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BSDetector client

Detector of bad smells in JavaScript code

Project description

This is a uni project for Technologies of Software Development course. It's a web app that allows developers to check their JavaScript code for bad smells by performing static code analysis of uploaded code. The project is split into two repositories. This one contains client app built in Vue.js and Vuetify, whereas the backend repo is here.

Our MVP would be a web app capable of detecting bad smells in uploaded JavaScript code by performing static code analysis.

A nice-to-have feature that we will possibly try to implement would be integration with GitHub via Oauth or Github Apps API that would allow users to login via GitHub and analyze specified branch of a given GitHub repo.

CI/CD Pipeline

This project (applies only to the client stored in this repo) achieves CI/CD via Netlify. Upon every commit to production branch, the app is built, tested and deployed here. Additionally, every PR is built, tested and deployed with a separate url. Tools used for project management are described in backend repo.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run tests

Unit tests with Jest

npm run test:unit

E2E tests with Cypress

npx cypress run

Before running E2E tests, make sure that the app is served at the address specified in cypress.json (by default http://localhost:8080). Also ensure that the backend service is running at the address specified in .env.


BSDetector client- JavaScript static code analysis tool






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Contributors 4
