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About Laravel Country

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Laravel Country is a package containing country list migration, seeders and model for Laravel.

The list of countries is populated from


You can install the package via composer:

composer require kevinpurwito/laravel-country


The vendor:publish command will publish a file named kp_country.php within your laravel project config folder config/kp_country.php. Edit this file with your desired table name for the table, defaults to countries.

Published Config File Contents

    'table_names' => [
        'country' => env('KP_COUNTRY_TABLE_NAME', 'countries'),

        'province' => env('KP_COUNTRY_TABLE_NAME_PROVINCE', 'provinces'),

        'city' => env('KP_COUNTRY_TABLE_NAME_CITY', 'cities'),

        'district' => env('KP_COUNTRY_TABLE_NAME_DISTRICT', 'districts'),

        'ward' => env('KP_COUNTRY_TABLE_NAME_WARD', 'wards'),

    'popular_column' => env('KP_COUNTRY_POPULAR_COLUMN', true),

    'ordinal_column' => env('KP_COUNTRY_ORDINAL_COLUMN', true),

Alternatively you can ignore the above publish command and add this following variables to your .env file.


Auto Discovery

If you're using Laravel 5.5+ you don't need to manually add the service provider or facade. This will be Auto-Discovered. For all versions of Laravel below 5.5, you must manually add the ServiceProvider & Facade to the appropriate arrays within your Laravel project config/app.php



Running the migration

The only thing that you need to publish is the migration, you shouldn't need to publish the others, such as seeders and config; unless you want to customize them

Countries only migration

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\CountryServiceProvider --tag=lc-countries

All migrations (countries, provinces, cities, districts, wards)

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\CountryServiceProvider --tag=lc-migrations

Running the seeders

Countries seeder

php artisan db:seed --class=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\Database\\Seeders\\CountriesSeeder

countries code are from ISO 3166

Indonesia's provinces, cities and districts seeder

php artisan db:seed --class=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\Database\\Seeders\\IdProvincesSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\Database\\Seeders\\IdCitiesSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=Kevinpurwito\\LaravelCountry\\Database\\Seeders\\IdDistrictsSeeder

Indonesian provinces iso2 are from ISO 3166-2:ID

Indonesian provinces, cities and districts code are from Kemendagri


Country class

use Kevinpurwito\LaravelCountry\Models\Country;

// Get a country by name, iso2 or iso3
$country = Country::findByName('Indonesia');
$country = Country::findByIso2('ID');
$country = Country::findByIso3('IDN');

// mark a country as popular

// set `ordinal` of the country

// get list of countries by default ordering (`popular` first, after that by `ordinal` and finally by `name`)
$countries = Country::default()->get();

// get list of provinces in a country
$provinces = $country->provinces()->default()->get();

// get list of cities in a province
$cities = $provinces[0]->cities()->default()->get();

Adding relationship to your own model

use Kevinpurwito\LaravelCountry\Relationships\BelongsToCountry;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model 
    use BelongsToCountry;
    // now you can use `country` relationship to your user model, given that your table has 'country_id' column
    // e.g. $user->country->iso2; returns 'ID' if your user belongs to 'Indonesia' country


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the PHP Package Boilerplate by Beyond Code with some modifications inspired from PHP Package Skeleton by spatie.