 0
if write_graph:
warnings.warn('You are not using the TensorFlow backend. '
'write_graph was set to False')
write_graph = False
if write_images:
warnings.warn('You are not using the TensorFlow backend. '
'write_images was set to False')
write_images = False
if embeddings_freq != 0:
warnings.warn('You are not using the TensorFlow backend. '
'embeddings_freq was set to 0')
embeddings_freq = 0

self.log_dir = log_dir
self.histogram_freq = histogram_freq
self.merged = None
self.write_graph = write_graph
self.write_grads = write_grads
self.write_images = write_images
self.embeddings_freq = embeddings_freq
self.embeddings_layer_names = embeddings_layer_names
self.embeddings_metadata = embeddings_metadata or {}
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.embeddings_data = embeddings_data
if update_freq == 'batch':
# It is the same as writing as frequently as possible.
self.update_freq = 1
self.update_freq = update_freq
self.samples_seen = 0
self.samples_seen_at_last_write = 0

def set_model(self, model):
self.model = model
if K.backend() == 'tensorflow':
self.sess = K.get_session()
if self.histogram_freq and self.merged is None:
for layer in self.model.layers:
for weight in layer.weights:
mapped_weight_name =':', '_')
tf.summary.histogram(mapped_weight_name, weight)
if self.write_grads and weight in layer.trainable_weights:
grads = model.optimizer.get_gradients(model.total_loss,

def is_indexed_slices(grad):
return type(grad).__name__ == 'IndexedSlices'
grads = [
grad.values if is_indexed_slices(grad) else grad
for grad in grads]
if self.write_images:
w_img = tf.squeeze(weight)
shape = K.int_shape(w_img)
if len(shape) == 2: # dense layer kernel case
if shape[0] > shape[1]:
w_img = tf.transpose(w_img)
shape = K.int_shape(w_img)
w_img = tf.reshape(w_img, [1,
elif len(shape) == 3: # convnet case
if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_last':
# switch to channels_first to display
# every kernel as a separate image
w_img = tf.transpose(w_img, perm=[2, 0, 1])
shape = K.int_shape(w_img)
w_img = tf.reshape(w_img, [shape[0],
elif len(shape) == 1: # bias case
w_img = tf.reshape(w_img, [1,
# not possible to handle 3D convnets etc.

shape = K.int_shape(w_img)
assert len(shape) == 4 and shape[-1] in [1, 3, 4]
tf.summary.image(mapped_weight_name, w_img)

if hasattr(layer, 'output'):
if isinstance(layer.output, list):
for i, output in enumerate(layer.output):
tf.summary.histogram('{}_out_{}'.format(, i),
self.merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

if self.write_graph:
self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.log_dir,
self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.log_dir)

if self.embeddings_freq and self.embeddings_data is not None:
self.embeddings_data = standardize_input_data(self.embeddings_data,

embeddings_layer_names = self.embeddings_layer_names

if not embeddings_layer_names:
embeddings_layer_names = [ for layer in self.model.layers
if type(layer).__name__ == 'Embedding']
self.assign_embeddings = []
embeddings_vars = {}

self.batch_id = batch_id = tf.placeholder(tf.int32)
self.step = step = tf.placeholder(tf.int32)

for layer in self.model.layers:
if in embeddings_layer_names:
embedding_input = self.model.get_layer(
embedding_size =[1:])
embedding_input = tf.reshape(embedding_input,
(step, int(embedding_size)))
shape = (self.embeddings_data[0].shape[0], int(embedding_size))
embedding = K.variable(K.zeros(shape), + '_embedding')
embeddings_vars[] = embedding
batch = tf.assign(embedding[batch_id:batch_id + step],

self.saver = tf.train.Saver(list(embeddings_vars.values()))

if not isinstance(self.embeddings_metadata, str):
embeddings_metadata = self.embeddings_metadata
embeddings_metadata = {layer_name: self.embeddings_metadata
for layer_name in embeddings_vars.keys()}

config = projector.ProjectorConfig()

for layer_name, tensor in embeddings_vars.items():
embedding = config.embeddings.add()
embedding.tensor_name =

if layer_name in embeddings_metadata:
embedding.metadata_path = embeddings_metadata[layer_name]

projector.visualize_embeddings(self.writer, config)

def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
logs = logs or {}

if not self.validation_data and self.histogram_freq:
raise ValueError("If printing histograms, validation_data must be "
"provided, and cannot be a generator.")
if self.embeddings_data is None and self.embeddings_freq:
raise ValueError("To visualize embeddings, embeddings_data must "
"be provided.")
if self.validation_data and self.histogram_freq:
if epoch % self.histogram_freq == 0:

val_data = self.validation_data
tensors = (self.model.inputs +
self.model.targets +

if self.model.uses_learning_phase:
tensors += [K.learning_phase()]

assert len(val_data) == len(tensors)
val_size = val_data[0].shape[0]
i = 0
while i < val_size:
step = min(self.batch_size, val_size - i)
if self.model.uses_learning_phase:
# do not slice the learning phase
batch_val = [x[i:i + step] for x in val_data[:-1]]
batch_val = [x[i:i + step] for x in val_data]
assert len(batch_val) == len(tensors)
feed_dict = dict(zip(tensors, batch_val))
result =[self.merged], feed_dict=feed_dict)
summary_str = result[0]
self.writer.add_summary(summary_str, epoch)
i += self.batch_size

if self.embeddings_freq and self.embeddings_data is not None:
if epoch % self.embeddings_freq == 0:
# We need a second forward-pass here because we're passing
# the `embeddings_data` explicitly. This design allows to pass
# arbitrary data as `embeddings_data` and results from the fact
# that we need to know the size of the `tf.Variable`s which
# hold the embeddings in `set_model`. At this point, however,
# the `validation_data` is not yet set.

# More details in this discussion:

embeddings_data = self.embeddings_data
n_samples = embeddings_data[0].shape[0]

i = 0
while i < n_samples:
step = min(self.batch_size, n_samples - i)
batch = slice(i, i + step)

if type(self.model.input) == list:
feed_dict = {_input: embeddings_data[idx][batch]
for idx, _input in enumerate(self.model.input)}
feed_dict = {self.model.input: embeddings_data[0][batch]}

feed_dict.update({self.batch_id: i, self.step: step})

if self.model.uses_learning_phase:
feed_dict[K.learning_phase()] = False, feed_dict=feed_dict),

i += self.batch_size

if self.update_freq == 'epoch':
index = epoch
index = self.samples_seen
self._write_logs(logs, index)

def _write_logs(self, logs, index):
for name, value in logs.items():
if name in ['batch', 'size']:
summary = tf.Summary()
summary_value = summary.value.add()
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
summary_value.simple_value = value.item()
summary_value.simple_value = value
summary_value.tag = name
self.writer.add_summary(summary, index)

def on_train_end(self, _):

def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
if self.update_freq != 'epoch':
self.samples_seen += logs['size']
samples_seen_since = self.samples_seen - self.samples_seen_at_last_write
if samples_seen_since >= self.update_freq:
self._write_logs(logs, self.samples_seen)
self.samples_seen_at_last_write = self.samples_seen

class ReduceLROnPlateau(Callback):
"""Reduce learning rate when a metric has stopped improving.
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