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=============README EXAMPLE==============

modified Gateway6 Client v6.0-RELEASE

edited from gw6c-6_0-RELEASE-src.tar 
to the version could be cross compiled

mips : ( make project in tspc-advanced/ )
make all CROSS_COMPILE=mipsel-linux- \
     OPENSSL_INCDIR=/path/to/tomatoraf/release/src-rt/router/openssl/include \

mips_debug :  ( make project in tspc-advanced/ )
make cleanall  (not make clean)
make all CROSS_COMPILE=mipsel-linux- \
     OPENSSL_INCDIR=/path/to/tomatoraf/release/src-rt/router/openssl/include \
     CRYPTO_LIBDIR=/path/to/tomatoraf/release/src-rt/router/openssl \
     CFLAGSALL="-Wall -g" \
     CXXFLAGSALL="-Wall -g" \
     ( bin/gw6c can't be strip )

debian : ( make project in tspc-advanced/ )
make DEBUG=1

===============README EOF==================