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Python Packaging Examples


Create a package for my Python application, or service, that meets the following specifications:


All code, and files, should be distributed to production hosts using industry standard tools for managing packages.

Depedency Management

Dependencies should be automatically resolved by the package and resolved before deployment time.

Extra Scripting

Any scripts, or commands, that need to be executed during a deployment should be automatically triggered after the package installation.

Code Layout

Each example contains exactly the same source code. The sample project is the result of following the Django 1.7 tutorial. There is a Django project called pollster and a Django application called polls. Each contains templates and static file assets. The project is configured to connect to a postgresql database.

Environment Layout

Each example contains a Vagrantfile that will create five LXC containers. Two containers represent the development environment and development database. The other three represent two production environments and a production database.

The names of the vagrant machines are as follows:

  • dev

    The development environment

  • dev-db

    The development database node.

  • prod(1|2)

    The production environments.

  • prod-db

    The production database node.

Each development environment contains /etc/hosts entries for prod1 and prod2. All environments contain a /etc/hosts entry for pypi which is linked to the dependency server

The dependency server, the Vagrantfile for which is in the '/deps' directory, hosts the private PYPI and apt repositories.

For information on how to get start with vagrant+LXC check out the project page on github

Walking Through The Examples

Custom Packaging

The custom packaging example is intended as a sandbox for using non-packaging techniques to deploy code. An example scenario would go as follows:

vagrant ssh dev
cd /opt/pollster
sudo pip install --index-url http://pypi/simple django psycopg2
python collectstatic --noinput
python migrate
sudo service pollster start
// Check that the service starts and the page loads with images.

cd /opt
scp -r pollster prod1:/opt/
ssh prod1
sudo pip install --index-url http://pypi/simple django psycopg2
cd /opt/pollster
python collectstatic --nopinput
python migrate
sudo service pollster start
// Check that the service starts and the page loads with images.

Source Distribution

The source distribution example contains a sample and file for generating a Python source distribution. It also bundles and exposes a console script for interacting with the Django commands.

vagrant ssh dev
cd ~/code/pollster
python sdist
scp dist/ pypi:/srv/pypi

ssh prod1
sudo pip install --index-url http://pypi/simple pollster
pollster-manage collectstatic --noinput
pollster-manage migrate
sudo service pollster start
// Check that the service starts and the page loads with images.

System Packaing

The system packaging example contains a requirements.txt for dependency version pinning, a 'debian' subdirectory, and rpmvenv configuration for generating system package.

Debian packages are generated with dh_virtualenv and RPM packages are generated with rpmvenv.

# Generate a .deb
cd ~/code/pollster
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
cd ..
scp pollster_0.1.1_amd64.deb pypi:/srv/deb
ssh pypi reindex
ssh prod1
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pollster
// Check that the service starts and the page loads with images.
# Generate a .rpm
cd ~/code/pollster
rpmvenv .rpmvenv.json

Private Package Repositories

The following guides were used in setting up the private PYPI and apt repositories:


Demos for different methods of packaging Python code.






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