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Updates and refactoring of arquillian testsuite.
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tkyjovsk committed Sep 18, 2015
1 parent 379fc89 commit e16cc49
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Showing 365 changed files with 20,180 additions and 3,436 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions pom.xml
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<modules> <modules>
<module>docbook</module> <module>docbook</module>
<module>distribution</module> <module>distribution</module>
</modules> </modules>
</profile> </profile>

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</build> </build>
</profile> </profile>


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66 changes: 53 additions & 13 deletions testsuite/integration-arquillian/
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Testing admin console with Arquillian # Keycloak Integration Testsuite with Arquillian

There are currently two ways of running the tests with help of Arquillian. ## Structure

Remote mode ```
---------- integration-arquillian
├──servers (submodules enabled via profiles)
│ ├──wildfly
│ └──eap6
└──adapters (submodules enabled via profiles, all depend on base)
├──wildfly-relative (needs servers/wildfly)
Just simply typle `mvn verify` and you are all set. This requires the instance of Wildfly with embedded Keycloak to be already running. ```

Managed mode ## General Concepts

You need to pass two arguments to Maven, first is location of your Wildfly server with embedded Keycloak and the other is name of the profile. The testsuite supports **multiple server runtimes** for the Keycloak server.
The **default is Undertow** which is the fastest and easiest option, and runs in the same JVM as the tests.

mvn verify -Pwildfly-8-managed -DjbossHome=/your/server/location Other options are **Wildfly 9** and **EAP 6**. These have some additional requirements and limitations:
1. The selected server module must be built before any tests can be run.
All server-side configuration is done during this build (e.g. datasource configuration).
Once server artifact is built the tests modules can unpack it via `maven-dependency-plugin` into their working directory before running.
2. Before the selected server module can be built the `keycloak/distribution` module also needs to be built.

Browser ### Server Runtimes

There are currently two supported browsers - PhantomJS and Firefox. PhantomJS is the default one, in order to use Firefox just specify `-Dbrowser=firefox` parameter in the Maven command. TODO: explain why separate module, list config options, note on migration modules

### Base Testsuite

login flows + account management

admin ui

abstract adapter tests

### Adapter Tests

test servlets: demo, session


## Running the Tests

### Undertow

### Wildfly or EAP 6

### Adapters

### Supported Browsers
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions testsuite/integration-arquillian/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
# Keycloak Integration Testsuite with Arquillian


## Usage

Running the tests: `mvn test` or `mvn clean test`

## Test suite

### Selecting container for Keycloak Server

The testsuite requires a container for Keycloak Server to be selected.
This container is used by all tests in the suite during a single test execution.

*By default* the tests run with server on embedded *Undertow*.
A different container can be selected with profile, e.g. `-Pauth-server-wildfly`.

### Containers Supported for Keycloak Server

| Container | Arquillian Qualifier | Maven | Dependencies |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| **Undertow** | `auth-server-undertow` | **default** | `undertow-core`, `resteasy-undertow` |
| **Wildfly 9** | `auth-server-wildfly` | `-Pauth-server-wildfly` | `keycloak-server-dist` or `wildfly-dist`+`keycloak-server-overlay` |
| **EAP 6.4** | `auth-server-eap6` | `-Pauth-server-eap6` | `keycloak-server-dist` or `eap6-dist`+`keycloak-server-overlay` |

See the relevant container definitions in `arquillian.xml` located in the **test resources** folder.

### Test Class Hierarchy
├── AbstractAdminConsoleTest
└── AbstractAdapterTest

### AbstractKeycloakTest

Handles test realms. Provides Admin Client for REST operations.

* **@BeforeClass**
1. Updates the admin password to enable the admin user.
* **@Before**
1. Initiates admin client
2. Imports test realms. (Loading test realms is overriden in subclasses.)
* **@After**
1. Removes test realms.
2. Closes admin client.

### ContainersTestEnricher

Manages *container lifecycles*.

`ContainersTestEnricher` is a custom Arquillian observer that handles lifecycles of auth server and app server containers for each test class.
Containers are started during `@BeforeClass` and shut down during `@AfterClass` event.

*Optionally* each test class can be annotated with `@AuthServerContainer("qualifier")` and `@AppServerConatiner("qualifier")` annotations
to indicate containers required for the test.

* In case `@AuthServerContainer` is not present the *auth server qualifier* is loaded from `auth.server.container` property.
* In case `@AppServerContainer` is not present or it's value is the same as *auth server qualifier*, the app server isn't started for the test class.

## Admin Console Tests

Tests for admin console are located in `org/keycloak/testsuite/console`.
Related non-test classes are located on the same path in the **main sources**.

Admin console tests are **ENABLED by default**. They can be disabled by `-P no-console`.

## Adapter Tests

Adapter tests are located in `org/keycloak/testsuite/adapter`.
Related non-test classes can be found on the same path in the **main sources**.

Adapter tests are **DISABLED by default**. They can be enabled by profiles.
Multiple profiles can be enabled for a single test execution.

*Note:* When testing adapter with multiple containers in a single run it is better
to use the `--fail-at-end` (`-fae`) strategy instead of the default `--fail-fast` one.
This will allow Maven to continue building other modules even if some of them have test failures.

### Containers Supported for Adapter Tests

| Container | Arquillian Qualifier | Maven | Dependencies |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| **Wildfly 9** Relative | `auth-server-wildfly` | `-Pauth-server-wildfly` | `keycloak-server-dist` or `wildfly-dist`+`keycloak-server-overlay`, `keycloak-adapter-dist-wf9` |
| **Wildfly 9** | `app-server-wildfly` | `-Papp-server-wildfly` | `wildfly-dist`, `keycloak-adapter-dist-wf9` |
| **Wildfly 8** | `app-server-wildfly` | `-Papp-server-wildfly8` | `wildfly-dist:8.2.1.Final`, `keycloak-adapter-dist-wf8` |
| **JBoss AS 7** | `app-server-as7` | `-Papp-server-as7` | `jboss-as-dist`, `keycloak-adapter-dist-as7` |
| **Tomcat 8** | `app-server-tomcat` | `-Papp-server-tomcat` | `tomcat`, `keycloak-tomcat8-adapter-dist` |
| **Karaf 3** | `app-server-karaf` | `-Papp-server-karaf` | `apache-camel`, `apache-cxf`, `keycloak-osgi-features`, `keycloak-fuse-example-features` |

See the relevant container definitions in `tests/adapter/<container>/src/main/xslt/arquillian.xsl`.

***Important:*** Arquillian cannot load multiple controllers for JBossAS/Wildfly containers in a single run (because same class name)
but a different controller is required for JBossAS7/EAP6 than for WF8/9. Because of this:

- Adapter tests for *Wildfly 8/9* cannot be run against server on *EAP 6*. `-Papp-server-wildfly*``!auth-server-eap6`
- Adapter tests for *JBossAS 7* can only be run against server on *EAP 6*. `-Papp-server-as7,auth-server-eap6`

### Adapter Test Types

1. Using **test servlets**.
2. Using **example/demo wars**.

└── AbstractAdapterTest
├── AbstractServletsAdapterTest
| ├── Relative…
| ├── Wildfly…
| ├── Tomcat…
| …
└── AbstractExampleAdapterTest
├── AbstractDemoExampleAdapterTest
| ├── Relative…
| ├── Wildfly…
| ├── Tomcat…
| …
├── AbstractBasicAuthExampleAdapterTest
| ├── Relative…
| ├── Wildfly…
| ├── Tomcat…
| …

### Relative vs Non-relative scenario

The test suite can handle both types.
It automatically modifies imported test realms and deployments' adapter configs based on scenario type.

| Scenario | Description | Realm config (server side) | Adapter config (client side) |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| **Relative** | Both Keycloak Server and test apps running in the same container. | client `baseUrl`, `adminUrl` and `redirect-uris` can be relative | `auth-server-url` can be relative |
| **Non-relative** | Test apps run in a different container than Keycloak Server. | client `baseUrl`, `adminUrl` and `redirect-uris` need to include FQDN of the app server | `auth-server-url` needs to include FQDN of the auth server|

### Adapter Libraries Mode

1. **Provided.** By container, e.g. as a subsystem. *Default.*
2. **Bundled.** In the deployed war in `/WEB-INF/libs`. Enable with `-Dadapter.libs.bundled`. *Wildfly only*.

### Adapter Config Mode

1. ~~**Provided.** In `standalone.xml` using `secure-deployment`. *Wildfly only.*~~ WIP
2. **Bundled.** In the deployed war in `/WEB-INF/keycloak.json`. *Default.*

### Adapters Test Coverage

| Module | Coverage | Supported Containers |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ***Test Servlets*** | Good | All |
| **Demo** | Minimal, WIP | `auth-server-wildfly` (relative) |
| **Admin Client** | |
| **Cordova** | |
| **CORS** | |
| **JS Console** | Good | `auth-server-wildfly` (relative) |
| **Providers** | |
| Themes | |
| Multitenancy | WIP | |
| **Basic Auth** | Good | All |
| **Fuse** | Good | `app-server-karaf` |
| SAML | |
| LDAP | |
| Kerberos | |

## Supported Browsers

| Browser | Maven |
| --- | --- |
| **PhantomJS** | `-Dbrowser=phantomjs` **default** |
| **Firefox** | `-Dbrowser=firefox` |

## Custom Arquillian Extensions

Custom extensions are registered in `META-INF/services/org.jboss.arquillian.core.spi.LoadableExtension`.

* Multiple containers extension
* Replaces Arquillian's default container handling.
* Allows to manage multiple container instances of different types within a single test run.
* Allows to skip loading disabled containers based on `enabled` config property in `arquillian.xml`.
* Custom extension
* `ContainersTestEnricher` - Handles lifecycles of auth-server and app-server.
* `CustomUndertowContainer` - A custom container controller for JAX-RS-enabled Undertow with Keycloak Server.
* `DeploymentArchiveProcessor` - Modifies adapter config before deployment on app server based on relative/non-relative scenario.
* `URLProvider` - Fixes URLs injected by Arquillian which contain instead of localhost.
* `JiraTestExecutionDecider` - Skipping tests for unresolved JIRAs.

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