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R package for testing the difference between 2 agreement coefficients for statistical significance

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Testing the difference of 2 agreement coefficients for statistical significance

Kilem L. Gwet, Ph.D. 2021-09-16


The goal of pairedCAC is to allow you to test the difference between 2 chance-corrected agreement coefficients for statistical significance.



You can install the most current version of pairedCAC from the GitHub repositure as follows:



The pairedCAC is an R package that provides a series of functions for testing the difference between 2 correlated chance-corrected agreement coefficients for statistical significance. This package closely follows the general framework discussed by Gwet (2016) and expanded more recently by Gwet (2021).

Typically, 2 agreement coefficients are correlated when they are based on 2 overlapping samples of subjects or 2 overlapping rosters of raters. For uncorrelated coefficients, the testing is straightforward and discussed in Gwet(2021, section 9.3).


Suppose that Fleiss’ generalized coefficient is calculated on 2 occasions using the 2 datasets of ratings ratings1 and ratings2 included in this package. How do you determine whether the difference between these 2 Fleiss’ kappa coefficients is statistically significant? Proceed as follows:

fleiss <- ttest.fleiss(ratings1,ratings2)
#>   fleiss.coeff1 fleiss.coeff2 coeff.diff   std.err   t.stat    p.value n.obs
#> 1     0.3856655     0.7248495   0.339184 0.1574322 2.154477 0.04910569    15
#>   n.raters1 n.raters2
#> 1         4         4

The function ttest.fleiss() returns a 2-element list, the first of which is a data frame named test that you can display with the expression fleiss$test. This data frame contains the test statistics shown above.

Fleiss’ generalized kappa coefficients associated with the datasets 1 and 2 are respectively given by fleiss.coeff1 =0.386 and fleiss.coeff2 = 0.725. The difference between the second and first coefficient that is to be tested for statistical significance is given by coeff.diff = 0.339 and its standard error is std.err = 0.157.

Now, a key element for testing the statistical significance of the difference is the Test Statistic t.stat = 2.154 that you must compare to the 97.5-th of the Standard Normal distribution, which is 1.96. Since the test statistic exceeds this threshold, you may conclude that the difference is statistically significant.

The ttest.fleiss() function also outputs the p-value associated with the difference between the 2 Fleiss’ kappa coefficients. In our example, it is given by p-value = 0.0491, which is smaller than the standard threshold of 0.05. This is an indication that the difference is statistically significant.

Here are the 2 data frames ratings1 and ratings2 and the 6 functions available for testing the difference between agreement coefficients for statistical significance.

#>    RaterA RaterB RaterC RaterD RaterA.1 RaterB.1 RaterC.1 RaterD.1
#> 1       1      1      1      1        1        1        1        1
#> 2       1      1      2      3        3        3        3        2
#> 3       1      1      2      3        3        3        3        3
#> 4       2      2      2      3        1        1        2        1
#> 5       1      2      1      1        1        1        1        1
#> 6       2      1      1      1        1        1        1        1
#> 7       2      2      2      2        2        2        2        2
#> 8       2      3      2      2        2        2        1        1
#> 9       3      3      3      3        3        3        3        3
#> 10      1      1      1      1        1        1        1        3
#> 11      1      1      2      3        2        2        2        2
#> 12      3      3      3      3        3        3        3        3
#> 13      3      2      3      3        3        3        3        3
#> 14      1      2      1      1        1        2        1        1
#> 15      2      1      1      1        3        3        3        3
fleiss <- ttest.fleiss(ratings1,ratings2[,1:3])
ac2 <- ttest.ac2(ratings1,ratings2)
conger <- ttest.conger(ratings1,ratings2)
alpha <- ttest.alpha(ratings1,ratings2)
bp <- ttest.bp(ratings1,ratings2)
pa <-,ratings2)
#> $test
#>   fleiss.coeff1 fleiss.coeff2 coeff.diff   std.err  t.stat    p.value n.obs
#> 1     0.3856655     0.7942073  0.4085418 0.1612858 2.53303 0.02389035    15
#>   n.raters1 n.raters2
#> 1         4         3
#> $weights
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    1    0    0
#> [2,]    0    1    0
#> [3,]    0    0    1
#> $test
#>   ac2.coeff1 ac2.coeff2 coeff.diff   std.err   t.stat    p.value n.obs
#> 1  0.4069193   0.737382  0.3304628 0.1452689 2.274835 0.03917311    15
#>   n.raters1 n.raters2
#> 1         4         4
#> $weights
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    1    0    0
#> [2,]    0    1    0
#> [3,]    0    0    1
#> $test
#>   conger.coeff1 conger.coeff2 coeff.diff   std.err   t.stat    p.value n.obs
#> 1     0.3932584     0.7250859  0.3318275 0.1527202 2.172781 0.04745695    15
#>   n.raters1 n.raters2
#> 1         4         4
#> $weights
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    1    0    0
#> [2,]    0    1    0
#> [3,]    0    0    1
#> $test
#>   alpha.coeff1 alpha.coeff2 coeff.diff   std.err   t.stat    p.value n.obs
#> 1    0.3959044    0.7294354  0.3335309 0.1548083 2.154477 0.04910569    15
#>   n.raters1 n.raters2
#> 1         4         4
#> $weights
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    1    0    0
#> [2,]    0    1    0
#> [3,]    0    0    1
#> $test
#>   bp.coeff1 bp.coeff2 coeff.diff   std.err   t.stat    p.value n.obs n.raters1
#> 1       0.4 0.7333333  0.3333333 0.1477342 2.256304 0.04056859    15         4
#>   n.raters2
#> 1         4
#> $weights
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    1    0    0
#> [2,]    0    1    0
#> [3,]    0    0    1
#> $test
#>   pa.coeff1 pa.coeff2 coeff.diff    std.err   t.stat    p.value n.obs n.raters1
#> 1       0.6 0.8222222  0.2222222 0.09848947 2.256304 0.04056859    15         4
#>   n.raters2
#> 1         4
#> $weights
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    1    0    0
#> [2,]    0    1    0
#> [3,]    0    0    1


  1. Gwet, K.L. (2016), Testing the Difference of Correlated Agreement Coefficients for Statistical Significance, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol. 76(4) 609–637.

  2. Gwet, K.L. (2021, ISBN:978-1792354632). “Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability, Volume 1: Analysis of Categorical Ratings,” 5th Edition. AgreeStat Analytics


R package for testing the difference between 2 agreement coefficients for statistical significance






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