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UMMB Audition Feedback Emails

How to use

  1. Copy the template spreadsheet that I shared with you (File > Make a copy...) and add your section members' names and email addresses. This is now your section's template.
  2. Copy your section template for each set of audition feedback and name the spreadsheet with the date.
  3. Fill in the feedback.
  4. Click the "Send Emails" button.
  5. A popup may open stating that authorization is required, click continue and accept the permissions required by the script.
  6. "EMAIL_SENT" will appear in column K for each row as emails are sent. If the script encounters an error you can run it again, it will continue where it left off, not sending any duplicates.


If you have any questions about how to use this or something breaks, please let me know.

Generate inlined template

Use MailChimp's CSS inliner tool, here.