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Remote Controller with Speech Recognition

ESP32 Edge AI Device

Development Environment

Command List

Not all commands are supported yet.

id Chinese Pronunciation English
0 打开空调 da kai kong tiao Turn on the air conditioner
1 关闭空调 guan bi kong tiao Turn off the air conditioner
2 增大风速 zeng da feng su Give me more wind
3 减少风速 jian xiao feng su Give me less wind
4 升高一度 sheng gao yi du Increase by one degree
5 降低一度 jiang di yi du Decrease by one degree
6 制热模式 zhi re mo shi Heating mode
7 制冷模式 zhi leng mo shi Cooling mode
8 送风模式 song feng mo shi Ventilating mode
9 节能模式 jie neng mo shi Power-saving mode
10 除湿模式 guan bi jie neng mo shi Dehumidifying mode
11 健康模式 chu shi mo shi Healthy mode
12 睡眠模式 guan bi chu shi mo shi Sleep mode
13 打开蓝牙 da kai lan ya Enable the Bluetooth
14 关闭蓝牙 guan bi lan ya Disable the Bluetooth
15 播放歌曲 bo fang ge qu Play a song
16 暂停播放 zan ting bo fang Pause playing
17 定时一小时 ding shi yi xiao shi Set timer to 1 hour
18 打开电灯 da kai dian deng Turn on the light
19 关闭电灯 guan bi dian deng Turn off the light


IR Remote Controller with Speech Recognition






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