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Formasaurus is a Python package that tells you the type of an HTML form: is it a login, search, registration, password recovery, "join mailing list", contact form or something else. Under the hood it uses machine learning.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo and install all dependencies (see requirements.txt).

  2. Use formasaurus/ command-line utility to train the extractor:

    $ ./formasaurus/ train ./myextractor.joblib

    The command above will create a myextractor.joblib file with extractor parameters.

  3. To quickly check how it works use formasaurus/ run command:

    $ ./formasaurus/ run myextractor.joblib ''

    This command will download a webpage, display a cleaned up source code of its HTML forms and shows form types.

Library Usage

To use Formasaurus as a library, first install it:

$ python install

Most features are provided by formasaurus.FormExtractor class. To load the extractor, use FormExtractor.load method; pass a path to a file created by ./formasaurus/ train command:

>>> from formasaurus import FormExtractor
>>> ex = FormExtractor.load("./myextractor.joblib")

FormExtractor expects HTML files parsed by lxml as an input. Load an HTML file using lxml:

>>> import lxml.html
>>> tree = lxml.html.parse("")

For this example we'll load data from an URL; of course, data may be loaded from a local file or from an in-memory object, or you may already have the tree loaded (e.g. with Scrapy).

To extract all forms from the page use extract_forms method:

>>> ex.extract_forms(tree)
[(<Element form at 0x10bbc5730>, u's')]

It returns a list of (form, cls) tuples, one tuple for each <form> element on a page.

cls can be one of the following letters:

  • s - search form;
  • l - login form;
  • r - registration form;
  • p - password or account recovery form;
  • m - mailing list / newsletter subscription form;
  • c - contact / feedback form;
  • o - other form.

FormExtractor can return probabilities of a form being of one of these classes. Use extract_forms_proba method for that:

>>> ex.extract_forms_proba(tree)
[(<Element form at 0x10bbc5730>,
    {u'c': 0.0013464597746403034,
     u'l': 0.0024144635740943055,
     u'm': 0.0035095665774015081,
     u'o': 0.0048140061900189797,
     u'p': 0.002359130863598229,
     u'r': 0.0019866565416929898,
     u's': 0.98356971647855373})]

This method again returns a list of tuples, but now the second element is not just the class itself, but a dictionary with probabilities.

There is a shortcut for dropping all classes with low probabilities. Let's remove all classes with probability < 0.1:

>>> ex.extract_forms_proba(tree, 0.1)
[(<Element form at 0x10bbc5730>,
    {u's': 0.98356971647855373})]

Here the extractor is fairily certain the form is a search form, so only a single item remained.

To classify individual forms use classify and classify_proba methods. They work on individual <form> elements (lxml Element instances):

>>> form = tree.xpath("//form")[0]
>>> ex.classify(form)
>>> ex.classify_proba(form, 0.004)  # threshold is also supported here
{u'o': 0.0048140061900189797, u's': 0.98356971647855373}


Source code and bug tracker are on github:

License is MIT.

The easiest way to improve classification quality is to add more training examples. Use formasaurus/ add command for that.

For more info about the classification model check "notebooks/Model.ipynb" IPython notebook (see ); some experience with machine learning is helpful if you want to improve the model.

Currently Formasaurus uses a linear classifier (Logistic Regression) and features like counts of form elements of different types, whether a form is POST or GET, text on submit buttons, names of CSS classes and IDs, input labels, presence of certain substrings in URLs, etc.

To make the extractor understand a new type of form (e.g. "order" form or "forum navigation" form) it is necessary to check all forms that are marked as "other" in the existing dataset and change their type when needed, then check the extraction quality (formasaurus/ evaluate command or an IPython notebook could help) and improve the model if the quality is not satisfactory.

Extraction Quality

Classification report (480 training examples, 160 testing examples):

                         precision    recall  f1-score   support

                contact       0.89      0.89      0.89         9
                  login       0.97      0.97      0.97        33
      join mailing list       0.80      0.53      0.64        15
                  other       0.69      0.95      0.80        21
password/login recovery       1.00      0.94      0.97        16
           registration       1.00      0.81      0.89        21
                 search       0.96      1.00      0.98        45

            avg / total       0.92      0.91      0.90       160

Active features: 30891 out of possible 30891

Confusion matrix (rows=>true values, columns=>predicted values):
   c   l  m   o   p   r   s
c  8   0  0   1   0   0   0
l  0  32  0   1   0   0   0
m  0   0  8   5   0   0   2
o  1   0  0  20   0   0   0
p  0   0  1   0  15   0   0
r  0   1  1   2   0  17   0
s  0   0  0   0   0   0  45

Running cross validation...
10-fold cross-validation F1: 0.900 (±0.087)  min=0.828  max=0.953

Dataset was sorted by domain the page is from to prevent overfitting. Most duplicate forms are removed.

Take the numbers with a grain of salt - it is not a proper estimation on a held-out dataset because I used these metrics to develop features and select classification models. Generally F1 stood in ~0.9 when new unseen data was added, so the numbers shouldn't be too off, but still, don't take these numbers as a proper quality estimation.


Formasaurus tells you the type of an HTML form






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