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A command-line utility for working with an Elevate database.


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A command-line utility for working with an Elevate Software database.


  • ElevateSoft Elevate Database libraries
  • Delphi XE+


EDBUtil <command> <parameters>


/query - executes a query against the database.  
  /sql       - sql to execute (use @ to specify a file containing the sql)  
  /maxstring - maximum string length (default 50)  
  /dump      - show the SQL statements (default false)  
  /format    - the format of the output. Possible options are Table, CSV, JSON, mustache. (default table)  
  /NoHeader  - header not included in output.  
  /Mustache  - Mustache template (use @ to specify a file containing a mustache template NOTE: Use {{#ds}}{{/ds}} for section

/verify - runs VERIFY on table.
  /table     - name of table to verify (default *, means verify all)
  /startat   - when repairing all, you can start at a specific table. Tables are in alpha order. (optional)

/repair - runs REPAIR on table.
  /table     - name of table to repair (default *, means repair all)
  /startat   - when repairing all, you can start at a specific table. Tables are in alpha order. (optional)

/restore - restores a backup to the database specified by /db parameter.
  /store - name of the store which contains the backup (required)
  /name  - name of the backup file to restore. Use * to restore the file with the latest timestamp (required)
  /quiet - do not verify with user the name of the latest backup (e.g. when /name * is used)

/mustacheDef - creates a JSON form of a table definition, and can map it to a mustache file.  
  /table     - name of table for which to generate JSON definition
  /mustach - Mustache template (use @ to specify a file containing a mustache template). NOTE: Use {{#tableDef}}{{#fields}}{{/fields}}{{/tableDef}} for section

/Import - imports a CSV file into a table
  /table - table to which to import the data
  /input - CSV file from which to get the data
  /hasHeader - indicates that the CSV file's first line is a header
  /op - required. Specify APPEND to add the records to existing data. Specify OVERWRITE to delete existing data.
  /map - list of field names and column position in CSV in the form "fieldnameA=x;fieldnameB=y"
       Where fieldNameA and fieldNameB are names in the table
       x and y are the column positions to import into the table.
       if the /map parameter starts with @, then the mappings are read from a file
  /disableTriggers - turn off triggers on table. This is useful if there are triggers that update data (like LastUpdatedDate).
  /trueValue - the value in a column that represents TRUE. Everything else is false. Default true
  /truncStrings - Truncate strings that are too long

/MSSQL - exports create table and data
  /table - table for which to create MSSQL stuff

/ReleaseSessions - releases all of the sessions on the selected database.

/CopyToStore - copys a local file to an Elevate store. Useful when copying workstation files to the server.
 /file - name of the file to copy
 /store - name of the Elevate store to which to copy

/setDBPath - sets the path for the database.  
    /configPath - path of the configuration for the database engine  
    /newPath    - the new path for the database

/CreateDB - creates a new database
  /name - name of the database
  /path - location of database

All commands require the following parameters:

/db        - database name
/userid    - database user id
/pwd       - database password
/hostName  - name of the server
/hostPort  - the port number to communicate with the server (default 12010)

Special Switches:

/verbose displays more information
/nostop  won't wait for enter key after exception


A command-line utility for working with an Elevate database.








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