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Leetcode C# solution and notes

I will use this repository to make notes for leetcode solutions and classify the problems by different topics.

Solved Problem List

Total solved: 108


ID Difficulty Tags Solution Similar Problem
206 Easy Linked List Reverse Linked List
138 Medium LinkedList, Dictionary Copy List with Random Pointer
419 Medium Two dimentional array Battleships in a Board
273 Hard Math, string Integer to English Words
54 Medium Array Spiral Matrix
171 Easy Math Excel Sheet Column Number 168
235 Medium BST Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
200 Medium BFS, DFS Number of Islands
88 Easy Two pointers Merge Sorted Array
236 Medium Tree Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
48 Medium Array Rotate Image
445 Medium LinkedList, Stack Add Two Numbers II
268 Easy Array, Bit Manipulation Missing Number
1 Easy Array, Hash Table (Dictionary) Two Sum
186 Medium String Reverse Words in a String II
53 Easy Dynamic Programming, Divide and Conquer Maximum Subarray
103 Medium Tree, BFS, Stack Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
151 Medium String Reverse Words in a String
116 Medium Tree, DFS Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
75 Medium Array, Two pointers, Sort Sort Colors
73 Medium Array Set Matrix Zeroes
238 Medium Array Product of Array Except Self
237 Easy Linked List Delete Node in a Linked List
121 Easy Array, Dynamic Programming Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
168 Easy Math, char Excel Sheet Column Title 171
141 Easy Two pointers, Linked List Linked List Cycle
13 Easy String, Math Roman to Integer
98 Medium Tree, DFS Validate Binary Search Tree
117 Medium Tree Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
21 Easy Linked List Merge Two Sorted Lists
20 Easy Stack, String Valid Parentheses
8 Medium Math, String String to Integer (atoi)
2 Medium LinkedList, Math Add Two Numbers
33 Medium Binary Search, Array Search in Rotated Sorted Array
232 Easy Stack, Design Implement Queue using Stacks
153 Medium Binary Search, Array Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
24 Medium Linked List Swap Nodes in Pairs
173 Medium Tree, Stack, Degine Binary Search Tree Iterator
215 Medium Divide and Conquer Kth Largest Element in an Array
106 Medium Tree, DFS, Array Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal


ID Difficulty Tags Solution Similar Problem
2 Medium LinkedList, Math Add Two Numbers
5 Medium string Longest Palindromic Substring
11 Medium Array, Two pointers Container With Most Water
13 Easy String, Math Roman to Integer
14 Easy String Longest Common Prefix
15 Medium Array, Two pointers 3Sum
17 Medium string, backtracking Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
19 Medium LinkedList, Two Pointers Remove Nth Node From End of List
22 Medium BackTracking, DFS Generate Parentheses
38 Easy String Count and Say
53 Easy Dynamic Programming, Divide and Conquer Maximum Subarray
66 Easy Array, Math Plus One 67
67 Easy String, Math Add Binary
69 Easy Binary Search, Math Sqrt(x) 367
70 Easy Dynamic Programming Climbing Stairs
101 Easy Tree Symmetric Tree
108 Easy Tree, DFS Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
118 Easy Array, Math Pascal's Triangle
121 Easy Array, Dynamic Programming Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
122 Easy Array Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
155 Easy Stack, Design Min Stack
160 Easy LinkedList Intersection of Two Linked Lists
169 Easy Dictionary Majority Element
171 Easy Math Excel Sheet Column Number 168
172 Easy Math Factorial Trailing Zeroes
189 Easy Arrays, Two pointers Rotate Array
198 Easy Dynamic Programming House Robber
202 Easy Math, HashSet Happy Number
204 Easy Math, Array Count Primes
217 Easy Dictionary Contains Duplicate
219 Easy HashMap, HashSet, Sliding window Contains Duplicate II
268 Easy Array, Bit Manipulation Missing Number
344 Easy Two pointers Reverse String
349 Easy Two pointers, HashMap(Dictionary) Intersection of Two Arrays
350 Easy Two pointers, HashMap(Dictionary) Intersection of Two Arrays II
371 Easy Bit Manipulation Sum of Two Integers
387 Easy HashMap(Dictionary), string First Unique Character in a String
412 Easy Math Fizz Buzz
105 Medium Tree, DFS, Array Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal

Algorithms Basics

First, I will start from the very basic and useful part. The Leetcode Course Section, which is selected interview questions aimed for beginners who do not know algorithms or need a refresher. Learn by doing.

Chapter 1. Array / String (with similar problem)

ID Difficulty Tags Solution
26 Easy Array, Two Pointers Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
27 Easy Array, Two Pointers Remove Element
203 Easy Linked List Remove Linked List Elements
283 Easy Array, Two Pointers Move Zeroes
167 Easy Arra, Two Pointers, Binary Search Two Sum II - Input array is sorted
1 Easy Array, Hash Table (Dictionary) Two Sum
653 Easy Binary search Tree, HashSet, BFS, recursion, traverse Two Sum IV - Input is a BST
242 Easy Hash Table (Dictionary) Valid Anagram
438 Easy Hash Table (Dictionary), Two pointer, Sub string, Sliding window Find All Anagrams in a String
3 Medium Hash Table (Dictionary), Two pointer, Sub string, Sliding window Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
28 Easy Two pointer, String Implement strStr()
459 Easy String Repeated Substring Pattern
8 Medium Math, String String to Integer (atoi)

Chapter 2. Linked List (with similar problem)

ID Difficulty Tags Solution
237 Easy Linked List Delete Node in a Linked List
206 Easy Linked List Reverse Linked List
234 Easy Linked List, Two Pointers Palindrome Linked List
9 Easy Math Palindrome Number
125 Easy Two pointers, String Valid Palindrome
141 Easy Two pointers, Linked List Linked List Cycle
142 Medium Two pointers, Linked List Linked List Cycle II
21 Easy Linked List Merge Two Sorted Lists
88 Easy Two pointers Merge Sorted Array
24 Medium Linked List Swap Nodes in Pairs

Chapter 3. Binary Tree

ID Difficulty Tags Solution
104 Easy Tree, DFS, BFS level traverse Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
110 Easy Tree, DFS Balanced Binary Tree
111 Easy Tree, DFS, Recursion Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
100 Easy Tree, DFS Same Tree
112 Easy Tree, DFS Path Sum
437 Easy Tree, DFS Path Sum III
257 Easy Tree, DFS Binary Tree Paths
98 Medium Tree, DFS Validate Binary Search Tree
94 Medium Tree, Stack Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
144 Medium Tree, Stack Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
145 Medium Tree, Stack Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
102 Medium Tree, Queue, BFS Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
-- Easy Tree, Recursion Binary Tree Traversal (Recursion)
-- Medium Tree, Iteration Binary Tree Traversal (Iteration)

Chapter 4. Stack and Queue

ID Difficulty Tags Solution
225 Easy Stack, Design Implement Stack using Queues
232 Easy Stack, Design Implement Queue using Stacks
20 Easy Stack, String Valid Parentheses
102 Medium Tree, Queue, Breadth-first Search Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

Chapter 5. Bit Manipulation

ID Difficulty Tags Solution
136 Easy Bit Manipulation n Single Number
190 Easy Bit Manipulation n Reverse Bits
191 Easy Bit Manipulation n Number of 1 Bits
231 Easy Bit Manipulation n Power of Two
342 Easy Bit Manipulation n Power of Four

Chapter 6. Binary Search

ID Difficulty Tags Solution
278 Easy Binary Search First Bad Version
374 Easy Binary Search Guess Number Higher or Lower(Current NO C# OJ Support)
35 Easy Binary Search, Array Search Insert Position
34 Medium Binary Search, Array Search for a Range
367 Medium Binary Search Valid Perfect Square

Other Topics


ID Difficulty Tags Solution
-- Medium Merge sort MergeSort
-- Medium Quick sort QuickSort
21 Easy Linked List Merge Two Sorted Lists
88 Easy Two pointers Merge Sorted Array


All the Palindrome problem's core solution is check if reverse == origin. A efficient way is to compare reverse the sencond half, and check if FirstHalf(origin) == SecondHalf(reversed). For int, core solution is:

while (x > rev) {
    rev = rev * 10 + x % 10;
    x = x / 10;
return (x == rev || x == rev / 10);

For string, core solution is:

while (left <= right){
    if (char.ToLower(leftChar) 
        != char.ToLower(rightChar)){
        return false;
return true;
ID Difficulty Tags Solution
9 Easy Math Palindrome Number
125 Easy Two pointers, String Valid Palindrome
234 Easy Linked List, Two Pointers Palindrome Linked List

SubString Topic

ID Difficulty Tags Solution
3 Medium Hash Table (Dictionary), Two pointer, Sub string, Sliding window Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
438 Easy Hash Table (Dictionary), Two pointer, Sub string, Sliding window Find All Anagrams in a String
-- Easy Sliding window for sub string SubString Template

  1. Roman to Integer

Common knowledge

Symbol | I | V | X | L | C | D | M Value | 1 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000

I placed before V or X indicates one less, so IV is 4 (5 - 1) and IX is 9 (10 - 9)

X placed before L or C indicates ten less, so XL is 40 (50 - 10) and XC is 90 (100 - 10)

C placed before D or M indicates a hundred less, so four hundred is CD (a hundred less than five hundred) and nine hundred is CM (a hundred less than a thousand)


My LeetCode Solutions in C#







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