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Frontend Mentor - Sunnyside agency landing page solution

This is a solution to the Sunnyside agency landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page


  • (./screenshot/desktop.png.jpg) - desktop preview
  • (./screenshot/mobile.png.jpg) - mobile preview


My process

The first thing i did was to build up the Semantic HTML structure to have a general idea on how i will do the layout and split every in simple elements so can style them efficiently.

For this challenge i decided to test the things i read about 7-1 pattern on SASS so i start making a folder architecture like abstracts, base, and etc.

Next thing is putting classes on my HTML. I also studying the BEM methodology in naming classes that's why i used BEM.

I style the page starting from the top using mobile first approach, from header to footer.

I kinda get stuck on making the navigation menu for the mobile. this is my first time making one so tried to watch some tutorials first on making a basic one and then i tried to do it myself given with the designs need to have.

Next thing is to build the style for the desktop view i make a breakpoint for the tablet which is 750px and i used it on every element, a lot of try and error i guess.

Finally some finishing touch like hovers and animation.

Built with

What I learned

I learned a lot of things during this challenge like organizing my html architecture by semantic html tags like section, nav, footer. Also tried out the 7-1 pattern on SASS and BEM methodologies for naming classes. I also gain a knowledge on how to build a responsive navigation bar with a hamburger button.

Continued development

Although my architecture on both html and css/sass is kinda messy yet i want them to improve by practice and practice on building websites. Also to improve on responsiveness and more efficient way to approach these kind of problems. I think for my next project i will focus and study more about responsive typography.



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