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backbone-api-client Build status

Backbone mixin built for interacting with API clients

This was built for usage within node.js and to be flexible to be reused across API clients (e.g. Twitter, GitHub).

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install backbone-api-client

In this example, we will be working with

// Mixin `backbone-api-client` onto a model class
// DEV: This does `extend's` the class and does not mutate the original
var _ = require('underscore');
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var Github = require('github');
var BackboneApiClient = require('backbone-api-client');
var GithubModel = BackboneApiClient.mixinModel(Backbone.Model).extend({
  // DEV: Since each API client is different, this is where we map
  // backbone information into API client information
  callApiClient: function (methodKey, options, cb) {
    // Prepare headers with data
    var params = _.clone( || {};
    if (options.headers) {
      params.headers = options.headers;

    // Find the corresponding resource method and call it
    var method = this.methodMap[methodKey];
    return this.apiClient[this.resourceName][method](params, cb);

// Create a repo class
var RepoModel = GithubModel.extend({
  resourceName: 'repos',
  // There are 5 different methods `create`, `update`, `patch`, `read`, `delete`
  // More info can be found in Documentation
  methodMap: {
    read: 'get'

// Fetch information for a repo with an API client
var apiClient = new Github({
  version: '3.0.0'
  type: 'basic',
  username: process.env.GITHUB_USERNAME,
  password: process.env.GITHUB_PASSWORD
var repo = new RepoModel(null, {
  apiClient: apiClient
  data: {
    user: 'uber',
    repo: 'backbone-api-client'
}, function (err, repo, options) {
  // Logs: {id: 19190227, name: 'backbone-api-client', ...}


backbone-api-client exposes 2 methods, mixinModel and mixinCollection, via its module.exports.


Extends ModelKlass, via ModelKlass.extend, and adds API client logic. Additionally, all sync-related methods (e.g. save, fetch) now operate on an error-first callback over success/error options.

This choice was made due to being designed for the server. In node.js, we never want to forget errors and leave requests hanging. By using error-first, we are constantly reminded to handle these errors.

  • ModelKlass BackboneModel, constructor either is or is a descendant of the Backbone.Model constructor


  • ChildModel BackboneModel, Model extended from ModelKlass

ChildModel#initialize(attrs, options)

Method run when a ChildModel is being instantiated

Original documentation:

  • attrs Object|null, attributes passed in to new ChildModel(attrs, options) call
  • options Object|null, parameters to adjust model behavior
    • apiClient Object, instance of an API client to interact with a given API
      • This is not asserted against but it is required for any remote calls (e.g. save, fetch)
var model = new ChildModel(null, {
  // Required for any remote calls (e.g. `save`, `fetch`)
  apiClient: apiClient

ChildModel#fetch(options, cb)

Method to retrieve item/updates via API client

Original documentation:

Alternative invocations:

  • options Object|null, parameters to pass to ChildModel#sync
    • data Object, optional object of data to send instead of Backbone's defaults (e.g. model.toJSON)
    • Any other parameters can be accessed in future options (e.g. ChildModel#callApiClient)
  • cb Function, error-first callback, (err, model, resp, options), to receive fetch results
    • err Error|null, error if any occurred during fetch
      • This include any errors that the API client replied with
    • model ChildModel, instance of ChildModel that was fetched with
    • resp Objet, response that was received from call
    • options Object, options used on apiClient

ChildModel#save(attrs, options, cb)

Method to create/update resource via API client

Original documentation:

Alternative invocations:, cb);;
  • attrs Object|null, attributes to update on the model
  • options Object|null, parameters to pass to ChildModel#sync
    • data Object, optional object of data to send instead of Backbone's defaults (e.g. attrs)
    • Any other parameters can be accessed in future options (e.g. ChildModel#callApiClient)
  • cb Function, error-first callback, (err, model, resp, options), to receive save results

ChildModel#destroy(options, cb)

Method to destroy resource via API client

Original documentation:

Alternative invocations:

  • options Object|null, parameters to pass to ChildModel#sync
    • data Object, optional object of data to send instead of Backbone's defaults (e.g. model.toJSON)
    • Any other parameters can be accessed in future options (e.g. ChildModel#callApiClient)
  • cb Function, error-first callback, (err, model, resp, options), to receive save results
    • Same properties as ChildModel#fetch's cb
    • Yes, this is not a typo. It will receive the model as if it still existed.

ChildModel#sync(method, model, options)

Method to configure request parameters to passing to API client mapper

Original documentation:

  • method String, action to perform on a resource
    • There are 5 variations: create, update, patch, read, delete
    • patch can only be found when options.patch is specified in options on a .save call
      • At that point, it will take the place of update
  • model ChildModel, model to act upon
  • options Object, container for various options to specify
    • data Objet, optional object of data to send (overrides attrs)
    • attrs Object, optional object of data to send (only used for create, update, or patch requests)
    • Any other parameters will be available in ChildModel#callApiClient

If there is a this.adjustApiClientOptions (via instance or prototype), then it will process the method and options.

ChildModel#adjustApiClientOptions(method, options)

User-defined method to adjust options before moving to callApiClient. This was built to add any cache-relevant data before entering a cache-aware method which poses problems during inheritance.

if you want to use this, it must be defined by future extensions of the class.

  • method String, method from sync
  • options Object, options from sync

Expected to return:

  • reqOptions Object|null, options to pass on to callApiClient
    • If nothing is returned, the options object will be returned
      • This can be used in unison with mutation
    • If you choose to return an object, this will be used as the request options

ChildModel#callApiClient(method, options, cb)

Mapping method from Backbone action to API client invocation.

We provide a simple invoker but you are expected to create your own via ChildModel#extend since not all API clients have the same API.

Since solving this problem can be hard, we provide potential solutions in the Examples section.

  • method String, action to perform on a resource
    • There are 5 variations: create, update, patch, read, delete
    • patch can only be found when options.patch is specified in options on a .save call
      • At that point, it will take the place of update
  • options Object, options passed in from fetch/save/etc and modified during sync
    • data Object, attributes to update for the resource
    • Any other properties will have been passed in the original fetch/save/etc invocation
  • cb Function, error-first callback method, (err, resp) to send back information for handling
    • err Error|null, error if any occurred within API client's request
    • resp Mixed, API client's response for the request
      • Any data formatting/preparation should be handled in Model#parse

For reference, our stub is set as follows:


  • this.resourceName String, API client name for resource (e.g. repos, issues)
// If this is a create invocation, create it
// Example: this.apiClient.create('tweets', options, cb);
this.apiClient[method](this.resourceName, options, cb);

// Otherwise, modify the specific resource
// Example: this.apiClient.update('tweets', 42, options, cb);
this.apiClient[method](this.resourceName,, options, cb);


Collection equivalent of mixinModel; extends CollectionKlass and adds API client logic.

  • CollectionKlass BackboneCollection, constructor for a Collection to extend upon


  • ChildCollection BackboneCollection, extended Collection constructor from CollectionKlass with API client updates

ChildCollection#initialize(model, options)

Method to run during instantiation of new ChildCollection

Original documentation:

  • models Model[]|Object[]|null, array of instantiated models or objects to become models for the collection
  • options Object|null, options to alter behavior of collection
    • apiClient Object, instance of an API client to interact with a given API
      • This is not asserted against but it is required for any remote calls (e.g. fetch, create)
var collection = new ChildCollection(null, {
  // Required for any remote calls (e.g. `fetch`, `create`)
  apiClient: apiClient

ChildCollection#fetch(options, cb)

Method to fetch array of resources via API client

Original documentation:

Alternative invocations:

  • options Object|null, parameters to pass to ChildCollection#sync
    • data Object, optional object of data to send instead of Backbone's defaults (e.g. collection.toJSON)
    • Any other parameters can be accessed in future options (e.g. ChildCollection#callApiClient)
  • cb Function, error-first callback, (err, collection, resp, options), to receive fetch results
    • err Error|null, error if any occurred during fetch
      • This include any errors that the API client replied with
    • collection ChildCollection, instance of ChildCollection that was fetched with
    • resp Objet, response that was received from call
    • options Object, options used on apiClient

ChildCollection#create(attrs, options, cb)

Method to instantiate a new model for the collection

Following steps (e.g. sync) will not occur in the ChildCollection pipeline but in the ChildModel pipeline.

Original documentation:

Alternative invocations:

collection.create(attrs, cb);
  • attrs Model|Object, properties to create a new model with
  • options Object|null, parameters to pass to ChildCollection#sync
    • data Object, optional object of data to send instead of Backbone's defaults (e.g. collection.toJSON)
    • Any other parameters can be accessed in future options (e.g. ChildCollection#callApiClient)
  • cb Function, error-first callback, (err, collection, resp, options), to receive fetch results

ChildCollection#sync(method, collection, options)

Method to generate parameters to pass to API client for invocation

Original documentation:

Please refer to ChildModel#sync for documentation as they function the same (except replace model with collection).

ChildCollection#callApiClient(method, options, cb)

Mapping method from Backbone action to API client invocation.

We provide a simple invoker but you are expected to create your own via ChildCollection#extend since not all API clients have the same API.

Since solving this problem can be hard, we provide potential solutions in the Examples section.

  • method String, action to perform on a resource
    • For collections, there is only read. The others do not occur
  • options Object, options passed in from fetch and modified during sync
    • data Object, attributes to update for the resource
    • Any other properties will have been passed in the original fetch invocation
  • cb Function, error-first callback method, (err, resp) to send back information for handling
    • err Error|null, error if any occurred within API client's request
    • resp Mixed, API client's response for the request

For reference, our stub is set as follows:


  • this.resourceName String, API client name for resource (e.g. repos, issues)
// Load all items in a colleciton
// Example:'tweets', options, cb);
this.apiClient[method](this.resourceName, options, cb);


Since the existing callApiClient method does not fill API clients, we are providing sample solutions.

Method map

If the naming convention for methods is inconsistent across resources, a method map is a great way to smooth that out.

// Interacting with issue comments via the GitHub module
var GithubModel = ApiModel.extend({
  callApiClient: function (methodKey, options, cb) {
    // Prepare headers with data
    var params = _.clone( || {};
    if (options.headers) {
      params.headers = options.headers;

    // Find the corresponding resource method and call it
    var method = this.methodMap[methodKey];
    return this.apiClient[this.resourceName][method](params, cb);
var CommentModel = GithubModel.extend({
  resourceName: 'issues',
  methodMap: {
    create: 'createComment',
    read: 'getComment',
    update: 'editComment',
    'delete': 'deleteComment'
var RepoModel = GithubModel.extend({
  resourceName: 'repos',
  methodMap: {
    create: 'create',
    read: 'get',
    update: 'update', // Not even consistent with `edit` =/
    'delete': 'delete'

Semi-consistent methods

If your method scheme is usually consistent but needs some one-off overrides, dynamically generated keys are a good solution.

// Interacting with issue comments via the GitHub module
var GithubModel = ApiModel.extend({
  callApiClient: function (methodKey, options, cb) {
    // Prepare headers with data
    var params = _.clone( || {};
    if (options.headers) {
      params.headers = options.headers;

    // Resolve the key via `updateKey`/`createKey`
    var method = _.result(this, methodKey + 'Key');
    return this.apiClient[this.resourceName][method](params, cb);
  resourceClass: '',
  createKey: function () {
    return 'create' + this.resourceClass;
  updateKey: function () {
    return 'update' + this.resourceClass;
  readKey: function () {
    return 'get' + this.resourceClass;
  deleteKey: function () {
    return 'delete' + this.resourceClass;
var CommentModel = GithubModel.extend({
  resourceName: 'issues',
  resourceClass: 'Comment',
  // Override `update` action
  updateKey: 'editComment'
  // Keys will be createComment, editComment, getComment, deleteComment
var RepoModel = GithubModel.extend({
  resourceName: 'repos'
  // Keys will be create, update, get, delete

Bloated callApiClient logic

If you are performng multiple actions in your callApiClient (e.g. add id in update, mark deleted attribute on delete), you can break that down by invoking methods which are overwritable on a one-off basis.

var GithubModel = ApiModel.extend({
  callApiClient: function (methodKey, options, cb) {
    // Prepare headers with data
    var params = _.clone( || {};
    if (options.headers) {
      params.headers = options.headers;

    // Call the corresponding _method (e.g. `_read`, `_create`)
    return this['_' + method](params, cb);
  // Set up default _methods
  _create: function (params, cb) {
    return this.apiClient[this.resourceName].create(params, cb);
  _update: function (params, cb) {
    var params = _.extend({
    }, params);
    return this.apiClient[this.resourceName].update(params, cb);
  _read: function (params, cb) {
    return this.apiClient[this.resourceName].read(params, cb);
  _delete: function (params, cb) {
    var that = this;
    return this.apiClient[this.resourceName]['delete'](params, function (err, res) {
      // If there is an error, callback with it
      if (err) {
        return cb(err);

      // If the request was successful, mark the model as deleted
      if (res.meta.status === '204 No Content') {
        that.set('deleted', true);

      // Callback as per usual
      cb(null, res);


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint via grunt and test via npm test.


Copyright (c) 2014 Uber Technologies, Inc.

Licensed under the MIT license.


Backbone mixin built for interacting with API clients







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