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Laravel X509 Authentication package

This package allow you to generate root certificates and signed certificates for various purposes (eg. Authentication).

Install and configure

You can install the package via composer:

composer require kerattila/laravel-x509-auth

Publish the config file by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kerattila\X509Auth\X509AuthServiceProvider"

After publishing configuration file, adjust the values accordingly your needs:


return [
    'workdir' => base_path(),
    // This should be pointed to the user class
    'user_class' => \App\User::class,
    // In case if you want to extend the original certificate class
    'certificate_class' => \Kerattila\X509Auth\Certificate\ClientCertificate::class,
    'middleware' => [
        // Enable or disable middleware
        'enabled' => true,
        'rules' => [
            /** SSL parameter === user field */
            'SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL' => 'username',
            'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email' => 'email'
        // Automatically log in the user if certificate matches a user
        'auto_login' => true
    'root_ca' => [
        'private_key_name' => 'root_ca_private', // Root cetificate private key name
        'public_key_name' => 'root_ca_public', // Root certificate public key name
        'numbits' => 2048, // Numbits
        'days' => 365, // The validity time for the ROOT CA
        /** This will be converted to SSL subject /C=RO/ST=Mures/L=Targu Mures/O=ACME Corporation/ */
        'subject' => [
            'C' => 'RO', // 2 letter country code
            'ST' => 'Mures', // State
            'L' => 'Targu Mures', // Locality
            'O' => 'ACME Corporation', // Organzization
            'CN' => '' // Common name
    'signed_cert' => [
        'private_key_name' => 'private', // Private key name
        'public_key_name' => 'public', // Public key name
        'csr_key_name' => 'csr', // CSR (Certificate Sign Request) file name
        'numbits' => 2048,
        'days' => 365, // Validity of the certificate
        /** This will be converted to SSL subject /C=RO/ST=Mures/L=Targu Mures/O=ACME Corporation/ */
        'subject' => [
            'C' => 'RO', // 2 letter country code
            'ST' => 'Mures', // State
            'L' => 'Targu Mures', // Locality
            'O' => 'ACME Corporation', // Organzization
            'OU' => 'IT Department', // Organizational unit
            'CN' => '', // Common name
            'emailAddress' => '', // Email address
        // SAN - Subject alternative names
        'alt_names' => [

How to use

Apache configuration:

SSLVerifyClient require # This line will force to have a valid; Leave this out if SSL is optional to log in
SSLVerifyDepth 10 # Maximum depth for certificate check
SSLCACertificateFile {DOCROOT_CLIENT}/ssl/rootCA.crt.pem # Point this to the Root CA Private key
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars # Creates the standard set of CGI/SSI environment variables that are related to SSL


Add the \Kerattila\X509Auth\Middleware\X509::class middleware class to your application kernel:

namespace App\Http;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;

class Kernel extends HttpKernel
     * The application's global HTTP middleware stack.
     * These middleware are run during every request to your application.
     * @var array
    protected $middleware = [


Root certificate can be generated by running this command:

php artisan x509auth:generate:root-ca {--dir=} {--private=} {--public=}

Signed certificate can be generated by running a similar command:

php artisan x509auth:generate:signed-certificate {--dir=} {--private=} {--public=} {--csr=} {--root-private=} {--root-public=} {--email=}

During certificate generation you will be asked to provide (optionally) a password to protect the certificate.

Note: All options are optional, fallback values are defined in the config file.