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An alternate Cardano solution with usernames and passwords instead of wallets

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Cardano Account: A Wallet-less Solution

An alternate solution to Cardano wallets to simplify the adoption by allowing users to take custody of their Ada with a username and password—similar to web2 conventions.

How does it work?

By allocating a UTxO for each username, withdrawals can be locked behind a twice salted and hashed password, where its nonce comes from a spent UTxO (which satisfies randomness and uniqueness required for a nonce).

For the user to withdraw their funds, they can provide the hash of their salted raw password. This way, the redeemer (which will publicly be available on-chain) won't reveal user's password, yet it securely allows the contract to validate its correctness.

The validator performs the salting and hashing once again to make sure it'll match the stored hash in the datum.

With this solution, users can utilize all the password management solutions already existing, and therefore offers a smoother onboarding process for less experienced users.

Compromises and Issues

Front Running

Implemented as is, the script is parametrized by a list of "providers" (i.e. frontend providers), so that it can validate one of them has signed the transaction.

If this requirement was not put in place, a node validator would be free to avoid submitting the transaction honestly, but rather remove the transaction, use the provided redeemer, and withdraw the account in its own favor.

This is an issue that is likely not solvable without changes to Cardano's infrastructure.

While this is not an ideal solution, it mitigates the required centralization by allowing users to use any of the providers.

Ecosystem Participation

In this approach where all users share the same address, it becomes impossible for them to use most Cardano DApps (since user signature is a common requirement).

One solution is to dedicate an address for each user, where the differing parameter is their usernames. This, along with the dual-NFT minting solution mentioned earlier (where the second NFT is sent to user's dedicated address), and passing of CIP-112 will allow cardano-account users participate in the ecosystem similar to wallet owners.

A More Detailed Walkthrough

Account Creation

  1. User provides a username and password, quite like any web2 login page
  2. If the username is not already occupied (enforced by an on-chain linked list), the platform builds the transaction that consumes the previous link/UTxO in the list
  3. It uses the output reference of link's UTxO as nonce, concatenates it to the provided raw password and hashes the result
  4. Repeats step 3 to achieve the password hash that should be stored in the user's account datum
  5. Store the nonce alongside the password hash
  6. Submit the transaction

Here it's assumed the the platform that's providing this service also provides the required fee and collateral UTxO(s).


Currently, the contract allows anyone to increase the Lovelace count of any account UTxOs. Idealy, payments should be possible with any tokens, but this puts the UTxO at the risk of token dust attack.

One solution would be limiting the policy IDs an account is willing to accept, which expands this limit with consent of the account's owner.

Another limitation would be deposits from outside frontend providers (e.g. from CEXes). This is something that requires the separate address solution mentioned earlier, and also passing of CIP-69 which allows scripts to spend datum-less UTxOs.


  1. User types in their username and password, and the funds they want to withdraw
  2. System hashes the raw username, drops its first byte (since the first byte is used to distinguish the list entry's and account's token names), and looks to find the UTxO which stores an NFT with this token name
  3. Ensures that double salt-and-hashing the raw password corresponds to the one stored on-chain
  4. And builds the transaction such that the redeemer contains first iteration of salt-and-hashing of the password


In its current form, this is primarily intended as a proof of concept and not meant to be used in production.


An alternate Cardano solution with usernames and passwords instead of wallets






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