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Connect Four Game - Project Overview

This Scala project implements the Connect Four game with both console and graphical user interfaces. The project is organized into two main packages: Console and WithUi. Each package contains essential classes that contribute to the functionality of the game.

Console Package

Game Class

The Game class in the Console package is the central component of the console-based Connect Four game. It is responsible for managing player inputs, tracking the game state, and determining the winner. Key functionalities include:

  • Input Management: Handles player input for selecting columns to place their symbols (X or O) on the grid.

  • Game State: Manages the state of the game, including the grid, player turns, and move validations.

  • Winning Conditions: Implements checks for winning conditions, such as getting four symbols in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Grid Class

The Grid class in the Console package is responsible for displaying and managing the game grid. Key functionalities include:

  • Grid Visualization: Renders the 7x6 grid using a 2D array in the console.

  • Symbol Display: Displays the symbols (X or O) of players on the grid.

  • Information Retrieval: Provides methods to retrieve information about the 2D array, such as column fullness and current symbols.

Screens of usage

  1. The programm will ask the first player to enter a column.

Alt text

  1. Then the console is showing the next move and asks the second player for a column.

Alt text

  1. To win the game, the player has to get 4 of the same Symbol horizontally, vertically or diagonally in both ways
  2. Vertical win


  1. Horizontal win


  1. Diagonal win


WithUi Package

Game Class

The Game class in the WithUi package is the main class responsible for managing the graphical user interface (GUI) version of Connect Four. It utilizes FunGraphics for interactive and visual gameplay. Key functionalities include:

  • Interactive GUI: Manages player interactions through mouse clicks on the graphical grid.

  • Color Selection: Allows players to choose their preferred colors through rapid mouse clicks.

  • Game State Handling: Orchestrates the overall game logic, including player turns and win conditions.

Circle Class

The Circle class in the WithUi package represents an individual colored circle used in the graphical version of the game. Key functionalities include:

  • Visualization: Draws and fills circles on the GUI to represent player moves.

  • Color Management: Handles colors and provides methods for changing and filling circles with specific colors.

CircleColumn Class

The CircleColumn class in the WithUi package models a vertical column in the graphical grid. Key functionalities include:

  • Interactive Clicks: Responds to player clicks within the column and manages the placement of colored circles.

  • Color Change: Allows for changing the color of circles within the column.

CustomMouseListener Class

The CustomMouseListener class in the WithUi package is a custom implementation of the MouseListener interface. It is responsible for handling mouse events in the GUI, such as clicks. Key functionalities include:

  • Click Detection: Identifies single and double clicks to trigger specific actions in the game.

  • Color Change: Initiates color selection when detecting a double click.

Screens of usage

  1. User interface


  1. Diagonal win


  1. Double click to change users color


Package Interaction

  • Both packages share the concept of a game (Game class) but implement it differently for console and graphical interfaces.

  • The WithUi package introduces graphical elements (Circle, CircleColumn, CustomMouseListener) to facilitate a visual gaming experience.

  • The Console package focuses on console-based interactions, relying on the Grid class for displaying and managing the game grid.


To play the Connect Four game:

  1. Run the Main object.
  2. Choose the game mode: 0 for the graphical interface, 1 for the console game.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to make moves and enjoy the game.

Feel free to explore and enjoy both console and graphical versions of Connect Four!


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