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Repository files navigation node.js app

This is still a big work in progress. Needs cleaning up and refactoring. Want to contribute? Reach out to us!


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run yarn install
  3. Create a config file overwriting any settings you might need (most likely db username, pw & db name)
  4. Run yarn run dev
  5. Visit http://localhost:3000
  6. All done - You're as ready to go as a dog on a flying carpet


iOverland is a volunteer driven projects. We raise the funds needed to run our infrastructure from our users, publish our code under an opensource license. wouldn't exist without the thousands of travelers checking in, adding new places and maintaining our data. iOverlander wouldn't be possible without your help in development of this site either. If you'd like to con- tribute in any way, feel free to reach out to us!

Running a staging environment with docker-compose


The compose configuration configures two persistent data directories: dev_assets & dev_pgdata. The default path for these is ../ (the repository's parent folder)

docker-compose up

Launch the containers by running: cd container && docker-compose -f container.yml up

Setting up the database

The standard compose file sets up the postgres container to mount the postgres data directory from your local filesystem. By default the path is ../dev_pgadata (relative to this path). This way the database is persisted when relaunching the containers.

To initialize the database, you need to create the database and prepopulate the database. You can do this with the following commands:

  1. Use docker ps to get the container ID of the postgres server
  2. Enter into the container with: docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID psql -U user
  3. CREATE DATABASE ioverlander; CREATE DATABASE ioverlander_node_sessions;
  4. Populate the database either from your own dump or from the dev_light.sql.tgz with the following command: docker exec -i CONTAINER_ID psql -U user -d ioverlander < dev_light.sql

Accessing the site:

The page should now be accessible at http://localhost:3000 from your container host.


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