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#Brainwave Biofeedback #Project Overview Our Team:

  • Angeliki Beyko
  • Kim Gerst
  • Susan Greve
  • Nora Helf
  • Emi Lyman
  • Jasmine Russell

##What We Measured ###Meditation Levels (Blue Scale Colors)

  • Gross Meditation (0-51)
  • Subtle Meditation (52-102)
  • Bliss Meditation (103-153)
  • I-ness Meditation (154-204)
  • Objectness Meditation (205-255)

###Attention Levels (Red Scale Colors)

  • None (0-42.5)
  • Focused Attention (42.6-85)
  • Sustained Attention (86-127.5)
  • Selective Attention (127.6-170)
  • Alternating Attention (171-212.5)
  • Divided Attention (212.6-255)

##How We Did It

  • To collect data: Arduino and Star Wars EEG Headset
  • To pull data off Arduino: Node.js
  • To visualize data: Javascript and D3
  • To stream data to webpage:

#Installation & Setup


  1. You have installed the Arduino Software (IDE)
  2. You have installed Node.js

##Program the Arduino

  1. Download the latest release of the Arduino Brain Library as a zip file
  2. From the Arduino IDE, import the Brain Library. From the Sketch menu, select Import Library..., then Add Library... and select the zip file that you downloaded in step 1.
  3. For this project we used one of the examples provided with the Brain Library (BrainSerialTest).

##Installing the Server's Dependencies The locally running server that reads the data off of the Arduino and streams it to a webpage was written using Node. In order to install the project and all its dependencies, follow these steps:

  1. git clone - be ready to provide your github credentials or clone via ssh: git clone

  2. From within the hack-the-gap-2015 directory, execute the following commands:

sudo npm install -g bower
sudo npm install -g gulp
npm install
bower install

##Starting the Local Server If everything was installed correctly, you should now be able to start the server by executing the following command (still from within the hack-the-gap-2015 directory). NOTE that the Arduino needs to be connected to your laptop when you start the server or it will crash (this IS a hack, afterall!).

npm start

##Viewing the Web Page Now you can open your browser to http://localhost:3000 to see the visualization that was created using D3.

#Other References and Notes

##Arduino Code Used

200 means there is an issue with the connection. You will not see eSense values (attention/meditation) unless you have 0 where you have 200.

Signal Strength | Attention | Meditation 0 - 255 for each

The Force Trainer, unlike the Mindflex, only outputs the 3 values, not all 11.

Five Stages of Meditation:

Technology Used:

#What Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive method of obtaining recorded brain activity along the scalp. Through the utilization of electrodes outside of the scalp, brain activity is communicated via electrical impulses providing measurement surrounding data insights such as brain rest state, attention and meditation.

Alternative to EEG technology, utilizing the Star Wars Force Trainer (based NeuroSky chips) provides an affordable alternative to capture of electrical brain signals on a scale range of 0-255. Lower scale points refer to the absence, or minimal existence, of data—while upper range figures represent higher intensity data points.

Performance metrics: Meditation and Attention.

Meditation Levels (Blue Scale Colors) Level 1 Gross Meditation concept surrounding maintaining meditation toward a specific thought or area of concentration. Hex Color: 00FFFF (Scale Range): 0-51

Level 2 Subtle Meditation concept surrounding meditation including the awareness of involving objects and physical form. Hex Color: 33FFFF (Scale Range): 52-102

Level 3 Bliss Meditation concept involving the underlying concepts of gross meditation and subtle meditation to an awareness state of peace and simplicity. Hex Color 66FFFF (Scale Range): 103-153

Level 4 I-ness Meditation concept surrounding awareness of the individual meditator. Singleness “I-ness” Hex Color: 99FFFF (Scale Range): 154-204

Level 5 Objectness Meditation concept surrounding the deepest form of meditation—absence of awareness to objects, surrounding and individual. (Scale Range) 205-255 Attention Levels (Orange Scale Colors) None: Lowest Attention Level (Scale Range): 0-42.5 Focused Attention: Ability to respond to an individual visual or stimuli (Scale Range): 42.6-85 Sustained Attention: Ability to maintain a consistent behavioral response (Scale Range): 86-127.5 Selective Attention: The ability to maintain concentration in the midst of conflicting stimuli (Scale Range): 127.6-170 Alternating Attention: Ability to shift individual focus (Scale Range): 171-212.5 Divided Attention: The highest level of attention and ability to respond to multiple tasks or demands. (Scale Range): 212.6-255


Project source for entry in HackTheGapMN 2015






No releases published
