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Account-Management Test


- Java 11 : it should be installed before running script
- Spring boot 2.7.3
- Maven 3+ : it should be installed before running script
- Ms Access : Import database into MS ACCESS from this folder `database/accountsdb.accdb`
- Install zipkin & ELK 7.17.4
- Zipkin for tracing microservice -> Setup: docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin
- I have ELK installed in my local but will share docker-compose later but ELK 8 have different settings
- Logstash will collect logs and emit to elastic search and visualize in the kibana

Project Description

  • When you run frontend the login page will show the all username and password so you can use whatever you want
  • You can search only with admin credential
  • You must import database because I bind user column in the statement table

Configuration for database:

  • Go to this file of the below Project & File :
    • config-server\src\main\resources\config\
  • Change the path where you put accountsdb.accdb file in your system
  • Replace C:/code/test/JavaTest with your drive path & make sure to use slash. Below is the example
  • db.path=C:/code/test/JavaTest/accountsdb.accdb

Build Project to create Jar for all applications

  • Go to build-script.bat file for the root project

  • Open in the text editor and set the root path of all project in the below line

    • set project_path=C:/code/test/user-account-project/
    • Run the bat file
  • If you want to run project manually, go to specific folder in the below sequence and build with the mentioned commands

    • eureka-server
      • mvn clean package
    • config-server
      • mvn clean package
    • common-module
      • mvn clean package
    • user-ws
      • mvn clean package
    • account-ws
      • mvn clean package
    • account-statement-ws
      • mvn clean package
    • api-gateway-ws
      • mvn clean package

Run Jar in the below sequence

Go to project folder of the specific project and & Run below command

  • Run zipkin

  • Elastic Search Server:

      	Add user-ws in the elastic search 	
      	Go to this -> stackmanagement/Dataviews/Index pattern  and Add Index pattern using timestamp
      	See the logs:
      	Go to this path: Anaylytics/Discovery  and see user-ws*
      	user-ws & different microservice project will be seen after running whole microservice application
  • Running logstash use below command in the bin folder of the installed logstash and file is present in the root folder

    • logstash -f simple-config.conf
  • Run kibana

  • eureka-server:

    • java -jar target\eureka-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • config-server:

    • java -jar target\config-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • user-ws

    • java -jar target\user-ws-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • account-ws

    • java -jar target\config-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • account-statement-ws

    • java -jar target\account-statement-ws-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • api-gateway-ws

    • java -jar target\api-gateway-ws-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

See the Sonar Report

  • I take screenshot of the projects because export in the pdf require paid version, I might be wrong to find export in the UI
  • Go to reports folder to see the project report
  • I do not cover too much test coverage because It will require too much time and its just test :)

Frontend Project

  • For Build & Run, Go to front-end folder, use below command
  • npm i
  • npm start


front-end & microservice backend






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