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Kevin Gilds edited this page May 21, 2017 · 15 revisions

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Grade Matching Methodology: The goal is to prioritize baseline to final grade. Q1 is the priority baseline. What we will have is a Q1 run. It will start out as matching Priority Listing

The first priority Q1-Q4 Q1-Q3 Q1-Q2 This is what will be called a Run or in this case the Q1 run.

The second priority is this

Q2-Q4 Q2-Q3

This will be called the Q2 Run.

The script is set up current for this set up

Q1-Q3 Q1-Q2 Q2-Q3

As there is no Q4 grades to match. Could you add some test data? You could also test out the scripts to run on added data entry.

Worked on survey matches. This script pulls from the pre and post survey for each outcome measures; adds a year_id; merges pre and post cleans it up and does a quick analysis to add success variable. This preps it to add to the database with the history of the matches ie (hr_history). The success variable makes it easier to work with dplyr.


  • Tropical Council q1 data was missing. added script to data load to render that the q1_tropical.rmd file to run after the q1_dm file. It seems to have resolved.

    • need to send updated status report.


  • putting all the quarters together is feasible but analying the way I wanted was not. Developed script to merge the quarter grades together. The challenge is that this will be an evolving script the basic premise is below. Need to create a new script because for grades you are averaging

  • Q1 to Q4

  • Q1 to Q3

  • Q1 to Q2

  • Q2 to Q4

  • Q2 to Q3

  • Q3 to Q4


Spent a lot of time trying to figure out q3 and how to analyze the data; gather, and melt do not seem to give me what I want. I need each time series to go into its own column. could filter out and merge back in. Rbind

  • Worked on Q3 data management; downloaded data and completed data management scripts; updated status report

05/06/2017: Status Report fixed up status report; split survey data from academic data.

04/09/2017: Dealing with semester and quarter grader in time period 2 is terrible. It is terrbily confusing to extract out and put back in; so I put everything in the database and at the time of the report it averages the grade pts and then calculate the difference.


  1. Radial buttons for data entry did not work as planned. Immediate solution was to place the I did not mean to select this option. Look at other options.
  2. council added q1 to q2; kind of your fault. #todo
  3. Grade_avg group_by(girl_code) summarise(reading_avg) do not use reading_avg use grade and if you summarize by girl_code that will give you the gpa. same difference and safer.


Nearly finished q1_dm; need grep to excluded non reading grades; update status report to include q1

critical thinking does not count as a reading.


Next step is for relevant data is download to dropbox folder #todo--This step has been completed.

Working on automated workflow; download csv file; script to read csv file and triggers data management scripts and status report script to run.

09/30/2016 Data entry links are now live and data ready to be entered. Data Entry Links

08/21/2016: Cross checked paper surveys with Qualtrics before final link send.

08/21/2016: In an effort to reduce duplicate entry, the student parent, and teacher surveys were modified in Qualtrics survey with instructions on putting the girl code in the Qualtrics also piped in girlCode, school, and grade in various parts of the survey in Qualtrics. Data management scripts for surveys will have to be adjusted.

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