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VuePress Blog Theme

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  • This is theme of Vuepress,support the Tag、Pagination and Comment of Blog。
  • Theme is minimalist,config is simple,mobile is adaptive。
  • Address
  • Blog Show:

Getting Started


Create a new project myBlog

mkdir myBlog
cd myBlog

init by yarn or npm :

yarn init  or npm init -y

install vuepressblog

yarn add vuepress blog
npm install vuepress blog

Create src/_posts directory and the config file of Vuepress. The structure of your project looks like:

├── src # Blog source files directory
│   ├── .vuepress # Vuepress directory
│   │   └── public # Vuepress static directory
│   │   └── config.js # Vuepress config file
│   └── about # About page directory
│   │   ├──  # about page directory
│   └── _posts # Post directory
│       ├──
│       ...
└── package.json

add script files into package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "vuepress dev src",
    "build": "vuepress build src"

Config the theme

Config Vuepress and this theme in src/.vuepress/config.js

click to expand the config
module.exports = {
      // Website title
      title: 'Top Blog',
      // Description of your website
      description: 'Personal Blog',
      // Favicon and others of website
      head: [
        ['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }],
        ['meta', { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=no' }]
      // Theme to use
      theme: 'melodydl',
      // Theme config
      themeConfig: {
        title: 'Top Blog',

    // Personal information
    personalInfo: {
      // Nikename
      name: 'keyan',
      // Avatar image
      avatar: '/avatar-top.jpeg',
      // Background image in header
      headerBackgroundImg: '/avatar-bg.jpeg',
      // Introduction of yourself (HTML supported)
      description: 'In me the tiger sniffs the rose,
      // Email
      email: '',
      // Location
      location: 'Shanghai, China'
    // Header config (Optional)
    nav: [ 
      {text: 'HOME', link: '/' },
      {text: 'ABOUT', link: '/about/'},
      {text: 'TAGS', link: '/tags/'}      
    //  Background image of navbar in public directory 
    header: {
      home: {
        title: 'Top Blog', 
        subtitle: 'Happy Life, slowly meeting', 
        headerImage: '/home-bg.jpeg'
      // title and background image about tag in public directory
      tags: {
        title: 'Tags', 
        subtitle: 'It took all my luck to meet you', 
        headerImage: '/tags-bg.jpg'
      // background image of Post's navbar
      postHeaderImg: '/post-bg.jpeg',
    // Accounts of SNS
    sns: {
      // Jianshu account and link
      "jianshu": { 
        account: "jianshu", 
        link: "", 
      // Weibo account and link
      "weibo": { 
        account: "",
        link: ""
      // Zhihu account and link
      "zhihu": { 
        account: "zhihu",
        link: ""
      // Github account and link
      "github": { 
        account: "github",
        link: ""
    // Footer of website config
    footer: {
      // Gitbutton config
      gitbtn: {
        // github repository
        repository: "",
        frameborder: 0,
        scrolling: 0,
        width: "80px",
        height: "20px"
      // Add footer content
      custom: `Copyright &copy; Top Blog 2020 <br /> 
        Theme By <a href="" target="_blank">VuePress</a>
        | <a href="" target="_blank">keyanMalfoy</a>`
    // Pagination config
    pagination: {
      // number of perPage
      perPage: 5,
    // Comments config. See the [Posts Comments] section below.
    comments: {    
      owner: 'keyanMalfoy',
      repo: 'blog',
      clientId: 'dfba8ecad544784fec1f',
      clientSecret: '1358ac11bc8face24f598601991083e27372988d',
      autoCreateIssue: false,

About page config

layout: about 
title: About
subtitle: You can be great but you don't have to be perfect
headerImage: /about-bg.jpg # picture in public directory

About personal Information...

Write your posts

Create first files in src/_posts:

<!-- _posts/ -->
title: "JavaScript about Promise"
date: 2019-04-01
  - Promise
  - JavaScript

This is my first post.

The content above `more` is the excerpt, which will be displayed in the posts list.

<!-- more -->

The content below `more` will only be displayed when viewing this post, and will not be displayed in the posts list.

Run the script to generate your blog website:

# develop
npm run dev
# build
npm run build


If you like the theme, you can Star to support me ~~ Thank you🙏🙏


No description, website, or topics provided.







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