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Light Bootstrap Dashboard Rails Version

Thanks for trying out Light Bootstrap Dashboard (Rails Version)! We promise your rails app will look awesome after install it. You can view live preview here.

Light Bootstrap Dashboard

Table of Content

Install Preparation

Recommend install on blank new rails app

Although Light Bootstrap Dashboard (Rails Version) can be installed on your existing rails app, we still recommend you to install it on a blank new rails app first and get familiar how this gem integrate your rails app.

Remove any bootstrap from existing rails app

If you want to integrate existing rails app, please make sure you have remove all the Bootstrap gems such as twitter-bootstrap-rails, bootstrap-rails, bootstrap-sass, less-rails-bootstrap or any Bootstrap related stylesheets and javascript from your rails app. As Light Bootstrap Dashboard (Rails Version) already contain its own version of Bootstrap.

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  1. Create a new rails application from terminal
rails new exampleapp
cd exampleapp
  1. Install light_bootstrap_dashboard gem
gem 'light_bootstrap_dashboard', '~> 1.3'

Run the following command to install the gem:

bundle install

Congratulation, Light Bootstrap Dashboard for Rails Version has been installed in your local machine.

  1. Run the install generator to integrate Light Bootstrap Dashboard in your rails
rails g light_bootstrap_dashboard:install

The install generator will created the following layout, css and js files in your app:

  • app/views/layouts/_base.html.erb
  • app/assets/stylesheets/light_bootstrap_dashboard.css
  • app/assets/javascripts/light_bootstrap_dashboard.js

Also, it added require directive to require light_bootstrap_dashboard.css and light_bootstrap_dashboard.js from following manifest files:

  • app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
  • app/assets/javascripts/application.js

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Theme Structure In Rails

Light Bootstrap Dashboard (Rails version) has integrate lot of the rails best practices such as

  • integrate nicely with turbolinks enabled
  • dynamic load the javascript init scripts
  • proper asset pipeline integration

Before we dive in to using Page Generators. Let get familiar how this gem integrate to rails app

First thing first, in order to simplify the file management from your rails app, all the Light Bootstrap Dashboard files are actually located in the gem except the following files for customize purpose:

Light Bootstrap Dashboard files in your rails app folder:

  • app/views/layouts/_base.html.erb
  • app/assets/stylesheets/light_bootstrap_dashboard.css
  • app/assets/javascripts/light_bootstrap_dashboard.js


It contain html head and empty body. All other layouts are based on this _base.html.erb layout so that same html head setting can be reuse among different layouts.

There are three yield contents specified in base layout:

<%= yield :head %>
<%= yield :features %>
<%= yield :class %>

<%= yield :head %>

you can specify the custom meta, css style and javascript from the view file to fill in this area. For example, if you want to include some style on index view page only. From your index.html.erb, you can specify:

<% content_for :style do %>
  .somestyle {
  background-color: red;
<% end %>

<%= yield :features %>

you can specify the javascript init features you want to invoke from the view file to fill in this area. For example, if you want to add feature1 and feature2 on index view page only. From your index.html.erb, you can specify:

<% content_for :features, "feature1 feature2" %>

Then add the following init script in light_bootstrap_dashboard.js OR add it to separate js file and require it from light_bootstrap_dashboard.js

$(document).on("page:change", function() {
  if ($.inArray('feature1',App.features()) >= 0) {
    Write your feature1 init script here ...
  if ($.inArray('feature2',App.features()) >= 0) {
    Write your feature2 init script here ...

<%= yield :class %>

you can specify the css class name from the view file to fill in this area. For example, if you want to give the class name on index view page only. From your index.html.erb, you can specify:

<% content_for :class, "home" %>


It is the manifest file using sprockets require directives to require all Light Bootstrap Dashboard stylesheet files.


It is the manifest file using sprockets require directives to require all Light Bootstrap Dashboard javascript files.

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Page Generators

Light Bootstrap Dashboard come with the following page generators to help you create the various pages. It's automatically handle all setup such as routes, controllers and views. By the way, all view layout are based on _base.html.erb layout, if you want to use different layout, you can specify it in your controller.


Generate dashboard page view at app/views/CONTROLLER/ACTION

rails g light_bootstrap_dashboard:dashboard_page CONTROLLER ACTION


Generate icons page view at app/views/CONTROLLER/ACTION

rails g light_bootstrap_dashboard:icons_page CONTROLLER ACTION


Generate maps page view at app/views/CONTROLLER/ACTION

rails g light_bootstrap_dashboard:maps_page CONTROLLER ACTION


Generate notifications page view at app/views/CONTROLLER/ACTION

rails g light_bootstrap_dashboard:notifications_page CONTROLLER ACTION


Generate table page view at app/views/CONTROLLER/ACTION

rails g light_bootstrap_dashboard:table_page CONTROLLER ACTION


Generate template page view at app/views/CONTROLLER/ACTION

rails g light_bootstrap_dashboard:template_page CONTROLLER ACTION


Generate typography page view at app/views/CONTROLLER/ACTION

rails g light_bootstrap_dashboard:typography_page CONTROLLER ACTION


Generate upgrade page view at app/views/CONTROLLER/ACTION

rails g light_bootstrap_dashboard:upgrade_page CONTROLLER ACTION


Generate user page view at app/views/CONTROLLER/ACTION

rails g light_bootstrap_dashboard:user_page CONTROLLER ACTION

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2016.03.21 - version

  • First Release for Rails Gem!

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Design is copyright of Creative Tim. Light Bootstrap Dashboard Pro will available for purchase soon. You can get it from UiReady.

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No packages published


  • HTML 63.5%
  • CSS 25.4%
  • Ruby 7.3%
  • JavaScript 3.8%